"Lord, the tower has been captured."


Ning Fan looked at the Jiuchongguan Tower in front of him with a bit of emotion in his eyes. This majestic pass was no less than the Hanging Sword Pass of Dayu!

But now, under the bloody battle of Dayu's soldiers, this great pass has been trampled under his feet.

"Let's go up and have a look."

"If this king's prediction is correct, King Qi should be impatient."

"Daqi heavy armored soldiers?"

Ning Fan nodded slightly, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, and said calmly: "As far as I know, the smelting technology in Guanshan is backward. But according to the news from this king, the heavy armored soldiers under King Qi are all Wearing face armor."

"It's worth pondering."

"My lord means..."

Ning Fan shook his head and did not continue. Instead, he said with a playful expression: "It doesn't matter, I might as well take this opportunity today to see what this heavy armored soldier is like!"

"This king has prepared a great gift for them."


While talking, Ning Fan also led Guo Jia, Li Ru and others to the city tower. The fighting below had already begun. From the top of the city tower, one could see countless black dots holding torches, fighting in a group.

Looking back, the shouts of killing were also faintly visible, the fire in Dayu's camp was burning at its peak, and the sound of horseshoes neighing could be heard continuously. It was obvious that the battle between Chen Qingzhi and the others had entered a fever pitch.


Seeing Ning Fan's figure, Huo Qubing, who was commanding from behind, also came up to him and bowed respectfully.

"How's the battle going?"

"Wei Wu soldiers and the beggar army are charging into the formation!"

"Possibly taken?"

Huo Qubing nodded slightly and said in a solemn voice: "These Qi heavy-armored soldiers are all wearing heavy armor, and they occupy a favorable location to guard the important roads. The terrain is narrow and it is not easy for our people to invade."

"Ordinary weapons worn on their bodies cannot break through the armor."

"The general has ordered people to set up catapults and launch them from the tower."

Hearing Huo Qubing's words, Ning Fan chuckled and said calmly: "There is no need to go to such trouble, go and summon Dian Wei."


Not long after, Dian Wei's bloody figure withdrew from the front line. After seeing Ning Fan, he hurriedly came to greet him: "Lord!"

"Come on, bring the Mo Dao army!"

"Mo Dao Army!"

Dian Wei's eyes lit up, and his face showed a bit of excitement: "Master, I can't wait for a long time. These brats, relying on their rough skin and thick flesh, actually want to counterattack from the alley."


"Back then, a thousand soldiers of swordsmen chopped down Da Yan's boys at Xuanjian Pass!"

"Now that Mo Dao's army has expanded to five thousand, I want to see if these barbarians can stand it."


King Qi stood on a building in the alley and looked around. He saw Dayu's soldiers charging forward, waving their weapons and slashing wildly, but the heavy armored soldiers were only scratched!

Continuous offensives ended in failure, and King Qi's heart gradually sank.


"Your Majesty, all these Central Plains people are dumbfounded!"

"Did you see that the people from the Central Plains who were howling just now are now like eggplants beaten by frost?"

"Hahaha, when our heavy-armored troops are deployed, how can they have any room to clamor?"

King Qi and all the generals beside him laughed loudly. In front of Dayu's formation, Ran Min had a murderous look on his face. Xu Chu and others next to him were also looking at the black turtle shell in front of them in frustration!

"Damn, I've never been so frustrated!"

"Yong Zeng, let's attack again. Let's tear a hole open and let the soldiers attack."

"I don't believe it, these turtles can still stop us!"

Xu Chu spoke with a violent expression. Yang Zaixing next to him also had strong energy gushing from his body, and there was also a hint of anger hidden in his eyes. Ran Min shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "Even if we can kill them, the soldiers still can't break them." "

"If it continues, it will only increase casualties. Zhongkang, don't resist recklessness!"

"Let the soldiers retreat first, I believe the lord has already got a countermeasure!"

Xu Chu let out a deep breath, took a deep look at the alley, spat lightly, and strode back with the waterfall broken in his hands.

With shaky steps and low blood stains on his body, it was obvious that this burly man had reached his physical limit.


Ran Min glanced at the alley with his deep eyes, and directly ordered the withdrawal. Now late at night, the light is dim, which is not conducive to attacking the enemy. Wait until dawn, even if they really put a layer of tortoise shells on themselves, they will still be killed. Pry open!

Seeing Dayu withdrawing his troops, King Qi couldn't help but laugh loudly and said loudly: "Hahaha, fortunately, I had the foresight to bring back the heavy armored troops, otherwise I might have lost the Nine Levels Pass today."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

All the civil and military personnel under King Qi also flattered him with flattering expressions and showed hearty smiles.

"My lord, do you see?"

"Is this... Dayu preparing to attack again?"

Seeing another armored team entering the battle, King Qi's eyes narrowed and a sneer hung on his lips: "Haha, why don't you give up?"

"It doesn't matter, just let them attack."

"Just now tens of thousands of people couldn't break a single hole, but now there are only a few thousand people, and they want to capture the pass guarded by Daqi's heavy armor?"

"It's simply a matter of life and death."

King Qi smiled contemptuously, but the next second, the smile on his face froze.

I saw a series of loud noises coming from the tower in the distance, and rocks flew all over the sky and hit the alley. At first, three or five huge rocks fell on the houses on both sides of the alley.

But then, dozens or even hundreds of huge rocks fell directly on the heads of the heavy armored soldiers.

"Your Highness!"

"The damn Yu people actually used catapults."

"Damn it!"

The King of Qi also froze his smile, and said with a gloomy face: "It doesn't matter, it's just a few catapults, it can't shake the foundation of my heavy armored army, it's just a few more casualties, as long as the Yu people can be buried here, this king can bear it!"

"Pass my order, let the heavy armored army rush out and annihilate the Yu army that rushed up!"


An armored general strode forward, raised his spear directly, and shouted in a low voice: "Soldiers, follow me to fight and take back the city tower!"


Seeing the huge rocks flying in the air, a group of heavy armored soldiers were also holding back their anger, raised their shields and broadswords and rushed towards the Yu army that rushed up.

"Hahaha, Zhongkang, go find a place to rest, I'll help you vent your anger."


Xu Chu glanced at Dian Wei and said lightly: "If you had invited your Mo Dao Army out earlier, how could they have the chance to be arrogant?"

"What can I do if the lord doesn't give the order!"

"After all, the Mo Dao Army is a treasure, and this time the lord has prepared secret weapons for them, hehe!"


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