
Just as the two of them were looking at each other in silence, Huang Zhong strode in with an arrow in his hand. His eyes fell on the empress. He was stunned for a moment, and then said softly: "See His Majesty Emperor Li."


Mu Qingcheng just snorted coldly, glanced at him lightly, then glared at Ning Fan fiercely, and strode towards the attic.

"What's the matter?"

"Back to my lord, the battlefield has been cleaned up and the fires all over the city have been put out."

"I have observed that after one use of this armor-piercing arrow, the edge of the arrow has been damaged. I am afraid that it will be difficult to use it a second time. Moreover, this armor-piercing arrow can break through the heavy armor of Qi's heavy armored soldiers. Although it can penetrate the chest, if one day we face Wu and Shu The sword-wielding attendants and even Da Yan's heavy armored infantry may not be able to form effective lethality. "

"Yes!" Ning Fan nodded slightly, thought carefully, and said softly: "As you mentioned, I have also discovered that although the arrowhead of this armor-piercing arrow is made of fine iron, its edge is sharp and the arrowhead is not hard enough. It cannot be used again after being penetrated!”

"I sent a letter from Wang Fei to the craftsmen in the Ordnance Supervision of the Engineering Bureau to improve it and see if it can be strengthened."


After Huang Zhong nodded, Ning Fan said again: "Go and gather the generals to go to the main hall to discuss matters. Now that the Nine Levels Pass has been lowered, it's time to consider the next plan."

In the attic, Mu Qingcheng looked at the two figures below through the car window, and a voice beside him sounded softly: "Your Majesty, during this trip to Guanshan, the combat power unleashed by King Yong's men is far beyond my level. Comparable!”

"Whether it's generals, soldiers, or even weapons and armor!"

"If my Dali soldiers and horses face these heavily armored soldiers today, I'm afraid I won't get any benefits."

The speaker was a woman dressed as a maid who had been waiting beside Mu Qingcheng. There was a bit of emotion in her words, and her eyes were also shining with wisdom.

Mu Qingcheng looked deeply at Ning Fan below, and said calmly: "He wants to use this southern expedition to demonstrate his military power to me."

"Now I have something to ask of him. He doesn't want to get involved in my dispute with Dali without authorization. However, the only way I can do it is to force him. When the time comes, I will help him even if I don't want to!"

"Your Majesty, there is news from the court that the old man has been ostracized by many courtiers recently, and the battle between the court and the court has become more and more intense."

"Zhu Shangshu and Li Shangshu intend to overthrow Qi Shangshu. If Mr. Cheng doesn't die to protect him, I'm afraid..."

A sneer appeared on Mu Qingcheng's face, and he said lightly: "Let them dance. Only if I am not in court will their flaws be exposed. It just so happens that I can also take this opportunity to take a good look at the faces of the courtiers."

"Perhaps, I should also follow King Yong's example and start a big purge internally."

"Now, Da Yan has suffered a setback in the northern border. In a short period of time, our border with Da Li has been stabilized. I will take this opportunity to dig out all these monsters!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"I, it's time to have an honest talk with King Yong."


Imperial Palace, Yangxin Hall.

Emperor Yu had always claimed that he was ill and had retreated behind the scenes. All important affairs in the court were taken care of by King Qi Lin. Although Emperor Yu was no longer in power, everything was developing in an orderly manner.

"His Majesty!"

"Drink some soup. This is the longan and black-bone chicken soup specially prepared for you by Concubine Shu."


Emperor Yu looked at the fragrant soup in front of him, with a faint smile on his face: "Concubine Shu has been more attentive these days. I asked her to come to Wang Jianguo, and it gave her some ideas?"

"Your Majesty, Concubine Shu has been in the harem these past two days..."

"What?" Emperor Yu raised his brows and said playfully: "Isn't it possible that he is still acting arrogantly?"

"That's not true. I just talked back to Concubine Xian a few times."


Emperor Yu's face was filled with a sneer, and he said lightly: "Don't mention her anymore. You can go back and beat her for me. I'm not dead yet!"

"King Qi Lin hasn't sat on the throne yet!"


Wei Ying bowed respectfully, and Emperor Yu put down the untouched mouthful of black-bone chicken soup in his hand, looked at Wei Ying and said, "Tell me about the news in the court these past two days!"


Wei Ying pondered for a moment, then spoke softly: "Since His Highness Prince Qi Lin came to supervise the country, his visits with the courtiers have become increasingly frequent, but his private interactions have become much less frequent."

"However, many ministers in the court have been running to the palace again and again."

Emperor Yu nodded slightly, glanced at Wei Ying, and said calmly: "Is there more?"

"Well!" Wei Ying nodded lightly, and his tone was a little lower: "Yesterday, His Highness went to the Jinyiwei Yamen first, but was turned away by Commander Jiang, and His Highness left in anger."

"Then we went to the patrol camp again."

"Inspecting the military camp?"

There was also a hint of coldness in Emperor Yu's eyes, and he said softly: "Have you ever found something for him to do?"


"His Highness seems to be very resistant to the reform of Lord Shang in the DPRK. During the several debates among the courtiers in the court, His Highness also obviously moved closer to the left prime minister."

"Okay!" Emperor Yu waved his hand impatiently, with a deep thought in his eyes. After a long time, he said, "Is there any news from King Sheng?"

"Back to Your Majesty, there has been no news from His Highness King Sheng."

"Go and secretly send Shang Yang, Zhuge Liang, and Shen Li into the palace."

"You also go and prepare. Let's go south for a walk. Speaking of which, I haven't been out of Kyoto in several years."

"Don't alarm anyone about this."

"According to the order!"

Wei Ying also looked stunned for a moment and nodded heavily.

"Well... take Concubine Xian with you."

"From now on, Jing Li, the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army, has sealed off the harem and no one is allowed to enter or leave."


Wei Ying bowed respectfully again, with a bit more hesitation in his expression. He was stunned for a moment before asking: "Your Majesty, we are preparing to go..."


Emperor Yu uttered two words lightly, and his expression gradually became playful: "Speaking of which, Lao Er and I haven't seen each other for more than a year, and there has been no news since King Sheng left."

"They have always had a deep love for each other as brothers, and I also want to see how different Huainan is under the rule of the second brother!"

"Your Majesty, do you want to talk to His Highness King Yong first?"

"No!" Emperor Yu shook his head directly and said in a deep voice: "This matter must not be leaked at all. I don't want anyone to know. I am not in the capital."

"Besides, that kid, the second child, is not a calm man. Huainan Mountain is high and the emperor is far away. I also want to see with my own eyes what he has been doing this year!"


[It’s okay. I’ll be ready to pay off the debt in two days. Let’s settle the account! 】

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