Outside Lingzhou City, Emperor Yu was tired of traveling all the way, both by land and water. After running around for several days, he didn't feel any fatigue at all. Instead, he was in high spirits, sometimes looking forward to it, and sometimes being silent.

"Your Majesty, we have to change the land route ahead. After the Huaihe River enters Huainan, it is divided into several tributaries, and the main stream is not in the way!"


"Go saddle up your horse!"


Jing Li went down to arrange the horses and carriages, and the juniors Liu Yuan and Zhao Huaiyuan also gathered together, talking in low voices.

"Lao Liu, what do you mean, Your Majesty?"

"Second Master has been so mischievous in Huainan. With his temperament, now he is in charge of the sixteen states of Huainan. Isn't it possible that there are many brothels and rows of brothels?"


Liu Yuan scolded in a low voice, and Zhao Huaiyuan also grinned: "Without Your Majesty watching, I wouldn't find it strange even if the second master built the palace into a large-scale romantic place."

"Hey, should we secretly send a message to the second master?"


Su Chi also nodded and looked at Zhao Huaiyuan with a playful look on his face: "You go and report the news. His Majesty has said that if the news of this private visit in private is leaked, everyone will be killed."

"Second brother behaves recklessly, and the most he can do is get a beating. But if you really leak the news, hey!"

"Let Uncle Zhao prepare a grave for you!"

Zhao Huaiyuan glared at Su Chi fiercely and waved his fist: "Second Master has been kind to me again. Let's come here with His Majesty. It feels a bit unethical not to report what we know."

"Do not worry!"

Liu Yuan glanced at him lightly and said softly: "I think that since I passed Julong City, what I saw along the way is much better than Jiangnan. The people are rich and commerce is developed."

"Well, I think His Majesty's anger has subsided."

After some muttering, Jing Li had already ordered people to prepare horses and vehicles and took the official road instead.

"Your Majesty, this pier is still three to five miles away from the official road in Lingzhou, and the road may be a little bumpy."

"No problem!"

Emperor Yu waved his hand. He didn't care about these details. But as soon as he got on the carriage, he saw that the road was paved with stones. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "I didn't expect that this road would be so smooth. Have a heart."

Jing Li was also stunned for a moment, smiled, and then led a group of knights to clear the way ahead. The convoy had carriages and women, so the speed was not very fast.

A quarter of an hour later, the convoy arrived at the official road leading directly to Lingzhou.

"Direction to Lingzhou!"

"In the direction of Xiajun, in the direction of Shangjun!"

Jing Li saw the wooden sign on a wooden stake standing at the intersection. He subconsciously read the wooden sign and looked at the map in his hand. It seemed that it was... a little different from the map.

"what happened!"

"Your Majesty, come down and take a look!"

When Emperor Yu got off the carriage, he saw the smooth road. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. This official road was nearly three feet wide. The most peculiar thing was that the road was extremely smooth, like stone but not stone, and extremely hard. There was even a strip of There are no gaps in the stones.

Liu Yuan also turned over and dismounted, and hit the ground hard with the heavy black iron gun in his hand. Except for a light white mark, there was no damage at all!



A carriage whizzed past the convoy at a steady pace, as fast as a battlefield charge. There seemed to be open spaces on both sides of the road specially used for horse racing.


"What exactly is on this road, and why is it so hard and smooth?"


Emperor Yu sighed softly, his eyes also fell on the road sign at the intersection, and said with a smile: "Yes, it is possible to put up a sign here. It is simple and clear, but it is extremely convenient."

"But, can ordinary people understand it?"

"Your Majesty, this place is still nearly two hundred miles away from Lingzhou. We need to set off soon."


After hearing Jing Li's urging, Emperor Yu waved his hand and motioned for everyone to mount their horses. He also rode forward again, looking in the direction of Lingzhou, full of expectation.

Guanshan, Qidu.

As the royal city of Da Qi, it is tall and majestic, with a high city and a deep pool. The Qi Palace is located in the center of the city, covering an area of ​​more than a thousand acres, with gold carvings and jade decorations, red walls and green tiles, just like a royal palace.

The King of Qi held a banquet at his residence today, where all the Manchus and Han people feasted, singing and dancing, for no other reason than for the masters of the Guanshan Tiandao League to receive the wind and wash away the dust.

"Everyone, the situation is critical now. Dayu's 100,000-strong army has been invincible and victorious since entering the Pass. Now, most of the land in Guanshan has fallen into the hands of the Central Plains. If things go on like this, our Guanshan will be reduced to A vassal of the Central Plains people!”

"I, the king, cannot tolerate this! I will fight to the death!"

King Qi first expressed his attitude swornly, and from time to time his eyes looked at the old man sitting at the bottom with an immortal look, observing his expression.

"Tongtian, you just said that this army is from Yu?"


King Qi nodded heavily and said solemnly: "Dayu and Dayu practiced their skills, crossed the grassland, and cut down my mountain."


The expression of the upright old man changed, and he said solemnly: "In the early years, Monk Lin of Wuxiang Temple fought against Dayu, but later he disappeared in the world and disappeared without a trace."

"I didn't expect that now, Dayu's soldiers and horses would dare to cross the Pass Mountain and plot the territory within my Pass."

"Hmph, their hands are stretched too far."

"Don't worry, King Qi. This matter will be left to us. We will never let Dayu even take a step into Qidu."

The King of Qi was overjoyed, and the stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground. He let out a long sigh and solemnly raised the wine glass in his hand: "In this case, I will rely on you."


After a glass of wine went down his throat, singing and dancing began in the hall. The old Taoist priest stared at the leading dancer with surprise in his eyes.

He had lived in the mountains for half his life, and had never seen such temptation?

"Ahem, nephew Qi!"

"Senior, what do you have to say?"

"It's like this, my cultivation has reached a bottleneck recently. I just saw this woman's dance steps. The great way seems simple, but there are mysteries hidden. Can I take her back to study it?"

King Qi was stunned for a moment, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Senior, you are not a monk... If the sect knows about it, I'm afraid it will..."


The old Taoist snorted lightly and said lightly: "Although I have never left the mountains, I have a high seniority in the sect. Even the head of the sect has to dance and call me uncle!"

"So that's the case, then there is no problem!" King Qi also smiled and complimented: "Since you want to study the dance steps, why not take these women back? Maybe it will achieve twice the result with half the effort?"

The old Taoist's eyes lit up immediately, hesitated for a moment, and shook his head again: "No need, she is enough!"

"You can't chew too much!"


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