In the capital of Lingzhou, Emperor Yu and his wife put on clean clothes, took a shower at the post station, and came to 'ransom' the house without stopping. They suffered such a heavy crime yesterday and suffered such a huge loss. If they hadn't Get some interest back...


Thinking of the mountains of boxes and golden notes in the treasury, Emperor Yu couldn't help but smile proudly, they all belong to me!

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?"


Emperor Yu glanced at Jing Li like he was a fool, looked at the government officials in front of Lingzhou Mansion, and stepped forward: "I have been ordered to inspect Huainan. Let Lingzhou Mansion and Chen Gong come to see me!"

As he spoke, he took out a golden token from his arms. The yamen officer who was about to step forward to stop him was stunned when he saw the gold medal and quickly saluted: "Greetings to the Imperial Envoy!"

"Stop talking nonsense and quickly ask Chen Gong to come out to greet you!"

"Yes, yes, yes... Sir, please wait for a moment!"

Seeing Emperor Yu's proud look, Jing Li couldn't help but look at His Majesty the Emperor with disdain, "We are all playing solo, it's pointless for you to just cheat!"

Once the gold medal comes out, who dares to continue playing with you?

Not long after, Chen Gong was seen hurriedly walking out of Lingzhou Mansion. When he saw Emperor Yu's figure, he immediately stepped forward with a look of "overjoyed" and said, "Your Majesty... Sir, you are finally back."

"I spent the night with you yesterday. Fortunately, you are fine!"


Emperor Yu made a nasal noise, without even looking at Chen Gong, and said arrogantly: "I have been ordered by Your Majesty to inspect the Huainan treasury. Please lead the way!"


Chen Gong showed a 'panicked' look on his face, and hurriedly raised his hands and said: "Sir, our Lingzhou City has suffered successive disasters since the year before, and now we are building water conservancy projects. The treasury is simply unable to make ends meet!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you are asked to lead the way, then you will lead the way!"

Emperor Yu changed his usual gentleness today and directly forced Chen Gong to lead the way. The latter showed a look of helplessness on his face and could only nod slightly: "Sir, please follow me!"

"Where's Jia Xu?"

"Where's Di Renjie?"

"And your generals from Prince Yong's Mansion, why aren't they here?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, they all have important matters to attend to."


Emperor Yu glanced at Chen Gong indifferently, but he didn't care about it at this time. He settled the treasury first, and after confirming the charges, hehe, why don't you let him control it?

The top priority is that none of the bullshit is as important as the big boxes in the secret warehouse.

"Sir, please come inside!"

Chen Gong took Emperor Yu and Emperor Yu all the way to the treasury in Lingzhou City. Chen Gong did not forget to say: "By the way, Your Majesty, His Highness King Yong returned from inspection today..."

"The second one is back?"

Emperor Yu suddenly looked happy and said immediately: "Go, let him come to see me!"


Chen Gong immediately ordered someone to go and summon the message. Emperor Yu had a sneer on his face. Jing Li on the side also felt sympathy for His Highness King Yong. This man is holding back his anger now. Your Highness, I am afraid you will inevitably be punished this time. What a blackmail!

Chen Gong brought Emperor Yu to the treasury of Lingzhou Mansion, but he stopped moving forward, with a joking look on his face. There were no outsiders here, and Emperor Yu no longer concealed his identity: "Master Chen, I heard that Lingzhou Prefecture has two treasuries, one open and one dark. Is this the open treasury or the secret treasury?"

His Majesty Emperor Yu didn't know at this time why they were able to escape from the dungeon. He simply thought that the government officials' carelessness in underestimating the enemy gave them an opportunity. Therefore, he didn't know that he had been locked up in the dungeon for a whole day and night. …

"Ahem, Your Majesty, our Lingzhou Mansion does have two treasuries, but in fact, all the resources in our Lingzhou City are stored here. The rumored secret treasury is just for fishing!"


Emperor Yu looked at Chen Gong with a puzzled expression. Chen Gong seemed to be a little guilty and said weakly: "Your Majesty, the secret treasury was deliberately released by His Highness King Yong to confuse the thieves in the world. He used the secret treasury as bait to attract Gangster thief!"

"Don't tell me, this trick is quite effective. During this period, it has indeed been able to catch many famous thieves in the world, and it has been well received by the people!"

As soon as he said this, Chen Gong felt a sudden chill around him. The two people in front of him looked at him gloomily, but they remained silent for a long time.


"I finally found you."

Just when Chen Gong was being stared at by the two men and felt uneasy, an excited voice sounded from behind them. Ning Fan walked up with eager steps and held Emperor Yu in his arms. He was pleasantly surprised. He said: "Father, I didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise. I haven't seen you for more than a year, and my father is still so heroic and domineering!"


Emperor Yu was also made uncomfortable by Ning Fan's actions, but he felt a sense of relief in his heart. Although these two brats were a little cunning, they still cared about him.

Look how happy I am to see myself!

But this has never happened before.

"His Majesty!"

Concubine Xian and his entourage behind Ning Fan also came to greet them one after another. Dian Wei and Xu Chu bowed their hands respectfully, but Emperor Yu showed a playful smile on his face: "Second brother, you came at the right time. Come, let me see you." These two years of savings!”



"Father, what planes and savings are you working on?"

"I can describe Huainan in the past two years in one word, but it is not 'rich' when it comes in, and 'billion' when it comes out. There is no savings. If it were not for the emperor and the court's several times of assistance, I would have taken the people of Huainan to the capital to beg."

Seeing that Prince Yong was still so stubborn, Emperor Yu showed a hint of sarcasm on his face, and said with a smile: "In this case, take me to the treasury first!"

"Yes, father!"

"I have been looking forward to it day and night, and finally tricked you, father... I am looking forward to it!"

"But father, where did you go last night?"

"Why didn't you come back for a day? Mother was worried for a while."

Hearing Ning Fan's counterattack, Emperor Yu smiled and said lightly: "Last night, my body A little tired, he just found an inn and rested for the night. "


"Did your father go to Linghu in Huainan? Last night, the yamen runners in the city searched all the inns and posthouses, except for the brothels in Linghu..."

"How dare you!"

Emperor Yu's head was full of black lines, and he stared at Ning Fan coldly, with a strong warning in his eyes: "Don't say anything nonsense!"

"Yes, yes, yes... Father has three thousand beauties in the imperial harem, and I think he doesn't look down on these mediocre people. It's my son who is superficial."

"Come on, your son will take your father to see the treasury first."

As he spoke, Ning Fan took the initiative to take his father's hand, ordered someone to open the door of the treasury, and strode over.

Emperor Yu showed a sneer on his face, I asked you to pretend, let you pretend for a while, and wait for a while to catch you in the act, and see what you have to say.

Jing Li also looked at Ning Fan with sympathy. It seems that His Royal Highness Prince Yong doesn't know what he is about to face...


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