After leaving the state capital, Emperor Yu looked extremely depressed. He walked quickly for half a street and suddenly stopped: "Jing Li, go and check for me. You must find out where the gold and silver property in this treasury has gone." What!"

"How can such a big warehouse disappear in one day and night?"

"I don't believe it!"

Emperor Yu was obviously suffocating in his heart. He was beaten and imprisoned for a day and a night without saying a word. This time he caught a turtle in the jar and was actually teased by the turtle.

His majesty, the emperor, is shameless?

What a complete clown!

"His Majesty!"

Jing Li said with a troubled expression: "This is the territory of His Highness King Yong. There is no one we want. If His Highness King Yong doesn't want us to find out, I'm afraid..."


Emperor Yu also snorted angrily, pointed at the people on the street, and said loudly: "Go and ask, ask me one by one, and post a reward!"

"I don't believe it. His second son can really cover the sky with one hand in Huainan!"

"Isn't that right?"

Jing Li murmured softly, and Emperor Yu suddenly felt a heartache, as if he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly asked: "Jing Li, since we entered Huainan, have we ever found any soldiers and horses under King Yong's command?"

"The white robe army, the beggar army, and the new army that was raised."



"The second brother has been traveling all the way. Looking at him like this, he is definitely not going to inspect the prefectures and counties!"

"He must have other things he is hiding from me!"

Emperor Yu spoke with determination. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with any clues. He simply waved his hand, looked at Jing Li and said: "Go and check, bit by bit, and you must find out the truth for me." !”


Jing Li grimaced and nodded helplessly.

In Prince Yong's Mansion.

After Ning Fan came back, before he could rest, he first asked about the progress of Huainan's water conservancy reform, and then met with the generals of the navy. In the past few days, Bai Qingyu and Qu Linjiang had also kept their tails between their legs, hiding the navy. Strictly true.

After seeing Ning Fan, he started to complain.

"Your Highness, our troops are expanding very rapidly, but the ship's supplies cannot keep up!"

"Besides, I, Dayu, have no experience in building a naval army, and my warships are several generations behind Yingzhou."

"Your Highness, please show me a clear path!"

Seeing the miserable expressions of the two of them, Ning Fan waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't cry in front of me. I will personally go to the Engineering Bureau tomorrow to put the construction of the shipyard on the agenda!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"


Ning Fan then looked at Chen Gong and said softly: "Gongtai, the spring plowing plan is about to be put on the agenda. This is related to the foundation of Huainan. We will immediately issue an official document to all counties and counties to fully supervise spring plowing and sowing."

"Yes, my lord!"

"Wenhe, have you received any news from Dali recently?"

"Yes!" Jia Xu nodded slightly, and said with a slightly solemn expression: "My lord, the empress's army is now surrounding the city of the Man King, and it is very likely that they will not stop until the city is broken."

"Furthermore, according to Heibingtai news, Dali is currently recruiting troops from within!"


Ning Fan and Guo Jia looked at each other. They had already discussed this matter on the way here. No matter what, Manwang City must not fall into the hands of Da Li. It was the only city deep in the grassland. For Huainan, the land of Guanshan, its strategic location is extremely important.

However, it still needs to be considered where to start. After all, Huainan and Dali are still allies today.

"Lord, please think about it, why don't you start with Lingyou?"

"I'll leave this matter to you!"

Seeing the calm look on Jia Xu's face and the deep tranquility in his eyes, Ning Fan instantly felt at ease. It seemed that he had already made a plan in his mind. As for how to operate it, he didn't need to ask any more questions.


"There's one more thing worth noting."


"There is news from the north. The Mobei Bayi tribe has been mobilizing troops and horses more and more frequently in recent days. Each tribe is also gathering food. The new king has succeeded to the throne and seems to intend to go south!"

"Is the news accurate?"

"Yes!" Jia Xu nodded heavily: "Now, the imperial court intends to transfer Duke Jing back to the court to take charge of the reform of the military system. If Mobei goes south in a big way at this time, I am afraid..."

"Has the imperial court ever known about this matter?"

"I don't know!"

Ning Fan fell into a brief silence, and then said softly: "We can also take this opportunity to send our Majesty back to the capital as soon as possible."

"However, it is not my turn to intervene in matters in the north now. Our next step is to continue to expand southward!"

"The first fortress has been built, and then the second and third ones will be put on the agenda."

"Continue to advance south. I will use the city to completely control the grassland and control the southeastern border of Dali."


After everyone left, Ning Fan sat silently in the main hall. Now, it is no exaggeration to say that he can be called a powerful person. He can poke Emperor Yu's butt when he enters, and occupy the lair of Nanman when he retreats.

He truly has the qualifications to compete for the world. However, His Highness King Yong is loyal to the Yu Dynasty after all, and he will never do such a treasonous thing as treason.


"Congratulations, master, for completing the mission and recharging your batteries, your troops and horses will be strong!"

"Mission reward: a unit summoning card, a pre-Qin character summoning card, the power of the overlord!"

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Ning Fan showed a look of surprise on his face. He thought that the first task to achieve the reward should be the task of controlling Guanshan, but he didn't expect that the task of gathering strength, which had the most ambiguous requirements, was completed first!

"Pre-Qin Summoning Card!"

"Power of the Overlord!"

"Army Summoning Card!"

Ning Fan's mouth was almost bent with a smile. Now Li Ru is stepping up the rectification of Guanshan. After completely controlling it, he will get a system upgrade opportunity and Mohist mechanical skills!

Not bad!

However, the most urgent and important thing is to summon the Jixia Academy. After all, promoting the imperial examination system is urgent!

The heavy burden of the Dayu Dynasty will still be on his head in the future.

"My Lord!"

"Not good."

Just as Ning Fan was about to use the summon card, Xu Chu hurried in and said solemnly: "Your Majesty seems to know the news of our attack on Guanshan..."


Ning Fan was stunned, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face. It was something that could not be concealed. After all, when he went to war, the whole city was in turmoil. He did not expect Emperor Yu to come and kill him!

However, he was not too panicked. You said I attacked Guanshan?

Aren't we here?

"Second brother!"

"Get out of here."

Before the person arrived, the voice came first. Ning Fan suddenly found that the old man seemed to be more irritable when meeting his father this time.

This is not good...

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