
"Who does the emperor want?"

Ning Fan had a bad feeling in his heart. The money and grain treasury were now hidden by him. On his own territory, Emperor Yu would never be able to touch them. But he didn't expect that the dog emperor would now set his sights on people?

"Hmm..." Emperor Yu hesitated for a moment, as if thinking. After a long time, he said softly: "Jia Xu beside you is not bad. I plan to take him with me as an aide!"

"And Chen Gong, this person is very talented, but now I have no one around me to use."

"By the way, there are also Ran Min and Qing Zhi. These two are also talented generals. I don't have any masters to protect me, and Jing Li is old..."

Jing Li: "???"

Before Emperor Yu finished speaking, Ning Fan's face had already turned half black. Hearing this, he actually understood that Emperor Yu was not going to ask him for people, but clearly wanted to empty his team!

"I can't give it to you, not even one."

"Father, Jia Xu is a commoner, Chen Gong started from humble beginnings, Ran Min is just a warrior, and Chen Qingzhi is a half-crippled man. How can they be in your eyes!"

"Father, please don't tease me."

Emperor Yu was not moved at all, and sighed sadly: "Second brother, this year's court is extremely difficult. Mobei is eyeing it covetously, traitors are everywhere in the court, and local disasters are happening one after another."

"The treasury has long been in deficit, and your mother has been thrifty."


Ning Fan understood Emperor Yu's intentions in an instant, and cursed him in his heart, but his face showed a helpless look.

The dog emperor actually threatened people. He could hide gold, silver and grain, but he couldn't hide people!

"Second brother, don't look at me like that. Now you are rich and powerful, and I am penniless. As a son, it is my duty to show filial piety to me."

"Although I haven't found your treasury yet, I have seen with my own eyes the mountains of gold bars in the treasury!"


"Besides, you mobilized troops without authorization and deceived the emperor. I have never pursued you!"

Speaking of this, Emperor Yu's face was also very ugly. It was indeed a bit shameful for the father to ask his son for money, but those boxes of gold bars were enough to make him put down his face as an emperor. Not to mention losing face, even if he called him dad, what would it matter?

As for the emperor's majesty, how much is it worth?

"Since Father has said this, I am willing to offer 300,000 taels of silver, 10,000 taels of gold, and 300,000 shi of grain to show my gratitude to Father!"

"300,000 taels!!"

Emperor Yu's breathing began to become rapid. He thought that it would be good to ask for 100,000 taels of silver. After all, although there was a lot of gold and silver in the treasury, it was not as rich as a country...

But he didn't expect that his son would be so generous, 300,000 taels of silver, 10,000 taels of gold, and 300,000 shi of grain. Tsk tsk!

My own treasury is not so rich!

"Your Majesty!"

A footstep sounded, and Jing Li strode to Emperor Yu, looked at Ning Fan with a strange look, and whispered in his ear.


After hearing Jing Li's words, Emperor Yu's excitement instantly retreated, and he looked at Ning Fan with an unfriendly look, and whispered: "Second brother, follow me out for a walk!"

"Father, what happened?"

"Nothing, I want to go out for some fresh air."

Emperor Yu did not explain, and walked out of the hall with big strides.

Ning Fan felt bad again, especially the look Jing Li gave him at the end, which seemed to carry some guilt, some apology, and a reminder?

He was not sure.

Jing Li led Emperor Yu out of the palace, walked on the street for a while, and turned into a small alley. Jia Xu and others also followed Ning Fan after hearing the news, and whispered: "My lord, we are exposed."

Before Ning Fan asked, he saw Emperor Yu and Jing Li turn into one of the houses. After everyone followed in, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. Figures were carrying large boxes out of the cellar.

The box was opened, revealing golden things, and Ning Fan was immediately furious.


"Jing Li, not bad, you have done a great job this time."

"Second brother, what else do you have to say?"

Emperor Yu looked at Ning Fan with a proud face, and Concubine Xian and Zhao Huaiyuan and others beside him also sighed, were they discovered after all?

Jia Xu looked at Ning Fan and shook his head slightly. Ning Fan was also stunned for a moment, and then he took out a gold bar from the box. Seeing a line of small characters numbered [Ling 026], he was relieved immediately, but there was still a trace of pain on his face.

"Your Majesty, we have counted them clearly. There are more than 70,000 taels of gold and 700,000 dan of grain!"

"Where is the silver?"

"No silver, only gold bars and grain!"


Emperor Yu always felt that something was wrong, but he still laughed: "Hahahaha, second son, I see your filial piety. These golds are Huainan's support for the court."


"Why, you don't want to?"

Looking at the threat in Emperor Yu's eyes, Ning Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head, but he was extremely contemptuous in his heart, and even had a mocking smile on his lips.

A small warehouse with the word "Ling" at the beginning, you can take it down.

Your Majesty, the emperor, is like a bandit, what about the pattern?

What a loser!

The smug look on Emperor Yu's face was hard to hide, and the depressed mood in his heart was swept away instantly. Looking at the boxes of gold, the corners of his mouth were almost grinning.

Empress Xian noticed that Ning Fan had just picked up a gold bar and looked at it. She also stepped forward and looked sideways. When she saw the line of small characters on the gold bar, she also showed a thoughtful look.

But she did not stop Emperor Yu from blackmailing blatantly.

"Jing Li, quickly send a message to Jiangnan and transfer two thousand palace soldiers."


"Hey, I'm a little tired, go back and lie down."

Watching Emperor Yu leave in a swagger, Ning Fan also showed a soothing smile: "Fortunately, it's just a small warehouse starting with the word Ling. If it was a large warehouse starting with the word [Huai], I'm afraid I would really bleed a lot."

"Jia Xu, what's going on?"

Although he didn't care about the small secret warehouse, he was still very unhappy that Emperor Yu had taken advantage of him for no reason.

"My Lord, this time it was also an accident. I heard from the people guarding the secret vault that Commander Jing went into the alley to urinate. Our people reacted too violently, which attracted Commander Jing's attention and eventually exposed the treasury!"

"Is that so..."

Ning Fan also breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Emperor Yu had a trump card in his hand that he didn't know about. Fortunately, it was just an accident.

No matter what the reason, we have to send this gentleman back quickly. If he continues to mess around, there may be accidents.

"Wenhe, send a message to the capital to make some trouble."


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