After Jia Xu and others left, Ning Fan directly opened the system, and the task completion prompt of "Control Guanshan" also popped up. The system was upgraded for free and the Mohist machine technique!

However, what surprised Ning Fan was that the Mohist organ technique was not directly distributed as a memory inheritance technique, but was explained in a book!

This actually made him a little disappointed!

However, Ning Fan didn't pay too much attention. After all, he still held a Pre-Qin summoning card, a troop summoning card and the power of the Overlord in his hand!

"System, inherit the power of the Overlord!"

"Please host spread your limbs."

Ning Fan followed the system's prompts, spread his arms, and stood his feet apart. In an instant, a surging force hit his body, and the muscles on his body began to tremble regularly. He could clearly feel that the blood vessels in his body were beating violently. .


A tearing feeling instantly hit his whole body, and the severe pain made Ning Fan sweat profusely for a moment, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

As if he heard Ning Fan's roar, Dian Wei rushed into the hall immediately. Seeing his lord's expression, he immediately looked horrified: "My lord, what happened?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Guard the palace door and don't let anyone in!"


Dian Wei looked at Ning Fan who seemed to be in great pain, and a look of worry appeared on his face. However, since the lord had spoken, he naturally did not make his own decisions.

After half a stick of incense, the severe pain in his body gradually disappeared. Ning Fan took a deep breath and looked at his body. There was no change in body shape, but the power contained in his body was clearly visible. It has grown a bit.

"System, check my properties page!"

【Name】: Ning Fan

[Merit value]: 370

[Reputation]: 276600

[Task]: Seize the direct descendant

[Identity]: Prince Yuyong of the Day, King of the Great Li Pingshi, Lord of Huainan, Ruler of Guanshan, Leader of the Underworld, Controller of Yihua Palace, Son-in-law of the Cai family, the mastermind behind the Southern Barbarians...

[Force]: Jinyiwei (control) Heibingtai (under his command) Difu (under his command) Yihua Palace (following)

[Force]: 105

[Martial Arts]: Grandmaster Realm

[Intelligence]: 92



[Magic Weapon]: Fierce Dragon Soul-Severing Spear, Xuanyuan Sword

[Mount]: Purple Lightning Flying Dragon, White Tiger

[Calling Outstanding Talents]: Dian Wei, Shen Wansan, Qin Qiong, Zhuan Zhu, Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Yue Fei, Gao Shun, Chen Gong, Xu Chu, Ran Min, Guo Jia, Guan Yu, Xiao Longnu, Li Bai, Du Fu, Xin Qiji, Su Shi, Chen Qingzhi , Lian Xing, Yao Yue, Lan Yu, Nie Zheng, Bai Qi, Yang Zaixing, Wei Zheng, Di Renjie, Lu Bu, Li Yuanfang, Huo Qubing, Xing Daorong, Pan Feng!

[Summoning Troops]: Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry, Fallen Camp, Begging Army, Beiwei Army, White Robe Army, Wei Wuzu, Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, Xuanjia Army

Seeing that his force value reached 105, Ning Fan frowned slightly: "System, I inherited the power of the Overlord, why do I only have 105 force value?"

"Master, you haven't mastered the Thirteen Deadly Spears yet, so you only have so much brute strength that you can't use it to the extreme!"


Ning Fan was speechless. In the past two years, he had indeed neglected his martial arts, but he had become stronger in certain areas.


He glanced at his inventory and saw that there were a lot of miscellaneous things. However, the troop summoning card and the pre-Qin summoning card were at the top, but Ning Fan was not in a hurry to use them now (please leave a message in the comment area, the one with the most likes will be considered!)

Now that Emperor Yu has not left, it would be self-defeating if there were another big commotion and the dog...father was reluctant to leave.

Therefore, he is not bad at this time.

However, the top priority is to summon Jixia Academy first and parachute into a top academy with three disciples. It can be called the pinnacle of ancient Chinese thought and civilization.

Although the system has not revealed who the three masters are, they may be qualified to teach in Jixia Academy. How is it a simple task?

However, site selection still requires careful consideration.

"Evil is coming!"

Ning Fan called softly, and Dian Wei strode in. After seeing that his lord was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief and grinned: "My lord, I feel that you have become stronger again."


A look of surprise appeared on Ning Fan's face, and he asked doubtfully: "How did you know?"



"There is also a hint of danger in the Lord."

"I see!"

Ning Fan smiled and said: "Your feeling is correct, but the first priority is to go out with me for a walk!"

"Where to go?"

"Spirit Lake!"

The two of them walked out the door and came to the streets of Lingzhou City. Today's Lingzhou City is still expanding, more than double the size when Ning Fan first came.

The population in the city is also gathering rapidly. There are foreign merchants and refugees from the south of the Yangtze River. Many people settled here directly after arriving in Huainan.

Linghu Lake is located in the east of the city. Although it is divided into Lingzhou City by the state capital, it is located outside the city wall.

It is an artificial lake that can prevent floods and store water, and can also be used to irrigate farmland.

It is no exaggeration to say that today's Linghu ecosystem has formed its own system. It is dominated by brothels and hook-ups, with inns, restaurants, and tea houses all around. Any businessman coming and going will definitely go there to listen to music or find a place to relax. joyous.

"My lord, I heard that a new Goulan restaurant has opened in Linghu, and there are many girls from the Western Regions."



Dian Wei smiled obscenely, with a hint of shame on his face: "Not only are there from the Western Regions, I also heard that some time ago, there was a Yingzhou businessman who brought many Yingzhou women with him. He has a gentle temper..."


Ning Fan also had a look of surprise on his face. How long did it take for Linghu Lake to become a major feature?

Are all the custom shops open?

"Come on, let's go for a walk!"


The two of them walked and came to the shore of Lingzhou Lake. Ning Fan was also stunned by the scene in front of him. Pavilions, waterside pavilions, cruise ships on the lake, and hook-and-rail workshops were scattered all over the lake.

The neat bluestone road surrounds it, and it is full of a lively atmosphere. Many tourists come and go, and its prosperity is comparable to the Fengxianglou business district in Beijing!

"The great scholar Li left a poem in Shibanting again!"

"Go and see!"

"What, but Qinglian Sword Immortal and Li Bai, the great talent?"


A shout suddenly rose on the street, and Ning Fan also looked stunned. He didn't expect that Li Bai would be so famous now.

From the capital to Huainan, he became the dream lover of countless girls.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Li Caizi to make another song. Didn't he travel to the lake with several talents from Jiangnan and prostitutes a few days ago?"

"Seven masterpieces in a row, in just a few days, became popular all over the country!"

"He is really banishing an immortal from heaven!"

[The characters and units will be summoned according to the comments. The most likes will be published in the next chapter! 】

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