Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 572: Jia Xu's counterattack, the miserable Emperor Yu!

Bauhinia City.

In a secret house, more than ten ordinary-looking men gathered together and sat in a circle.

"There is an order from above, it's time for us to show up."

"Do you have a plan?"


A middle-aged man with an eagle nose slowly spread out a map and said softly: "This is the Imperial City, the nearest private house to the Imperial City, separated by two streets, and each gap between the patrols of the Forbidden Army is half a stick of incense." ”

"I have prepared the kerosene and catapult. I just need to set it up here and within ten breaths, thirty oil barrels will be dropped."

"The Great Yan Palace is bound to burst into flames."

After hearing the middle-aged man's words, the people next to him looked at each other in shock.

“It’s just too difficult to implement.”

"It's not a big problem to transport the catapult outside the imperial city. As long as we pay attention to the imperial troops and spies on the streets, it won't be a big problem."

"The key is that within the imperial city, the distribution among the various villages is relatively wide."


The eagle-nosed man smiled faintly and said softly: "Don't worry, I have already calculated it. There are loopholes in Da Yan's palace design."

"This is just one of them. It's the best if you can do it. It doesn't matter if you can't."

"Ten teams were used this time, and we are just one of them."


After hearing this, everyone nodded and agreed to the implementation of the plan.

"In that case, let's go back and prepare."

"Okay, the third update tonight will be implemented on time."


As one of the most illustrious crown princes in the dynasty, Prince Yu also won the favor of Emperor Yan, and was granted the right to open the palace as soon as he turned sixteen.

There are countless aides and disciples in the government.

"Your Majesty, Hu Nu's envoy came to Beijing today. I heard that he came to negotiate peace. Should we send someone to make contact first?"


King Yu frowned slightly and said calmly: "Hunu wants to negotiate peace with us?"


"Do you know the reason?"

"I don't know!"

"It's strange that Hu Nu and I, Da Yan, have been feuding for more than a hundred years, and now they are actively seeking peace?"

Prince Yu held up a cup of tea, put it to his lips and took a sip, then looked at the counselor beside him: "Tomorrow morning..."

Before he finished speaking, foam suddenly came out of his mouth, and his whole body began to shake violently. He looked at the tea in his hand with an expression of disbelief: "This tea... is poisonous?"

"Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty?"

The counselor looked horrified and quickly picked up King Yu: "Quick, Doctor Xuan!"

"Someone is coming!"

"The prince is poisoned!"

"There's an assassin!"

After several shouts and noisy footsteps, a maid hurriedly ran in: "It's not good, the princess has been poisoned."


Suddenly, the entire Prince Yu's Mansion was in chaos.

"Are you ready?"


"Remember, you must be quick and put out all the kerosene within ten breaths!"



Following the order from the hawk-nosed man, a catapult was set up outside the palace wall, instantly attracting the attention of the resident imperial army.


"There's an assassin!"

The eagle-nosed man's face turned pale and he said in a deep voice: "There is still half an incense stick before the patrol, hurry up!"

"Go and stop them!"



There were crashes one after another, and more than a dozen firelights were seen rising into the sky one after another, forming a beautiful parabola, leaping towards the palace wall.

Most of the buildings in the palace are wooden structures, and now it is the dry season, so they will catch fire if they encounter sparks.

"It's gone!"

"Someone come quickly, we're in trouble."

In the harem, Huang Huang was hugging his concubine and having a good time. He heard shouts outside, and then a huge fire altar smashed in front of the palace door, causing a roar.


"What happened?"

"Your Majesty, it's not good, there's something wrong with the palace."

"A bunch of trash, put out the fire quickly!"

Emperor Yan stood up reluctantly, with endless anger in his eyes, put his coat on his body, and strode outside.

"Is this... a bolide?"

"How is that possible? Someone is here!"

"His Majesty!"

"There's an assassin!"


Emperor Yan's brows knitted into a frown. There were so many masters within the walls of his Great Yan Palace that even a grandmaster could not sneak into his palace silently.

Looking at the fire all around, Emperor Yan's expression was gloomy: "Seal the palace for me and won't let a single assassin go!"

"According to the order!"

The imperial army surrounded the harem with an iron barrel, and not long after, a figure rushed over: "Your Majesty, a servant of Prince Yu's Mansion wishes to see you."

"What's the matter?"

"Prince Yu and Princess Yu were poisoned to death!"


Emperor Yan looked furious and kicked the forbidden soldier to the ground: "Who is so bold as to eat the ambition of a leopard?"


"Investigate it to me, investigate it thoroughly, I will cut the thief into pieces and destroy the nine tribes!"


"Your's not good!"

"Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Mr. Hu was assassinated in his mansion."

"Your Majesty, the Gyeonggi granary has been burned..."

A series of shouts were heard, but Emperor Yan's expression became calmer, and he looked around: "It is said that the envoy of the Yanlong Guard is here to pay an audience."



In an official post.

"It's gone."

"Someone come quickly!"

Emperor Yu was also awakened from his sleep, and Jing Li immediately led the imperial guards in plain clothes to the door of Emperor Yu's room.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"


Emperor Yu stared at the dark circles under his eyes, stood up, opened the door, looked at Jing Li and asked, "But are there assassins coming again?"

"Your Majesty, this time it should be an accident, and no trace of the bad guys was found."


Emperor Yu nodded, and said with a little fatigue: "Put out the fire quickly, don't disturb everyone."


As soon as he returned to the room, the whistling sound of arrows sounded. Emperor Yu's hair stood up, and he suddenly turned over and cursed: "Jing Li, what the hell are you doing for a living."

"Your Majesty!"

Jing Li rushed in with his men, with an apologetic look on his face: "Your Majesty, I..."

"What are you talking about, why don't you protect the emperor quickly!"


"What wave is this?"

"The twelfth wave?"

"Damn it, Prince Yong is a rebellious son, I..."

When Emperor Yu thought of this rebellious son, he was furious. No wonder he specially used three carriages when he came to separate Concubine Xian and the daughter of the Cai family from him.

This bastard is so abominable.


A group of black-clad men broke into the inn through the window. Outside the inn, several masters were fighting with the Xianzhen Camp.

Jing Li was already injured. In the past two days, wave after wave of assassins attacked them, making them exhausted and restless day and night.

Among them were many martial arts masters, professional killers and assassin organizations. It was fortunate that Emperor Yu was still safe.

"Your Majesty, the assassins have been annihilated. You can rest!"


Emperor Yu looked at Jing Li with a dark face and said coldly: "If anyone comes to kill me again, I will chop off your head first."


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