Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 577 Dayu will not perish, Beiwei Army is coming!


"The general has ordered that everyone, within half an hour, withdraw from Huazhu City!"

"Get out of the city quickly!"

A team of old soldiers evacuated the crowd on the street. Many people were carrying their families and bags and hurried towards the South Gate.

"Hurry, there is still half an hour!"

The old soldiers held rusty spears and short swords in their hands and shouted loudly again and again. Many people on the street gathered in groups of three or five. There were also octogenarians who moved a small bamboo stool and sat at the entrance of the alley, staring blankly in one direction.

"Old man, what are you doing? Aren't you going to leave?"

"Hahaha, I can't leave. I'm an old man, half of my body is buried in the ground. What else can I do?"

"Yes, this is our root. Our ancestors have been here for generations."

"Let these young people go!"

The old soldiers were silent. The rich families were carrying their families, and carriages were one after another. The poor were carrying bags and holding children, with sad faces as if their parents had died.

"The general has ordered that dry firewood and kerosene be prepared!"


Soon, the houses were filled with dry firewood and fuel. Almost all the people in the city had left. The only ones left were the elderly who were unwilling to leave or whose bodies could not stand the rush.



The dull sound of war drums sounded outside the city, like a song before death, beating a tune.

Following this, endless shouts and killings sounded, and the old soldiers on the city tower fell one after another. A charge by the Mobei Iron Cavalry directly broke through the city gate, and white smoke rose from a corner of the city.


"The city is broken."

On the city tower, three or five old soldiers surrounded the white-haired old general, with a bit of loneliness on their faces.


"It doesn't matter. We are a bunch of old bones. We are homeless anyway. Before we leave, we can buy three or two days for our fellow villagers. It's worth living for a few years."

"Old brothers, there are only a hundred of us left."

"Go down and meet these barbarians."

"Let's go!"

"Hahaha, we were able to kill these barbarians in Mobei back then. Today, we can still stand up and let them see how sharp our swords are!"


A group of old soldiers rushed towards the city gate. The city gate had been breached. The first team of Mobei cavalry was stunned when they entered the city.

"A bunch of old guys?"

"Hahaha, does Dayu have no one left?"

"A hundred or so old soldiers, trying to stop hundreds of thousands of cavalrymen in the desert?"

"You are overestimating yourself!"


The leading Mobei general shouted, and the cavalrymen behind him launched a charge, waving sabers, with bloodshot eyes, looking at the old soldiers in front.




One after another, more than a hundred old soldiers stood back to back, holding their spears tightly in their hands, and each swing could accurately pierce the throat of a Mobei cavalryman.

"Boys, this is not how you play with a knife."


"Damn it, old guy, I'll fight you!"

A Mobei cavalryman had his horse's leg cut off, and rolled down with a bit of anger on his face, as if he had suffered a great humiliation.


A cold light pierced his heart accurately, and before he could scream, his pupils had already collapsed.


"General, Dayu will not die!"

An old soldier suddenly looked at the white-haired old general, as if he wanted to get a positive answer.


The white-haired old general didn't even think about it, his eyes were full of determination: "In the past two years, my Dayu has produced many talents. Although the general was defeated, Yue Fei, Lan Yu and other generals in my dynasty will shock the eastern border."

"Your Majesty is a man of great talent and strategy. On the list of famous generals, my Dayu Lu Bu ranks second in the world!"


"Dayu will rise up in the world. Unfortunately, we have no chance to see the prosperous country under Dayu's rule!"

As soon as the voice fell, an arrow pierced through the roar, and the old general fell straight down, and the cavalry in front of him rushed in.



"General, Changyan County is ahead!"


A sharp light flashed in Yue Fei's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "With the speed of the Mobei cavalry, they should be at the gates of the city by now. Order the whole army to prepare for the charge!"


Niu Gao beside him immediately issued a military order. With a wave of the flag, the cavalry behind him all raised their spears. Yue Fei slowly raised the Liquan spear in his hand and shouted: "Beiwei Army, follow me!"

The dull sound of horse hooves resounded on the wasteland outside Changyan City. Many people on the road saw this powerful cavalry and showed a look of fear on their faces.

"The barbarian cavalry is charging in."

"Quick, enter the city, the cavalry from Mobei is charging in."

"Close the city gates!"

"Stupid, look carefully, it's my Dayu's dragon flag, the general flag with the character Yue, this is the army of Yue Fei, the Grand Marshal of the Eastern Expedition!"


The defenders on the tower were also stunned, staring blankly at the iron cavalry in front of them, their faces full of trance.

Dayu, when did he have such a powerful cavalry?


"The cavalry from Mobei...seems to have not yet arrived at Changyan!"


Yue Fei also frowned. Calculating the time, the army from Mobei should have been at the gates of the city by now. He was even prepared for Changyan to be broken, but now it seems...


"Send all scouts to the north in a fan-shaped manner. Report as soon as there is any news!"


"Niu Gao, Li Dao."


"You two lead 3,000 light cavalry and immediately lead the army to the south to escort the people along the route."


"Zhang Xian, Pang Rong!"


"You two lead the army into the city, take over the city defense, and reinforce the city tower!"


"Dong Xian!"


"Follow me and lead the army to continue northward. Inform the court that our army has arrived in Changyan."


Military orders were issued one after another. Pang Rong led 17,000 soldiers into the city, while Yue Fei and Dong Xian led the Beiwei Army to continue northward. The people along the route fled southward with their bags on their backs.


Yue Fei's army had just set out when a group of cavalrymen came galloping over, saluted respectfully, and strode to Yue Fei: "Reporting to General Yue, the army of Mobei was blocked in Huazhu City."

"Huazhu City?"

Yue Fei's eyes showed a hint of doubt, and he quickly looked at Dong Xian beside him: "Get the map."

"This Huazhu City is a small city in the north, but it is a key road that controls the north and south. If the cavalrymen of Mobei cannot capture Huazhu City, hundreds of thousands of cavalrymen will have to take a detour."

"However, there are only a few thousand old soldiers in Huazhu City. How can they stop hundreds of thousands of cavalrymen from Mobei?"

"What's going on?"

Yue Fei looked at the scout, who showed a trace of grief on his face and said in a deep voice: "The five thousand old soldiers of Huazhu City covered the retreat of the people in the city and burned the city with dry firewood, which hindered the cavalrymen of Mobei!"

"Burning the city?"


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