Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 581 Get out of here, you are such a disgrace


Early morning.

Emperor Yu was sitting in the Zhengde Hall, with ministers standing on both sides of the hall, both civil and military. The atmosphere in the entire hall seemed particularly gloomy. As the sound of rapid footsteps sounded, everyone turned their attention.

"Your Majesty, the eight hundred miles north is urgent!"

"Send it up!"

Jiang Wei nodded slightly and said softly: "Today, the 300,000 cavalry generals from Mobei are approaching Changyan City. Lan Yu has led 100,000 troops from the east to station and will confront the main force from Mobei in Changyan."

"According to Commander Yue, there is at least an army of 100,000 riders in Mobei. They will take a detour to Beihe County and attack the capital directly."

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was silent, and there was only the sound of rapid breathing in the hall. Emperor Yu had a sullen face and said coldly: "Detour to Beihe and attack the capital directly?"

"So, Mobei used at least 500,000 troops this time?"


"Your Majesty!"

Lin Qiushi came out of the queue with his hands raised, looked at Emperor Yu who was leading him, and said in a deep voice: "Now, there are no soldiers available in the imperial city. The cavalry from Mobei are coming directly to attack the imperial city. Please move the capital as soon as possible!"

"Move the capital?"

Emperor Yu looked startled, and the thought that had been silent for a long time came to his mind again. How about taking this opportunity to directly move the imperial capital to Huainan?

Will the second bitch agree?

"How easy is it to move the capital?"

"All the foundations of my Dayu for more than a hundred years are here. Now, the barbarians invade my Dayu, and they are thinking of moving the capital. If Mobei marches again tomorrow, will they have to move the capital again?"

"If we don't move the capital, how can we resist the more than 100,000 cavalrymen in Mobei? Or, Ji Shangshu, can you fight one against 100,000?"

"If you have a way to protect the imperial city, I won't say anything."

"His Royal Highness King Yong's army is already on the way. We only need to hold on for two days."

Ji Sui had a look of indignation on his face. Even when facing the leftist prime minister, he had no stage fright and would retaliate whenever necessary.

Lin Qiushi on the side also showed a hint of anger, and said coldly: "If you hold on for two days, is it possible that I, Dayu, will be betting all my kingdom on King Yong?"

"Who can guarantee that when King Yong's reinforcements arrive, they will be able to stop Mobei's cavalry?"

"How can Master Ji ensure that you can hold on until King Yong arrives under the iron heel of Mobei?"

"That's enough!"

Seeing the two important ministers quarreling in the hall, Emperor Yu couldn't help but shouted, looked at Jiang Wei and asked: "How many days will it take for King Yong to arrive in the capital?"

"Returning to Your Majesty will have to wait until the morning of tomorrow at the earliest!"

"Where are the cavalry from Mobei?"

"Tomorrow evening!"

After hearing what Jiang Wei said, Zhao Rui, the Minister of Rites, raised his hand and said: "Your Majesty, moving the capital as Prime Minister Lin said is not advisable. However, now that the army in Mobei is moving southward, and His Highness King Yong's reinforcements cannot arrive in time, why not send an envoy? I want to negotiate peace with Mobei and suspend the march?"

"Peace talks?"

Shen Li smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said calmly: "How can Mobei not guess our thoughts?"

"The fertile soil of the Central Plains is too tempting for them."

"Now that our Imperial City of Dayu is right in front of us, how can they stop their march?"

"The strategy of delaying the attack will not work!"

"Hey!" Ji Sui sighed helplessly, raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, since Commander Yue asked you to withdraw the Forbidden Army, you'd better withdraw the Forbidden Army!"

"Thirty thousand forbidden troops, plus the government soldiers and patrol camps in the city, it is not difficult to hold on for a night!"


Emperor Yu nodded, looked at Jiang Wei and asked, "Have you ever found out the whereabouts of Jing Li?"

"Your Majesty, after Commander Jingda was seriously injured, he was rescued by a farmer. Now he has just returned to his house and is bedridden."

"Well..." Emperor Yu also felt pity for Jing Li and continued to ask: "Where are the soldiers trapped in the camp?"

"Now they have all entered the imperial city!"


Emperor Yu stood up immediately and said calmly: "Send out scouts to closely monitor the movements of the Mobei cavalry. If there is any news, report immediately!"

"Recall the forbidden army, strengthen the city defense, and prepare huge rocks, rolling logs and other defensive equipment!"

"Also, recruit strong men for backup!"

"His Majesty!"

There was a soft shout from outside the palace, and a figure strode in. He cupped his hands slightly and said, "I just received the latest secret report from His Highness King Yong. There are three hundred crossbows and several arrows in the treasure house of King Yong's Mansion."

"In the underground vault of Prince Yong's Mansion, there are a thousand Mo Dao handles and a thousand Zhuge Liannu crossbows!"


There was a look of surprise on Emperor Yu's face, and King Qi Lin, who had never been able to speak, suddenly said: "Father, the second emperor has hidden so many weapons and weapons in the house, maybe he has ulterior motives!"

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Yu's face instantly darkened, and Lin Qiushi glared at him fiercely, as if looking at a fool, with a speechless look on his face.

"Hmph, there is a powerful enemy in front of you. Your Highness does not want to share the country's worries. Instead, he is here to sow discord. What is your intention?"

"Yes, Your Highness, His Highness King Yong is loyal to the court. As we all know, you are indeed serious."

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Prince Qi Lin ignores his brother..."

The ministers immediately aimed their guns at King Qi Lin. During this period, King Qi Lin was wooing the courtiers and excluding dissenters. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the third prince's thoughts were clearly revealed.

But now, the imperial city is almost no longer safe, and he still has the intention to criticize his brother, which is really disappointing.

"Since you suspect that King Yong has bad intentions, go and check for me to see what your royal brother has."

"Your son..." King Qi Lin also realized how stupid his behavior was just now, but now that the words had been spoken, facing the extremely cold gaze of Emperor Yu, he slightly bowed his hands: "Your son... is guilty!"

"Get out, you are a disgrace!"

"Your son, I'm leaving!"


Imperial study.

After the morning court, Emperor Yu was still thinking about what King Qi Lin said in the court, and his expression was a little gloomy.

The hall was empty, all the guards and servants were dismissed, leaving only Wei Ying standing by.

"Wei Ying!"

"The old servant is here!"

"Has the King of Qin arrived in Beijing?"

"Your Majesty, he arrived last night."

"Where is he?"

"Courtyard No. 1."

Emperor Yu put down the memorial in his hand, slowly stood up, glanced at Wei Ying calmly, and said lightly: "Prepare plain clothes and go out with me."


Wei Ying bowed respectfully and said softly: "Your Majesty, why not wait for His Royal Highness Prince Yong?"

Emperor Yu was silent for a moment and said softly: "Lin Qiushi is right. I can't put all my hopes on Prince Yong."

"I, Dayu, have been dormant for so long, and it's time to show my sword."

"But Your Majesty..."

Wei Ying was a little hesitant to speak, looking at the determined look on Emperor Yu's face, he just sighed and stopped persuading him.

The two changed into plain clothes and left the palace quietly.


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