Emperor Yu smiled, even a little bitterly, and sighed helplessly: "Xie Yan and Ji Wuyi are now the deputy commanders of the Tian Yu Army. You also know that the Tian Yu Army was left to King Qin by his father. ”

"Now that the Ji family and the Xie family are interfering, Ji Sui already holds real power. Whether it is the Ministry of War or the Ministry of Industry, his position is very important. I..."

"I understand what Your Majesty means."

"However, since the positions of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry are so important, I wonder who your Majesty is planning to let take over?"


Emperor Yu coughed lightly and glanced at Wei Ying. As if he didn't want to lose face in front of outsiders, he said harshly: "This is a matter for the imperial court, Concubine Xian. The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics!"

"Your Majesty wants to force me to change my dynasty?"


"speak nicely."


Emperor Yu was like a defeated rooster, and said in a somewhat euphemistic tone: "I am currently examining suitable candidates. If Concubine Xian has someone she likes, you can recommend one or two to me."

"Since Your Majesty has spoken to this extent, I will not be polite." Concubine Xian's face softened a lot, and she even showed a soft smile: "Kong Ming has been in the Ministry of Personnel for almost a year. And he is proficient in hundreds of schools of thought, so he is more than enough to take over the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry!"

"Well..." Emperor Yu nodded, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and said softly: "Kong Ming is indeed a great talent. He has dedicated his whole life to the court this year, and it is time to increase his burden."

"The Ministry of War..."

Emperor Yu was about to speak again, but was interrupted by Concubine Xian: "Yue Fei attacked Donghuai and made great military exploits for me, the Great Yu. What do you think, your majesty, if Yue Fei serves as Minister of War?"


Emperor Yu refused without even thinking, and said in a deep voice: "Yue Fei is commanding the army outside and has no time to take care of court affairs. The Minister of War not only needs to coordinate the world's troops and horses, but also be in charge of chariots, horses, and armor. It is not appropriate."

"Besides, I already have a candidate for the position of Minister of War!"


"Jingguo Gong, Li Jin!"

Concubine Xian nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "Shang Yang is a man of great talent, proficient in government affairs, and knowledgeable. Let him take over Kong Ming's position!"


A look of helplessness appeared on Emperor Yu's face. Concubine Xian's appearance directly disrupted his plan, but he also knew that although this woman rarely interfered in government affairs, if she really intervened, he would have no room for maneuver. of.

Moreover, the harem is not allowed to interfere. For others, it is a red line that cannot be touched. Anyone in the harem who touches it will die!

But for Concubine Xian, the red line is a curve that can jump, and can occasionally bounce back.

West Tower!

The offensive in Mobei was extremely fast, and the black crowd was like ants, swarming madly onto the city tower. The eight thousand forbidden troops were now barely holding on to the city tower, and their number had been reduced by more than half.

"General, I can't stop it!"

"There are more and more people. If this continues, the tower will no longer be able to be defended!"

"Don't worry, reinforcements are coming soon."


"Where are the reinforcements? Now the North City Gate is facing the main force of Mobei. Twenty thousand soldiers and horses cannot be mobilized. There are two thousand soldiers guarding the South City Gate and cannot be mobilized. The East City Gate has too much to take care of itself. We..."

Before the forbidden army finished speaking, groups of soldiers wearing black armor and holding broad swords and iron shields were seen swarming onto the tower.

The city gate was opened with a bang, and the Mobei army outside the city widened their eyes, with a look of disbelief on their faces.

"The city gate is open?"

"My sons, the gate of King Yu's City is open, follow me and charge!"


A cry of killing rang out, and even the Mobei soldiers on the ladder jumped down and headed towards the city gate to kill.



As the sound of galloping horses rang out, a group of heroic black-armored knights came out of the city gate. There were no spears or halberds. They were all holding iron shields and broad swords, and they rushed into the crowd brazenly.


"Dayu's cavalry actually came out on their own initiative, and the archers—fire arrows!"

A wave of arrows was aimed at the soldiers of the Tianyu Army who came out of the city. Bai Shiqi, who was charging at the front, held up an iron shield, but the horse under his crotch screamed one after another, and the soldiers fell directly off the horse.

"General, they are Dayu's cavalry!"

"It seems...not Dayu's Forbidden Army!"

"Send the order, the soldiers mount their horses and destroy this cavalry!"


The Mobei soldiers in front fired arrows constantly, and the cavalry in the rear also got on their horses in an organized manner, preparing to resist the charge of this cavalry.

The sound of war drums resounded on both sides of the battlefield, and the morale of Mobei's cavalry was getting higher and higher. As for Mobei's cavalry, the city gate was opened. As long as they were fighting on horseback, Mobei's men really had no fear of anyone!

For Dayu's soldiers, the sudden appearance of a group of reinforcements was exciting news and gave them hope again!


The men holding broad swords held the reins tightly, bent down and slashed. The sharp broad blades directly split the Mobei soldiers holding up their shields. Under the charge of the cavalry, they broke into the Mobei army unimpeded. North's formation.

For unmounted cavalry, facing a well-armored cavalry is tantamount to facing a disaster.

It was just a face-to-face encounter. After the 20,000 Tianyu troops rushed out from the city gate, they immediately set up a charging formation. Before the soldiers in Mobei had time to react, they broke into the formation and started a one-sided battle. of massacre.

"Behead the horse!"

Ji Wuyi shouted in a low voice, and saw that the 20,000 Tianyu soldiers behind him suddenly swung their broadswords. The four-foot-long broadsword was instantly pulled out from the hilt, and it was more than six feet long!

"Abandon the shield!"

With an order, shields fell to the ground one after another. 20,000 people holding extended broadswords confronted the mounted Mobei cavalry head-on. The deafening shouts and killings seemed to sing a sad song.

The Desert Wolf Riders who roamed across Mobei once again faced this cavalry that only existed in rumors!

"Could it be them?"

"No... Impossible, that iron cavalry disappeared in Dayu for many years. After so many years, the group of people back then have long become old men. How could it be..."

An elderly Mobei general looked at the black-armored knight holding a broadsword in front of him with fear, his eyes full of disbelief.

"General, who are they..."

"No...definitely not!"

"Why not!"

"They are also wearing black armor, without flags or banners. They were the ones who massacred more than 100,000 men in my desert!"

"It must be them. My father died in that terrible catastrophe. Now they are back!"

"Damn it!"

The Mobei generals who knew the inside story all showed a look of fear on their faces...


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