Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 591 So that's how it is... Then it's all right

Isn’t Tian Yu’s army the heritage of Dayu?

To use my father's words, Tian Yu's army, looking at all the soldiers and horses in the world, is invincible except for the Great Flame Dragon Cavalry.

But in today's battle, Ning Rulai seemed to find that Tian Yu's army was not as powerful as he thought.

"Why not as good as the white-robed army under King Yong?"

"By the way, the Eighteen Cavalrymen of Yanyun returned to the capital with His Majesty. Now that the capital is trapped, why don't they show up?"

"Where is the trapped camp?"

Ning Rulai frowned, feeling that something was a little strange. His Highness King Yong just told him to keep the imperial city, but now that the situation is so critical, where is His Highness King Yong's army?

"Tomorrow morning!"

"That's all, it's useless to think too much, prepare to retreat to the city."

The 30,000 cavalrymen in Mobei were completely wiped out, and the 40,000-strong army returned to the city in a mighty manner. The Mobei reinforcements coming from the north city gate were also stopped by the electric general. In this battle, Tian Yu's army suffered nearly 7,000 casualties, including many. For the injured.

But even if this was the case, the battle loss ratio was not small. Ning Rulai thought of the heavy armored cavalry under His Royal Highness King Yong. Although he had not seen it with his own eyes, he knew from his father that their combat prowess was incomparable. Yu's army is only strong but not weak!

"Commander, the scouts came to report that the Mobei Camp sent ten plundering teams to plunder the surrounding villages."


Ning Rulai's face darkened, and he immediately ordered: "Send the order, the four generals of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning will lead their troops to stop all these looting teams and annihilate them all at all costs."

"Commander, what should happen if Mobei's main force counterattacks?"

As soon as this statement came out, Ning Tathagata was also in trouble. Now most of the people in the villages near King Yu's city have entered the city, but a group of old, weak, sick and disabled are left behind, who are also Yu's people.

It would be fine if he didn't know. Now that he knows, how can he sit back and watch him die tragically under the butcher's knife in Mobei?

"Commander, His Highness King Yong is reporting urgently!"


There was a look of surprise on Ning Rulai's face. This was the first time His Highness had summoned him since he got in touch with the Second Master.

"Bring it to me and see."

After browsing for a while, Ning Rulai's expression became extremely exciting. He tore the letter in his hand into pieces and said loudly: "Generals, listen to the order, organize the troops and horses, march quickly, and rush to Changyan!"


Mobei camp.

Su Gaiwen sat on the main seat with a gloomy expression, looking at the generals below, and said solemnly: "We have already lost nearly 40,000 troops before we even attacked the tower. It is a great shame and humiliation!"

"Commander Su, we just received a report from the scouts. The black-armored cavalry led the army north."


When Su Gaiwen heard this, he immediately looked at the map, with surprise and joy in his eyes. What he couldn't understand was that there were only 30,000 forbidden troops in the city. After a day of fighting, there were probably only 20,000 left, and in this At that time, Tian Yu's army suddenly led his army northward?

Could it be that they no longer want the city of King Yu?

"Su Shuai, this is an opportunity!"

"If this black cavalry really leaves King Yu's city, then tonight, the general is willing to issue a military order. Before dawn, he will not take the imperial city, but come to see him!"

"Commander Su, the last general invites you to fight!"

All the generals looked excited and looked at Su Gaiwen's figure, their eyes full of burning fighting spirit.

"Send all the scouts to closely monitor the movements of Tian Yu's army."


royal palace.

It was already dark, Emperor Yu finished his dinner and sat in the imperial garden again, but this time the person sitting opposite him was an old man with a white beard who was over sixty years old.

"Your Majesty, the matter in the northern border has been investigated. All the masters of Mobei Langting came out. They first beheaded the generals of the Zhenbei Army, then forced Duke Jingguo to leave the city to meet the enemy, and finally lured him to the barren mountains with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. !”

"With Li Jin's methods, if it is Mobei's plan, how could he not see it?"

"Your Majesty, this is a clear plan. Even if Duke Jingguo sees through Mobei's plan, he can only submit step by step. Otherwise, the northern border will collapse thousands of miles away."

"Besides, if we don't stop the main force in Mobei, we won't be able to defeat the 500,000-strong army."

Hearing the old man's words, Emperor Yu also showed a fierce look in his eyes, and said with a sneer: "Three years ago, Mobei was frightened by me, Dayu, but now Hu Nu is trying to drive away tigers and devour wolves."

"Every cat and dog will come up and bite me twice. You really think that I, Dayu, are easy to bully!"

"Your Majesty, do you want them to send troops?"

Emperor Yu shook his head slightly, with a complicated look on his face. That was his last trump card!

He was able to steadily ascend to the throne back then because he planned every step of the way and even prepared the card. Concubine Xian borrowed it from Da Zhou to prepare it for him.

Everyone thinks that Dayu's heritage is the Tianyu Army, the power in the hands of King Qin.

And only Emperor Yu knew that King Qin's methods were all left by the late emperor. King Qin was indispensable for him being able to sit in this position, but it was not what the world thought. It was King Qin who single-handedly pushed him away. Come up.

But King Qin took the lead in blocking him, so that he had no time to use many cards in his hand.

Over the years, he and Concubine Xian have treated each other with respect, and the guilt in his heart is real, and the fear of Concubine Xian is also real. Even until now, he doesn't know how many trump cards his wife has hidden in her hands, and she has no idea about Concubine Xian. But his own hidden clumsiness is crystal clear, and this is the most terrifying thing.

Do you really think the emperor has no temper?

Is it really possible for a majestic emperor to be ridden on his head by a woman?

He is not in love, but he has no choice. It is true that he has feelings, and it is also true that he is deeply afraid. Today, what Concubine Xian said was not just a casual remark. If she really wants to, changing the dynasty is really not an empty talk!

"Where is the army of King Yong?"

"They have crossed the river and will arrive tonight."


Emperor Yu nodded slightly, thinking of this rebellious son, he couldn't help but feel a little headache. He always plays cards against the rules, always takes out a trump card, and hits him hard in the face. Even when his face is swollen, he still takes out another trump card to step on it.

At first, he also thought that this was the foundation prepared by Concubine Xian for him to seize the throne, but gradually, this power was completely beyond his control, and even beyond his cognition.

Only then did he realize that this rebellious son hid deeper than his mother.

"Your Majesty, the Tianyu Army defeated 30,000 Mobei cavalry outside the city today, but they did not return to the city, but led the army north."


Emperor Yu frowned slightly and said coldly: "There are still more than 100,000 Mobei cavalry outside the capital, and there are only 20,000 remnants in the city. Are they going north at this time to hand over the imperial city to others?"

"Your Majesty, it is said that this is the intention of His Royal Highness Prince Yong."

"Oh?" Emperor Yu was stunned at first, then waved his hand and said: "So that's the case... Then it's okay!"


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