Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 599: He secretly sat on the throne and was caught by Emperor Yu!

"Father, I am here."

Facing the cannibalistic gaze of Emperor Yu, Ning Fan took steady steps and bravely appeared in front of his old father.

In his mind, he was never a high and mighty emperor, but just a kind and gentle old father.

Will the son be afraid of his father?

Of course not.

There is only respect and love.


Emperor Yu did not give him a good look. He came up with a cold face and turned into a Yin-Yang master: "My son has made progress. I am not dead yet, but I am thinking about my position. Second brother, are you forcing me to abdicate?"

"Father, what are you talking about!" Ning Fan looked wronged, and tears were about to flow down: "I received the news that Mobei was heading south, so I galloped all the way north, fearing that my father would be hurt in the slightest."

"Now, the situation is turbulent and the enemy is besieging the city. I am more worried about my father's safety. I didn't expect that as soon as I saw my father, I was This speculation."

"My son is so disappointed!"

Ning Fan looked at Dian Wei and Xu Chu on the side with a look of disappointment: "Forget it, since your father suspects that we have ulterior motives, tell me that all the soldiers in Huainan will withdraw thirty miles from the capital."


The two fools were about to leave, but suddenly heard Emperor Yu shouting: "Wait!"


Emperor Yu's face was full of black lines. He was obviously holding back a lot of anger but had no way to vent it. The guys from Mobei were about to rush into the palace. You are withdrawing your troops at this time because you are afraid that they can't chop off my head!

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"I'll give you one day to drive all the troops in Mobei out of the imperial city!"

"How can we allow foreigners to wreak havoc in the capital of the Great Yu Emperor!"

"Your son obeys your order!"

Ning Fan bowed respectfully, strode out of the palace, looked at Dian Wei and Xu Chu beside him, and said softly: "My father has ordered that from now on, I will take over the imperial city. I will immediately draft an order to order the kings to return to the capital to protect the emperor."


Dian Wei and Xu Chu widened their eyes, always feeling that their brains were not enough.

When did His Majesty say that?

"What are you doing? Go and pass on the emperor's order."


Although the two fools are not smart, their loyalty to Ning Fan is unquestionable. As long as their master gives the order, they will not hesitate even if they are asked to chop off the emperor's dog head.

Now the palace city is under Ning Fan's control, and the Yuwang City is full of Huainan's soldiers. It is no exaggeration to say that if Ning Fan really has doubts, he doesn't need to speak at all. Just a glance can do everything for him from top to bottom.

Just wait for the yellow robe to be put on.

Even without moving his butt, it won't be a problem to move the dragon throne behind him.

But His Royal Highness Prince Yong is not such a person after all. He will never do such a treasonous thing.

Ning Fan turned around and walked into the palace, bowing slightly: "Father, the imperial city is now in turmoil and people are in panic. Please issue an edict to calm the people!"


After thinking for a while, Emperor Yu nodded slightly and looked at Wei Ying beside him: "Draft an edict. The army of Mobei will go south and besiege the city. Please ask King Song and King An to take charge of the situation."

"Your Highness King Song and Your Highness King An?"

Wei Ying's face showed a deep surprise. Even Ning Fan couldn't figure out Emperor Yu's intention for a while. You know, these two have a very low presence in the capital.

Even worse than a ninth-rank official, the doors of the two palaces are often closed, and almost never opened.

But now, Emperor Yu actually intends to let these two take charge of the situation?


"Now the army of Mobei is so powerful, the enemy is numerous and we are few, the capital is in danger, I ask you to issue an order to grant me the right to act at your own discretion!"

Ning Fan's face was very sincere, he looked like he was concerned about the country and the people, and his tone was also sonorous and powerful.

When Emperor Yu heard the words "act at your own convenience", he couldn't help but twitch his mouth. It was this damned act at your own convenience again. The year before last, you acted at your own convenience and made you a local emperor in Huainan. Last year, you acted at your own convenience and made the Changyan family bleed into a river!

Now, you are asking me to act at my own convenience again.


Looking at Emperor Yu in a daze, Ning Fan asked in confusion. The corner of his eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of Xu Chu and Dian Wei's fierce faces. For a moment, the soldiers outside the palace seemed to want to move their feet.

Emperor Yu couldn't help but twitch his mouth again and again, and forced a smile: "As you should, I will grant you the right to act at your discretion. Now, my Great Yu country is in turmoil. My son can rise up in the turmoil and share my worries. I am very relieved."

"Father is wise!"

Ning Fan grinned and showed a silly smile, then his eyes fell on Wei Ying: "Eunuch Wei, now that the army of Mobei is besieging the city, why can't we see the civil and military officials in the court?"

"At this critical moment, are they sleeping at home?"

"This..." Wei Ying also showed a bitter smile on his face, and bowed slightly and said: "Your Highness, the ministers have just left the palace. With the enemy at hand, the operation of various government offices has also been affected!"

"What a disgrace!"

Ning Fan suddenly showed a trace of anger, and said angrily: "My Great Yu's imperial city is about to be broken. These civil and military officials, instead of guarding by my father's side, went home to pack their bags. Damn it!"

"Second brother!"

Emperor Yu looked at Ning Fan's expression and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Father, you were frightened. Go back to the palace and recuperate. Leave this to your son."

"Eunuch Wei, send someone to summon the civil and military officials to the Zhengde Hall for a meeting!"

"Oh, father was frightened. Ask the imperial physician to write a calming letter so that father can recuperate."

When Wei Ying heard this, his old face showed a bit of panic. Asking him to send His Majesty back to the palace, is this forcing him to take sides?

Carefully observing Emperor Yu's expression, he asked tentatively: "Your Majesty, how about... let's go back and rest first?"

"Well, I am indeed a little tired."

"Second brother, I will leave the fate of my Great Yu to you."

"Don't worry, father, I will never let you down."


Emperor Yu showed a knowing smile on his face. At this moment, he seemed to be really relieved. He strode towards the bedroom. Ning Fan looked at the dragon chair in front of him, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. There was no one in the palace now, so why not try to sit on it?

I thought about it, of course I have to try it!


Ning Fan looked around, tiptoed forward, and his butt gently touched the dragon chair. Instantly, a loud shout came from the side: "Rebellious son!"


Seeing that Emperor Yu, this dog thing, actually came back, Ning Fan stood up suddenly with a bit of awkward smile on his face: "What a coincidence, you caught me."


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