Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 606 Has the Sixth Prince been hiding his abilities?

Prime Minister's Mansion.

Lin Qiushi, who returned to his residence, immediately locked himself in his study and closed the door to no guests. The servants in his residence seemed to have sensed an unusual aura, and everyone felt insecure for fear of offending their master.

"Somebody come!"


Upon hearing the Prime Minister's call, the housekeeper who had been serving outside the study quickly came forward to greet him and bowed respectfully.

"Take my greeting card and invite Zheng Xuan from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Zhao Rui from the Ministry of Rites, and Cai Ji from the Ministry of Punishments to come to my house for a banquet."

"Going to a banquet?"

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment. In this extraordinary period, his master was actually preparing to host a banquet for guests?

"That's right!" Lin Qiushi thought for a while and asked softly: "If I remember correctly, today is the seventh lady's birthday?"


"Then in the name of this!"

"But... Madam Seven is only twenty-one years old this year. If she mobilizes such an army and mobilizes a large number of people, will it be..."

"It's okay!" Lin Qiushi sighed sadly and said calmly: "The current situation no longer allows me to look forward and backward. If this continues, I will go home to retire!"


As soon as the butler left, a young boy walked in and saluted, "Master, please come to see His Highness."

"King Qi Lin..."

Lin Qiushi's face showed a deep look of disappointment. After getting along with him for this period of time, he knew that this third child was by no means a trustworthy person. He was short-sighted and seemed to be tolerant, but in fact he was small-minded and had no foresight. Insightful.

"If you don't see me, you will say that I am not in good health and should not see guests. I will hold a banquet in person someday to apologize!"


After the boy retired, Lin Qiushi locked himself in the study again, looked at the rice paper on the table, and murmured: "It's a pity that King Sheng is half disabled. King Yong has the talent of heaven, but he is not with me. "

"Nowadays, King Qilin is unlikely to succeed, King Changyang is clever but not very wise, the fifth prince is in the world and has no intention of being the supreme king, and the seventh prince of Jingzhou, Geng Ningyu, is even more useless."

"I, how should I choose?"

"Sixth Prince, Ning Xun!"

Lin Qiushi's eyes sparkled, but his brows furrowed slightly. His impression of this obscure sixth prince was extremely shallow. Even, looking back carefully over the past twenty years, his impression of the sixth prince Ning Xun was already unclear. becomes very blurry.

In my vague memory, I only remember that this prince was kind-hearted, mature and steady, not interested in fame and fortune, acted in a low-key manner, and had mediocre talents.

To sum it up in one sentence, this is an extremely ordinary prince, who is incompetent in literature and martial arts, and his character is indifferent to the world.


"Being from the royal family, if you are too mediocre, you will attract attention, but this sixth prince is actually able to fade away from the world's attention."

"Besides, if I remember correctly, Ning Xun's mother clan..."

Thinking of this, a horrifying thought suddenly came to Lin Qiushi's mind.

Could it be that His Highness the Sixth Prince has been hiding his clumsiness from beginning to end?


"If that's the case, this kid would be too scary!"


royal palace.

Qifeng Palace.

Emperor Yu and Concubine Xian sat opposite each other in the palace. There were a few simple snacks on the table, and Wei Ying stood respectfully beside them.

All the maids and servants in the palace have recovered from their illnesses.

"I heard that your Majesty granted Fan'er the right to supervise the country?"


"I also heard that Fan'er's soldiers took over Miyagi City?"


"This is forced labor!"

Concubine Xian looked at Emperor Yu with some gloating, and said with a smile: "I remember that His Majesty once said that if one day King Yong can drive you off the Dragon Throne, why not give this position to him? ”


Listening to Concubine Xian's teasing, Emperor Yu looked a little uncomfortable, and there was a hint of depth in his eyes: "At the beginning of the world's turmoil, with my current background, it will be difficult, difficult, difficult for me, Dayu, to conquer the world!"

"In troubled times, use extraordinary people and extraordinary methods to do extraordinary things!"

"In this way, we can have a glimmer of hope in this great world!"

When Concubine Xian heard this, her expression turned cold instantly: "So, Fan'er has become your tool again?"


Emperor Yu shook his head seriously and said softly: "The second brother needs a platform, I will give him a platform."

"I need a sword, and he is willing to become the sword in my hand."

"Haha!" A sneer appeared on Concubine Xian's face, and she said lightly: "Your Majesty, aren't you afraid that this sword will hurt yourself first before it hurts the enemy?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"No matter how this day changes, it will still be Dayu's day, right?"

Concubine Xian was silent, and Emperor Yu also looked a little melancholy and said with emotion: "Three years ago, I was a dandy in the capital, and now I have become my right-hand man. I am very relieved!"

"I also heard that Fan'er is planning to summon the kings back to the capital."

"I just found out." There was a hint of wisdom in Emperor Yu's eyes: "We might as well call them back and let them meet face to face in the court. I want to see. Without my suppression, this How far can these sons go?"

"In order to prevent the court situation from falling out of your control, you invited King Song and King An out?"

"I have raised them for so many years, it's time to let them contribute to me."

Empress Xian suddenly smiled, even with a little admiration in her eyes: "Your Majesty's courage, I admire you, have you ever thought that if Faner came a step later, your capital would be completely occupied by the iron cavalry of Mobei?"

"I am not without any preparation."

"If he came half an hour later, I am afraid that now my trump card would be forced out by him."

"Haha, you are really a loving father and filial son!"

"I can't lose in a game with the ministers, because I am the emperor!"

"However, it doesn't matter if I lose a game with my own son, because he is my son!"

"As a father, losing to his son will only make me more gratified and proud!"

Empress Xian was silent again, and after a long silence, she whispered: "When will the crown prince be appointed?"

"Wait a little longer!"

"It's rare to have some free time, come with me to go out for a walk!"


Prince Yong's Mansion

Lin Yong stayed in Huainan. Dian Wei and Xu Chu were not good at dealing with old foxes. Now, Zhao Huaiyuan was called by Ning Fan to serve him.

"Second Master, Lord Ji and Lord Xie are here."

"Well, please let them in!"

Not long after, the two walked to the main hall together. After seeing Ning Fan, they were quite excited: "Greetings to His Royal Highness Prince Yong."

"No need to be polite!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

After sitting down one by one, the servants of the palace served tea and left the hall.

Ning Fan also went straight to the point. He first looked at Ji Sui: "Lord Ji, the king wants to recruit new troops. Are you willing to come out to take charge of the overall situation?"

"Your Highness... I am now a commoner... I am afraid it is difficult for you to share your worries!"


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