Seeing Ning Fan, Emperor Yu was startled and relieved. He was really afraid that this bastard would die in a foreign country!

Ning Fan looked at Emperor Yu's sallow complexion and slightly hunched figure. He was no longer as majestic as the emperor who commanded the country and swallowed the sun and the moon a few months ago. He was also surprised!

Moreover, the temperament released by Emperor Yu was different from that of Dian Wei.

Like Dian Wei, he looked depressed, cold, and absent-minded. He was obviously depressed after being injured.

Emperor Yu was a bit like a hero in his twilight years. After going through hardships, he bowed to reality.

"Your Highness, I pay my respects to you, Father!"

"That's enough!"

Emperor Yu waved his hand impatiently, and said unhappily: "Stop talking nonsense. Have you dealt with the matter in Dali?"

"Father, you should stop worrying about these trivial matters. Listen to what the little girl said..."


Looking at Ning Fan's expression, Emperor Yu was a little embarrassed. He took the hand of a young woman next to him and said gently: "Come, this is your Aunt Mei."


Ning Fan looked at the gentle-looking woman next to Emperor Yu in surprise, with a strange look on his face.

As expected, she should be called Aunt Mei.

Now, the two most favored concubines around Emperor Yu are both his people.

"Father, you are living a life of luxury in the palace, but the people everywhere are suffering. Can you find a way to get some money?"


Emperor Yu frowned slightly and said with some dissatisfaction: "Now I have handed over all the power to you, and you still ask me for money?"


"Not a penny!"

"So straightforward?" Ning Fan observed Emperor Yu's expression and asked tentatively: "You have been in power for so many years, don't you have any private money on hand?"


Emperor Yu glanced at Ning Fan lightly and said calmly: "I do have some private money, 325 taels of silver, if you need it, I will give it to you. I'll send someone to get it for you."

"Forget it!"

"But, speaking of this, father, the world is about to start a dispute. The Hu slaves are eyeing Dayu covetously. Dayan is frustrated in the south and may turn his guns on Dayu."

"Father, do you have any backup plan for your son?"


Emperor Yu laughed in his heart and said unhappily: "Now all the civil and military officials in the hall have become your people, King Yong. What backup plan do I have?"

"Wow, Grandpa Huang is so pitiful!"


Looking at the little girl's expression, Ning Fan couldn't help laughing, while Emperor Yu was full of black lines, holding Ning Jinxiu in his arms, with a face full of It is doting: "Girl, I am not pitiful. Now I eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks in the harem, unlike some people who are tired like a dog all day long, busying around, worrying about this and that!"

"..." Ning Fan rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Father, why do you have to point fingers here?"

"Just tell me your son's name!"

"By the way, I want to discuss something with you. Your son is ready to ascend the throne... Oh no!"

Looking at the murderous face of Emperor Yu, Ning Fan also smiled embarrassedly and said: "Your son is ready to enter the East Palace. At that time, please come forward to confer the title on me!"

"Well, if you want to confer it, then confer it!"

"Choose a day, Send someone to inform me, remember to notify the clan office first!"


"If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first!"

Emperor Yu waved his hand and said softly: "Go, since you are back, let Prince Sheng go back and rest. The court cannot be without someone to take charge of the overall situation for so long. Prince Sheng is not good at government affairs."

"Your son obeys your order!"

Looking at Ning Fan's leaving figure, Emperor Yu also sighed with regret and said with emotion: "The son is no longer under the control of his father!"



"You are back."

When the queen saw Ning Fan's figure, a gentle smile appeared on her face. She looked at Ning Fan and was relieved.

"Everything is going well?"

"Very well!"

Ning Fan smiled, then looked at the Queen and said, "Mother, I am ready to move into the East Palace!"


The Queen also showed a bit of sigh on her face, and said calmly, "Have you discussed this with your father?"

"Yes, father agrees!"

"That's good, it can also save some trouble."

"But, Fan'er..." The Queen suddenly looked at Ning Fan with a serious face, and said in a solemn tone, "I hope you will go to the Dragon Cave before moving into the East Palace?"

"Dragon Cave?"

Ning Fan's expression froze. He was not unfamiliar with this place. Back then, his mother gave him a wooden talisman, saying that it was the key to the Dragon Cave of the Great Zhou Royal Family.

But when he met Ye You in Huainan, the two did not talk deeply, so this matter was not mentioned.

Unexpectedly, now, his mother actually mentioned the Dragon Cave again.

Could it be that there is something hidden in it?

"Congratulations, Master, for triggering the hidden mission - Exploring the Hidden Dragon Cave!"

"Mission requirements: Go to the Hidden Dragon Cave to obtain the Great Zhou relics and explore the hidden secrets of the Hidden Dragon Cave!"

"Mission time limit: three months!"

"Mission reward: Unlock the secret clue*1 and start the blood inheritance!"

Hearing the system prompt sound in his mind, Ning Fan was also startled, and looked at his mother with a little more suspicion.

"Mother, what secrets does this Hidden Dragon Cave have?"

"Why do you have to go there at this time?"


Before Ning Fan finished his question, the Queen shook her head and said in a deep voice: "My mother knows very little about the secrets of the Dragon Cave. You will understand it after you go there."

"Fan'er, you must remember that the surname of our Great Zhou is Jiang!"


Ning Fan's face was more puzzled. He naturally knew his mother's surname, but now, his mother emphasized it again. What was the deep meaning?


Looking at Ning Fan mumbling to himself, Jiang Jingchu said lightly: "This palace has already asked Ye You to come to Beijing. In the next few days, you will deal with the affairs of the court. When he arrives in Beijing, go with him!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, and the solemn expression on Jiang Jingchu's face also eased a lot. He looked at Ning Fan with some interest and said: "I heard that the beauty from the Western Regions beside your father was offered by you?"


"My mother is wise, it is obviously the maid beside my son, who was forcibly taken away by my father."


Jiang Jingchu's smile became more and more interesting, but he also looked indifferent: "Remember what this palace told you."

"When you see Ye You, say hello to your mother!"


Ning Fan bowed respectfully and left the queen's bedroom. When he came to the outside of the palace, he saw Dian Wei squatting in the corner, his expression was depressed, and his face was even more colorless, like a helpless child in the wind and rain.


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