"Master's wife, I'm here to marry you..."

"I'm here to marry you..."

"I'm here to marry you..."

A voice like a thunder exploded in the Taichi Sect, spreading to all the attics in the mountain gate.

In one of the highest peaks of the Taichi Sect, in an exquisite attic, there is an antique room.

A charming woman is holding a three-year-old boy to learn to read.

"Little loach, look at this word, pronounced Ao..."

"The word Ao, it is said to be the surname of the Dragon King of the East China Sea!"

While the beautiful woman was teaching the child, a man in his forties strode into the hall behind her. Seeing the gentle mother and daughter, he smiled and said, "Zhen'er, little loach is only three years old. How can he learn so much homework every day!"

"Three-year-old children are at the time of enlightenment..."

"Master's wife, I'm here to marry you..."

A voice suddenly came through the attic, and He Luanxiang and Xu Zhen'er changed their faces at the same time, and looked out the window suddenly.

"Is that the voice of that little beast?"



"I haven't settled accounts with him for what happened back then, but I didn't expect him to dare to come to my door?"

"So, Ping Tu and the others ran away in vain?"

He Luanxiang frowned and looked at Xu Zhen'er and said, "Zhen'er, you wait here, I'll settle this old matter!"

After saying that, he flashed out, but Xu Zhen'er's face was full of worry. She walked to the window with the child in her arms, surprised, excited, and a little worried.

"Little Loach, your father is here to pick us up."

"Mother, didn't Dad just go out?"


Xu Zhen'er shook her head seriously: "He Luanxiang is not your father, he is a big bad guy, Little Loach, you don't call him He Zhiyan, but Ao Zhiyan!"

"Did you hear that?"



"Old Bai, something seems to be going on?"


Wearing a white robe and with a fake long tongue hanging down, Old Bai frowned slightly, and when he heard the noise inside, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"There's something interesting to watch."

"Old Black, have you ever heard that before the Taichi Sect Master He Luanxiang became the Sect Master, he had a scandal?"


"Tell me about it!"

"Hehe, He Luanxiang has a disciple named Ao Buer, who is obsessed with martial arts and sometimes crazy, so he is called the Knife Crazy."

"Once, after practicing martial arts, the Knife Crazy went to visit He Luanxiang, but accidentally saw his master's wife, and since then, he has been out of control!"

"Did they get involved?"


Old White smiled slyly and looked at the members of the underworld behind him: "Notify the brothers, don't rush to take action, eat melons first!"



"Evil creature!"

"You still have the face to come back, I will clean up the mess myself today!"

After He Luanxiang saw Ao Buer, his face was as gloomy as water. Although he didn't catch the incident in the past, it caused a sensation in the sect and even in the martial arts world, which made him, He, lose face.

Some time ago, after ascending to the position of the sect master, he sent people to capture this evil disciple. Unexpectedly, this boy actually became a master and joined Dayu!

Now, the evil disciple came to the door in person. He Luanxiang was surprised and happy. He wanted to kill this boy on the spot!

"Disciple, meet the master!"

"Evil disciple, you still have the face to call me master?"

He Luanxiang looked at Ao Buer's serious salute and was immediately furious. The elders and disciples around him gradually gathered and criticized Ao Buer!

"Ao Buer, you are a disciple, but you are against Tiangang and do such a beastly thing!"

"It is a great shame for my Taichi Sect!"

"Today, I will clean up the door on behalf of the Sect Master!"

"Yes, Sect Master, why waste time talking to him? After taking him down, abolish his cultivation and throw him into the dungeon as a punishment!"

"Why do you keep such a thief alive?"

Ao Buer listened quietly to the abuse of his senior brothers and uncles. He was very puzzled and looked at his master with a puzzled face: "Master, how did I do something wrong?"

"My disciple and my master's wife are truly in love!"

"Besides, didn't my master sleep with Uncle Qin?"

"She also gave birth to a son for Uncle Xu."

"Why can't my disciple sleep with my master's wife?"

Ao Buer looked suspicious, as if he really couldn't figure it out. When he said this, it was like igniting a barrel of explosives. Both the elders and the disciples looked at He Luanxiang in unison.

"You...evil creature, stop slandering me!"

"This...is simply..."

"Did the Sect Master sleep with Master Qin?"

"She gave birth to a son for Master Xu. This is a lot of information!!"


"This...is unbelievable. Ao Buer is a lunatic. It is possible that he is talking nonsense and framing the Sect Master!"

"I don't think what the lunatic said is false. When Master Xu was in seclusion some time ago, I saw the Sect Master sneak into Master Qin's courtyard in the middle of the night!"

"This...is impossible!"

"Is Master Xu's son not his?"


Listening to the discussions of the disciples, He Luanxiang's face suddenly changed. He looked at Ao Buer with hatred and said word by word: "Evil creature, you are about to die, but you are still talking nonsense!"

"I will kill you now!"


After finishing speaking, He Luanxiang's figure was seen rushing towards Ao Buer.


A figure suddenly stepped out, only to see a slender middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe standing in front of He Luanxiang: "Sect Master, what Ao Buer just said, I haven't asked clearly yet."

"Why don't you wait until he finishes speaking?"

"Junior Brother Xu, do you believe this villain's bloody mouth?"

Elder Xu had a calm face and said coldly: "Ao Buer has tainted the innocence of my wife and children. I must inquire more clearly and clear the name of my wife and children."

"Ao Buer, what you just said is true?"

"I, Ao Bu'er, never lie!" Ao Bu'er said loudly: "Ao Bu'er doesn't know today. Why can Master sleep with Uncle Qin, but Ao Bu'er can't sleep with Master's wife?"


He Luanxiang pointed at Ao Buer, with a mix of shock and anger in his heart, and shouted in a deep voice: "Ao Buer, blasphemed the master's wife, and is still here to sow discord and slander others' reputations. This is a crime worthy of death!"

"You said that my sect and Senior Sister Qin slept together...is there any evidence?"


Ao Buer nodded seriously and said softly: "Master, when you patted Uncle Qin's butt last time, I accidentally saw that there was a birthmark on your butt."

"The son born to Uncle Qin and Uncle Xu has a birthmark exactly like yours on his buttocks!"

"Does this count as evidence?"


He Luanxiang was extremely embarrassed and looked at Junior Brother Xu's expression getting colder and colder, so he decided to strike first.

"Junior Brother Xu, get out of my way quickly, don't stop me from clearing the door!"

"Sect Master, you... deserve to die!"

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