
Prince Yong's Mansion.

Ning Fan sat quietly in the courtyard, surrounded by orioles and swallows, but he felt a little helpless.

Cai Yan has a gentle temperament and likes peace and quiet, while Yao Ji likes to be alone and is not good at communicating with others.

As for Wan Qingyue, she has been depressed recently and seems to have something on her mind.

As for Xue Yueshan, she stayed in Dali and lived in Ning Fan's small courtyard.


"Jinyiwei just sent news that Zhou Yu's army will arrive in Beijing tomorrow."


Ning Fan also had a look of surprise on his face. The Huainan navy was initially commanded by Bai Qingyu and Qu Linjiang, but after Zhou Yu went south, he was ordered to take over the navy. It is said that there were many episodes in the process.

In the end, both Bai and Qu were impressed by Zhou Yu's talent.

Willing to obey orders under his tent.

"Now it has merged into the Li River. Gong Jin means to directly let the navy dock on the bank of the Li River. He will personally bring several generals of the navy to Beijing."


Ning Fan shook his head directly and said: "I want to personally inspect the naval forces. Tell Zhou Yu that I will personally go to the bank of the Li River tomorrow to inspect the naval forces!"


Guo Jia smiled, and then said: "My lord, when will we discuss the matter of the princes going south?"

"No need!"

Ning Fan shook his head directly and said calmly: "There is no need to discuss this matter with anyone. The king will have a chat with them in person tomorrow."

"Your Majesty's side?"

"He won't interfere. The Dog Emperor is a very busy man now, and his eyes are fixed on Daxia's secret treasure."

It can be heard from Ning Fan's tone that he now has a strong opinion of the Dog Emperor.

Guo Jia smiled and shook his head silently.

As night falls.

Zhuan Zhu also arrived as promised. After greeting him respectfully, he stood in front of Ning Fan.

"My lord."



Zhuan Zhu said calmly: "There was a little incident in the middle. Ao Buer was assigned to the Taichi Sect. I thought that because he was your old friend, I didn't attack him, but he was included in my underworld. ”


Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, it is indeed a good decision to send that madman to the underworld."

"Zhuan Zhu."

"The king of Japan will set off later and go to the Great Xia Secret Palace with Ye You."

"Did you hear anything?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuan Zhu looked solemn and said: "My lord, my subordinates are about to report this matter. The rivers and lakes have been surprisingly quiet these past two days. It seems that everyone is brewing something."

"Furthermore, it is rumored that the Daxia royal family is about to enter the world, which has shocked the government and the public in all countries in the Central Plains."


Ning Fan's face showed a little solemnity, and his eyes gradually became deeper: "Who is controlling all this behind the scenes, and who is behind these Jianghu forces?"


"Queen mother?"

"Or is it Tianji Pavilion?"

Ning Fan's thoughts were a little confused, and he turned to Zhuanzhu and asked, "Zhuanzhu, have you found out anything about the fall of Daxia?"

Seeing Zhuan Zhu shaking his head, Ning Fan's frown deepened.

If the underworld can't find any clues, then the reasons behind the destruction of Daxia will be a bit thought-provoking.

"What's in Daxia's Secret Hidden?"

"Back to my lord, according to reports from my subordinates, Daxia's secrets contain nearly half of Daxia's secrets!"

"This is consistent with what Ye You said."

After Ning Fan paced back and forth, he looked at Zhuan Zhu and said, "Where are the core personnel of the underworld now?"

"Three of the Ten Palaces of Yamas are in the capital, and the ten Yin Commanders, except for the Bull-Head Horse-Mian and Meng Po, are all in the capital!"

"The whereabouts of the four great judges are unknown, and they are now sitting in the underworld!"

As soon as Zhuan Zhu finished speaking, Ning Fan's eyes flashed with sharpness, and he said softly: "Get ready, come with me to the Great Xia Hidden Store in the future."

"Yes, my lord!"

Early the next morning.

Ning Fan rushed to the Lijiang River with all the civil and military personnel from Prince Yong's Mansion. He would set off tomorrow, and Bai Qi would arrive before this afternoon if nothing unexpected happened.

"Lord, the Li River is ahead."

"Gong Jin's army has been arrayed on the river, please check, my lord!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, rode his horse to the river bank, and saw three thousand battleships crossing the turbulent river, and a flag waving on the river.

"Huainan leads the army to see His Highness!"

On top of the fighting ship, figures were kneeling on one knee. Ning Fan's face was extremely excited. Three thousand boats crossing the river were more spectacular than thousands of galloping horses.

Especially the tall building ship, located in the middle of the Li River. The 32-foot-long hull is no different from a behemoth on the river, and it is extremely domineering.

"Somebody come!"


"Get me a ship!"


Not long after, Ning Fan, Qin Qiong and others boarded the ship and looked at the navy on a ship. The Huainan navy's standard armor was white robes and white armor, standing majestic on the river.


"Now that Donghuai has surrendered to me, Dayu, then the territory of Donghuai will be a stalemate for me, Dayu!"

"The people of Donghuai are my people, Dayu!"

Ning Fan's voice was loud, and with the blessing of inner strength, it could be heard far away.

The boat sailed slowly on the river, Dian Wei rowing the oar himself, and Ning Fan standing on the bow.

"Do you know who our enemy is during this Eastern Expedition?"

"Your Highness, a Japanese!"

"Yes!" Ning Fan nodded, looked at the soldier with approval, and said loudly: "It is a Japanese!"

"But you all know that the Japanese country on the East China Sea is just a tiny country."

"The Japanese are just four islands."

"The Japanese are born short and mean, with a slave nature in their bones. If you are stronger than him and beat him, he will regard you as his master, wag his tail and beg for mercy, and be servile!"

"But if the master is weak, this vicious dog will bite the master and ride on the master's head to bully him!"

Ning Fan's tone was loud and clear, and he said in a deep voice: "If Today, the soldiers are marching eastward to conquer Japan, to scare and hurt this tiny country, and even to wipe it off the East China Sea. "

"When you return triumphantly, I will personally celebrate your success!"



As the navy soldiers shouted, Zhou Yu also stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "My lord, rest assured, I will definitely win this trip!"


"The army is marching!"

"The navy is attacking!"

"The ships are moving!"

With loud shouts, the ships on the river gradually turned around and headed east along the turbulent water.

On the opposite bank of the river, a middle-aged man with extraordinary demeanor and a young girl looked at the Huainan navy sailing away with a melancholy look.

"Teacher, my brother is on the other side of the river now. Should we cross the river?"

"No hurry!"


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