
"All the powerful forces in Beijing have moved northward!"

Early in the morning, Jiang Wei came to the door and brought a very important news.

"Going north?"

"Has someone found Daxia's secret treasure?"

"There have been rumors in the past two days that Daxia is secretly hiding in Xun'an."


Ning Fan's expression suddenly became strange, and he looked at Jiang Yu and said, "What has Lao Liu been busy with these past two days?"

"King Xun has been staying at home during this period. According to reports from our people, he is cultivating himself in the study every day and taking care of some flowers and plants from time to time."

"Haha, you are indeed the sixth child!"

"Jiang Wei, where is Bai Qi?"

"Back to my lord, my subordinate originally intended to return to the capital with Duke Bai, but something suddenly happened in Jiangnan, so I took the lead and calculated the time. I think Duke Bai should have arrived in the capital yesterday."


Ning Fan pondered for a moment and said calmly: "The Tai Chi Sect has been destroyed. Let the news get out first."

"In the name of Jinyiwei, I am sending a message to the Jianghu. All the Jianghu forces in Dayu's territory must submit to the imperial court within seven days and send people to the capital for pilgrimage!"

"If anyone disobeys, he will be punished!"


When Jiang Wei heard Ning Fan's words, his face showed some excitement, and then he raised his hands and asked: "My Lord, many of those foreign Buddhas have bought land and built temples in the capital in the past two days. It seems that they are going to take root near the capital. ”

"The monks preached Buddhism among the people and gained many followers."

"The king knows."

Ning Fan's face showed a bit of solemnity. When it comes to religious beliefs, no matter what dynasty or generation, there is a deep taboo on this.

Especially in this feudal era, under the power of King Yu, the court has always strictly controlled this.

"Jiang Wei, collect all the Buddhist temples of my Dayu, compile their information, and give them to Fengxiao."

"He'll know what to do!"


"Uncle Yeyou, our home was robbed?"

Seeing Ye You coming with a calm face, Ning Fan suddenly realized that Da Xia's hidden secret might really be in Xun'an.

"The whereabouts of Da Xia's secret are so secret, how did they know about it?"

"There must be someone behind this who is adding fuel to the flames!"

"Young Master, it's time to leave without further delay. If we are too late, things will change!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Uncle Ye You will wait for me for another half day."


After saying that, Ning Fan took Dian Wei to Prince Xun's Mansion in person to visit Lao Liu.

"Second brother!"

"Why do you have the time to go to my little brother's house?"

"Haha, Sixth Brother, are you still used to living in Beijing these days?"


Ning Xun had a satisfied smile on his face and said politely: "My servants are eating and drinking well, and they can still write and water the flowers when they have nothing to do. It's rare to have such a leisurely atmosphere!"


Ning Fan walked into Prince Xun's Mansion and said, "Sixth brother, I happen to have something to ask you for help today. I'm afraid it will take up a few days of your time."

After hearing Ning Fan's words, Ning Xun's expression froze, and there was a hint of speculation in his heart.

"Second brother is joking. If there is really a place where I can help, all I need to do is send someone to say hello. Why go there in person?"

"Yes!" Ning Fan nodded with a smile and said softly: "This matter is not a trivial matter, I have to take action personally!"


A look of surprise appeared on Ning Xun's face: "What's the matter that makes the second brother so cautious!"

"Sixth brother, have you ever heard of Daxia's secret treasure?"

"Great Summer Secret!"

Ning Xun's expression was shocked, and he felt a little more uneasy. Could it be that what happened last night was exposed?

The indictment is here!

"Second brother, I realize my mistake!"

"My little brother sent people to search for the whereabouts of Da Xia's secret treasure, just to prevent it from falling into the hands of Jianghu. After finding it, I will dedicate it to my second brother. I am loyal to my second brother and will never have any different intentions!"

Seeing Ning Xun suddenly kneeling down with a sincere look on his face, Ning Fan was also briefly confused.


"Lao Liu, you are really dishonest!"

"Second brother, I..."

"Okay, I believe in the sincerity in my sixth brother's heart. I am very pleased with this matter."

"Go back and pack up, and then set off with me in the afternoon to Xun'an!"

"Yes, yes..." Ning Xun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, secretly wiped the sweat on his forehead, and asked cautiously: "Has the second brother found the whereabouts of Da Xia's secret?"


Ning Fan nodded slightly and looked at Lao Liu with squinted eyes. He didn't expect this kid to be so stubborn. If he had the slightest trouble, this kid would immediately show off his cards.

"Brother, go pack your bags now. You can leave at any time!"

"Go down and get ready."

Ning Fan left Prince Xun's Mansion in the blink of an eye. Lao Liu respectfully watched His Highness King Yong go away, and then showed a bit of a wry smile: "I still underestimated Jin Yiwei's control of the capital!"

Prince Yong's Mansion.

Ning Fan came back and saw a figure rushing in.

"Your Highness, Princess Leyao is back."


Ning Fan stood up excitedly, raised his feet and walked outside. Just after taking two steps, he saw two figures, one large and one small, coming hand in hand.

"Second brother!"

"I miss you so much."

After two years of not seeing each other, the silly girl from that year has already rushed forward and thrown herself into Ning Fan's arms, her eyes a little wet.

Ning Fan's face also showed a little relief, this girl is not in vain.

"Okay, how old are you, but you are still like a child."

"If the servants see it, it will be disgraceful!"

"I am a child, second brother, give me two years of New Year's money!"

"New Year's money!"

Ning Fan's face showed a little bitter smile, but he still rubbed Ning Yao's head lovingly, and looked at the servant next to him: "Go to the account office to get ten thousand taels of gold and give it to Princess Le Yao!"


"Second brother, you are the best."

Ning Yao giggled, and then stood aside obediently. Ning Fan looked at the middle-aged man in a white shirt, stepped forward, and bowed slightly: "Meet Mr. Bai!"

"I am Bai Qi, I pay my respects to the king!"

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan stepped forward to support Bai Qi He got up, and his expression was full of emotion: "After two years of silence, today, I finally ask Bai Gong to come out of seclusion."

"The time has come. Even if the king does not send someone to invite him, I have the intention to enter the world!"

"It's a good opportunity!"


The two smiled at each other. Dian Wei, who was not far away, heard the movement here and looked at the middle-aged man in front of his master. His pupils suddenly shrank. He immediately stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Dian Wei of the future, meet Wu Anjun!"

"General Dian, no need to be polite!"

"Let's go in and talk!"


Dian Wei consciously stood outside the door. Ning Yao also saw that his second brother and master had something important to discuss. After saying goodbye, he went to Sheng Wangfu.


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