"Old Liu, Second Brother treats you with sincerity. Don't try to trick Second Brother!"

"Let's do this. For the sake of your "good friendship" with An Xi, let them produce five grand masters, and I can forget about it."


Ning Xun jumped up all of a sudden, and said with a look of pain on his face: "Second brother, there are only three masters of the Dark Assassin. Even if you kill them with a wave of your hand, they can't come up with five!"

"How about this? How about I recruit another person from my palace to gather four for them?"

"If it still doesn't work, I won't be able to help you, so I can only let my second brother defeat them!"

"Well...just four people!"

Ning Fan waved his hand grandly and grabbed Ning Xun's hand with a kind look on his face: "Sixth brother, you are really my second brother's treasure house. You can always help me at every critical moment!"

"The second brother is joking. The younger brother and the second brother are brothers. What's mine belongs to the second brother. What difference do you and I have between brothers?"

"Since sixth brother said this, second brother won't be polite to you anymore!"

Ning Fan patted Ning Xun on the shoulder and said softly: "Now, most of Dayu's soldiers and horses are guarding the border. Sixth brother, the second brother has no soldiers under his command. You first transfer your Dongxun army to Tieniu. How about helping the second brother stabilize the situation?"

"Dongxun Army..."

Ning Xun had a smile on his face, thinking that his mother was cheating, and as expected, the second child had already figured out his trump card!

First it was the Hidden Assassination, and then it was the Dongxun Army. Will it be the next one...?

"Second brother, younger brother... I suddenly feel a little unwell, please take a step back!"

"Well, go ahead!"

"However, the Dongxun Army will arrive at Tieniu City within three days!"

Watching Ning Xun leaving in embarrassment, Ning Fan's lips curled up slightly. He really liked Lao Liu so much. Although he liked to hide and tuck her away, he never did anything wrong and did not do anything arrogant at all.

He can even squeeze out toothpaste at a critical moment. Who wouldn't like such a good brother?

An inn in Tieniu City.

The entire inn was directly occupied by a generous owner, and it was a spacious first-class room.

Several old men gathered together, including the eight masters who were seriously injured at the city gate. They all had gloomy faces and were silent to each other.


"Ning Fan has put aside his arrogance and wants to ride out the rivers and lakes to destroy the Taiyuan Sect. What do you think?"

"Haha, it's just Shuzi's arrogant words."

"Where's Tai Chi Sect?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone fell into a long silence again.

"Hmph, I never believe that a mere secular dynasty can be my enemy in the entire world!"

"Nowadays, the second prince Ning Fan single-handedly controls Dayu's court. In this case, we will just let them fight among themselves."

"What does Mr. Gu mean?"

"Crown Prince Dayu has not yet been established. We will support the other princes to compete for the position of the East Palace!"

As soon as the old man known as Mr. Gu finished speaking, the eyes of the people around him also shone with a glint of light.

"This is a great plan!"

"In this case, our major sects might as well send people to contact the princes of Dayu first!"

"Third Prince Ning'an will be handed over to Ye Dao Villa!"

"The fourth prince, Ning Shu, will contact us at Baishengshan."

"The fifth prince Ning Xuan seems to be a member of the Jianghu, but I don't know what sect he belongs to. The sixth prince Ning Xun is weak and has no ambitions. There is no need to waste your time on this person!"

"As for the Seventh Prince Ning Yu, Brother Jian, how about leaving it to your Jian Zong?"

The fifth elder of the Sword Sect shook his head slightly and sighed: "My young master died at the hands of King Yong. I have already sent someone to report this matter to the sect."

"My Jian Zong is far away in Jiu'an Mountain. Even if Dayu can't touch us, Jian Zong won't go through this muddy water!"

"However, Ning Fan's son has cut off my inheritance, and our Sword Sect must seek an explanation!"

"Everyone, please be careful when you act!"

"I'll take my leave first!"

After finishing speaking, Jian Nanxu slightly cupped his hands and stood up to leave.

The white-haired General Gu cast his gaze on Jin Yuan of Taiyuan Sect: "Brother Jin, how about the Seventh Prince handing it over to your Taiyuan Sect?"

"Mr. Gu, now that Ning Fan threatens to destroy our sect, he will definitely take action."

"I'm going to lead my disciples back to the sect. Jue Tian died here. No matter what, I have to go back to the sect first and consult the sect leader before we discuss it!"

"That's fine!"

Everyone nodded slightly to show their understanding. After Jin Yuan said goodbye and left, everyone present also reached a consensus.

"Everyone, Ning Fan is protected by that drunken swordsman. We can't touch them. But as far as I know, there are no masters in the Imperial City of Dayu!"

"Why not, let's get some interest back from the people around him first!"

"That's fine..."


"What did you say?"

"Yue'er, did Dayu's King Yong and his party save your life?"


After Leng Xuanyue met with the third elder, she told them everything they encountered along the way. Miao Shuiqing was also a bit surprised when she heard this.

"Unexpectedly, they actually asked the black prisoners to take action."

"Thanks to His Highness King Yong this time, otherwise, Yue'er, you may be in bad luck."

"However, this King Yong is indeed a hero of the previous generation, and he dared to kill the son of the Taiyuan Sect Master and the successor of the Sword Sect. It seems that the Emperor Yu's court is really preparing to attack Jianghu!"

"Aunt Qing, does Dayu really dare to be an enemy of the entire Jianghu?"


Miao Shuiqing smiled, with a bit of wisdom in her eyes: "Why not, Yue'er, never underestimate the secular dynasty!"

"Before they founded the country, they were the most powerful clan in this land. After the founding of the dynasty, they occupied one-fifth of the Central Plains!"

"With their more than a hundred years of foundation, how can a mere sect compete with them?"

"My Jianghu sect has been self-righteous since ancient times and looked down on the secular people. But in the final analysis, whether it is a master or a great master, they are just mortals. . "

"Can it be compared with the million-strong army of the secular dynasty?"

"Besides, the five Central Plains countries have ruled this land for a hundred years, and so many talented people have gathered together. Whether it is open means or secret calculations, how can we who are devoted to cultivation be the opponents of those who specialize in playing dirty tricks?"

"On the surface, although there are only a few masters in each country, I can speculate that the number of masters worshipped by the court of any of the five Central Plains countries will never be less than 20!"

"Even more!"

Hearing Miao Shuiqing's words, Leng Xuanyue was also surprised. It was the first time she heard such a novel statement.

"Yue'er, Auntie Qing wants to ask you, did the sword master beside Prince Yong really defeat the eight masters with one sword?"

"Absolutely true!"

Leng Xuanyue nodded solemnly, and recalled that sword, she was a little more nervous, and said in a deep voice: "Auntie Qing, I saw that sword with my own eyes. If it weren't for Senior Qi from the Qitian Hall, I'm afraid the rumor would not be that one sword defeated the eight masters!"

"Even so, after that sword knocked the eight masters away, it hit Senior Qi's punch hard, and they were evenly matched!"


Miao Shuiqing's face was full of Shocked, he whispered softly: "With the Grandmaster realm, he crushed eight Grandmasters with one sword and hit the Grandmaster with one punch. There are such amazing people in the world!"

"He is really a natural talent!"

"Yue'er, now you and His Royal Highness Prince Yong have a life-or-death friendship, you must firmly grasp this relationship."

"If Prince Yong really needs my Hanyue Sect, I will definitely help him, and the sect will also give strong support!"

"Aunt Qing, no need..." Leng Xuanyue said a little embarrassedly: "Prince Yong saved my life, It's Yue'er's private matter. How can I have the nerve to ask the sect to repay my favor for me!"


Miao Shuiqing looked at the innocent girl and coughed lightly, "Yue'er, I asked you to befriend King Yong not to repay your life-saving grace!"

"But King Yong is a man worthy of my Hanyue Sect's efforts to make friends with him."

"King Yong wants to rectify the martial arts world at this time, which is an opportunity for my Hanyue Sect!"

"It's easy to add icing on the cake, but it's hard to send charcoal in the snow!"

Looking at Miao Shuiqing's face full of emotion, Leng Xuanyue's expression suddenly moved , said: "Aunt Qing, to be honest, Prince Yong really has something to ask me, but Xuanyue is difficult to decide on this matter, so she dare not easily agree!"


"You girl, you are really confused!"

"Now my Hanyue Sect is excluded by the major sects of Duanxuan Mountain. If we can rely on the Dayu court, it will be a powerful foreign aid!"

"What else does Prince Yong need your help for? It is obvious that His Highness is trying to show you goodwill!"

Miao Shuiqing looked at his own saint girl with some regret. Alas, this girl is still too inexperienced!

She is not good at grasping these human relationships and is not aware of His Highness's potential intentions.

"Fortunately, you came to see me."

"It's not too late to mend the situation."

"Girl, go see His Royal Highness Prince Yong as soon as possible, and agree to whatever conditions he proposes."

"But, Aunt Qing, His Royal Highness Prince Yong wants..."

Leng Xuanyue was a little embarrassed to speak. This treasure map is the treasure of the sect. For this treasure map, their Hanyue Sect paid several lives and was even chased by the black prisoners all the way.

Are they going to give it up so easily now?

"Is he going to..."

Miao Shuiqing looked at Leng Xuanyue's nervous face and hesitated for a moment, as if he was weighing the pros and cons.

"Forget it!"

"Girl, since he wants it, just give it to him!"

"Aunt Qing also knows that this matter is indeed a bit embarrassing, but since he has opened his mouth, how can we refuse?"

"Besides, with the power of King Yong, there are several masters accompanying him. If she uses some tricks, even if Aunt Qing follows you every step of the way, it will be useless!"

"For the sake of the sect, I wronged you!"

"No!" Leng Xuanyue looked at Aunt Qing who agreed so easily, and was also a little surprised: "Aunt Qing, then I will give it to him?"

"Girl, you are still hesitating at this time?"

"Go quickly, I will explain to the sect master!"



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