Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 717: Entering the secret vault, the martial arts world gathers together!


"Second brother, my people have arrived too..."

"please come in!"

Ning Fan glanced at Ning Xun and saw four plainly dressed old men walking out of the hall. They had an average appearance and average temperament. If they were placed on the street, no one would take a second look at them.

It's in line with Lao Liu's behavior!

"Sixth, you four little old men look ordinary. Did you grab four slaves from the house to deal with the second brother?"

"Second brother, what are you talking guys, why don't you show your cultivation."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

As he said that, the auras of the four people were released instantly. Each of them was a master in the early stage of the Grand Master Realm.


Ning Fan smiled, stood up slowly, and looked around: "Seniors, this secret war is related to my king's war in the world, and to the national destiny of all the countries in the Central Plains!"

"Please give me your full help!"

"Don't worry, young master, we will do our best!"

"I am willing to obey His Highness's orders!"

Seeing everyone express their opinions, Ning Fan also showed a gentle smile on his face, looked around and said: "Get ready, we will leave in half an hour!"


Everyone left one after another, and Zhuan Zhu and Nie Zheng appeared in front of Ning Fan.

Now half of the underworld's combat power has been mobilized here, just waiting to perform on stage.

"Zhuan Zhu, this is the specific location of Da Xia's secret treasure. You should take the first step."

"In this operation, I am in the light and the underworld is in the dark."


Everything was ready, and Ning Fan and his party quietly left Tieniu City.


This mountain, which is more mysterious than the Seven Immortal Mountains, has welcomed so many outsiders for the first time, with figures crisscrossing it, shuttling between the dense forest and hills.

"Uncle Ye, how far is it?"

"Young Master, there are still more than ten miles left, and there seem to be a few tails following us!"


Ning Fan sneered, paused, glanced behind him, and said softly: "Since you are here, why hide your head and show your tail?"

"get out!"

Dian Wei shouted low, swung his two halberds and struck towards the shade of a tree behind.

The domineering Gang Qi directly tore the trees in the mountain to pieces, and the two figures stood up directly, took advantage of the situation and slapped their palms, and then flew away far away.

"They are from the Ghost Shadow Sect!"

"Ghost Shadow Sect?"

Ye You looked at the two disappearing figures and said softly: "It is a hidden sect in Duanxuan Mountain. The disciples in the sect rarely walk in the world, and their strange movements shock the world."

"I didn't expect that they would join the world this time."

"Overtly or covertly, I'm afraid there are many people from no less than a hundred sects who are already targeting us!"

"No problem!"

The group continued to set off, and half an hour later, they arrived at the location marked on the treasure map, which was an extremely narrow valley.

The end of the valley is lush and green, tightly wrapped by dense trees.

Ning Fan and his party stopped in front of the valley, looked around, and said softly: "Five seniors, the mouth of this valley is narrow, and there is only one passage in and out. I leave this place to you, maybe you can hold it?"

"Young Master, we will defend the entrance of the valley to the death!"


Ning Fan shook his head solemnly and said in a deep voice: "There are at least dozens of grandmasters who have come to Daxia to hide their secrets. Just the five of you will definitely not be able to make an enemy of the entire world."

"Just hold them back. If your life is in danger, don't fight to the death!"


The five people respectfully accepted their orders. Ning Fan looked at the four people brought by Ning Xun and said softly: "You four, hide in the dark. In this valley, the jungle is dense, and it is very easy to hide your body."

"Coordinating the five of them secretly."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Come on, let's go in."

After Ning Fan made arrangements, Dian Wei waved a pair of halberds and opened the way ahead. Ancient trees fell under his pair of halberds. Ye You also held a long sword and opened the road ahead.

"Lord, look!"

"There is a stone door ahead!"


Ning Fan looked into the distance. Under the moonlight, a stone door loomed, and there seemed to be two stone men holding swords and guns next to it, one on the left and one on the right, standing like door gods.

"Young Master, there is a mechanism here. These two stone men are just two puppets!"

"Just twist the mechanism to open the stone door!"

As Ye You said that, he stepped forward, thrust out a sword in the grass on the side of the stone gate, and picked up a hidden iron chain.

With a gentle pull, the iron chain shook loudly, and the two stone puppets in front of the stone gate suddenly turned around and faced the stone gate, inserting their spears and halberds into the grooves on both sides of the stone gate.


Following the roar of the stone door, the two stone puppets actually knelt down on one knee. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the stone door slowly opened upwards.


"It's such a sophisticated mechanical technique, what exactly is driving this stone puppet?"

Ning Xun looked at the two stone figures in front of him with a shocked expression, and Ye You on the side said softly: "The legacy of the Great Xia. In the Great Xia, both national power and the way of hundreds of schools of thought have reached an unprecedented peak. "


"Each of these two stone puppets has the combat power of a grandmaster."

"If there is no mechanism and you forcefully break open the stone door, you will be strangled by these two stone puppets!"


Ning Fan couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. Among the Mohist mechanical techniques he had obtained, there was also an introduction to stone puppets. The manufacturing process was extremely complicated and cumbersome, and there were thousands of parts in it!

Unexpectedly, it has already appeared in this era!

"Let's go in!"

As he spoke, Ning Fan took the lead and stepped into it. Ye You hurriedly said, "Young Master, there is a mechanism in this passage. I will come to clear the way!"

"It's okay. I also know a little about mechanisms."

As he spoke, the figures of a group of people stepped into a deep passage. On the walls on both sides, there were inlaid with various sizes of night pearls. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of them!

The whole deep passage was illuminated.

"Young Master, the only part of Daxia's secret treasure that has been opened now is the Dragon Cave."

"That is the place where the treasury was stored when my Great Zhou was destroyed."

"Then let's go to the Dragon Cave first."

Ning Fan did not forget that the task issued by the system was to explore the Dragon Cave, which was also one of the purposes of this trip.

As for the secret treasures of Daxia, even Dazhou had not opened the rest of them. Although they held the treasure map, it might not be that easy to open the sealed part.

"Let's go!"

While Ye You was exploring the mechanism in front, Ning Fan and his party followed closely and came to the second door smoothly.


Outside the valley.

Figures appeared at the entrance of the valley one after another as if they had received the news.

"Sure enough, the secret treasures of Daxia are in this Mangshan."

"Hahaha, it is worthy of the prosperous times. The secret treasures of Daxia have appeared in the world. I am afraid that the Central Plains countries will also go crazy for it!"

"Everyone, how about we go in together?"


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