"Oh, you are quite smart!"

"Grandpa won't pretend with you anymore!"

Dian Wei rushed forward, and the halberd in his hand instantly released a red aura, which turned into a halberd light and slashed at the five people in front of him.

"How brave!"

"I will stop him, you go directly and deal with the blue-shirted swordsman first!"


The five people nodded to each other, and a powerful internal force surged in their bodies. The leader rushed towards Dian Wei brazenly, and the other four people flashed strangely, and they had already passed Dian Wei and rushed towards Ning Fan and others.

"Looking for death!"

Dian Wei's eyes showed a hint of anger, and the aura on his body became violent in an instant.

The pair of halberds became indestructible in an instant under the infusion of aura!

"Break it for me!"

With a low shout, Dian Wei's violent figure jumped high, and the two halberds were like mountains, smashing towards the black-clothed figure in the lead.



Accompanied by a loud noise, the ground shook, and Dian Wei's double halberds fell heavily to the ground, and the violent aura directly shook the black-clothed man who dodged.

Seeing that the dead man behind him was about to rush to Ning Fan and his party, Dian Wei stretched out his hand and pulled out a small halberd from his waist, and threw it out fiercely: "The small flying halberd is coming!"


The small flying halberd was wrapped in red aura and spun out.

Seeing this, the four people's faces changed slightly. A thin black-clothed man instantly drew out the long sword from his waist and slashed at the flying halberd.


The other three did not hesitate, and waved their palms to slap Ning Fan and the other four.

"My lord, be careful!"

Dian Wei's expression changed suddenly, but he was held tightly by the leader of the five people. With a roar, the aura on his body gushed out again, and the violent breath enveloped the entire stone room.


The palm prints of the three people fell on Ning Fan and the others. There was only a muffled sound. The clothes of Ning Fan, Li Bai, and Ye You shook, and they were actually sucked in directly.

The luster of the Human Emperor Seal instantly bloomed, and even more terrifying power was released, rushing towards the stone lock.


Another crisp sound, the stone lock on the stone door was broken, and the figures of Ning Fan and others were all repelled by the mysterious power of the stone lock, and they retreated again and again!


"I don't know what to call you three. If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid this stone lock would not be so easy to break!"

Ning Fan politely bowed to the three brothers, and Li Bai also took off the wine gourd from his waist, drank a sip comfortably, and looked at the black-clothed man in front of him with interest.

The leader of the black-clothed man who was shaking with Dian Wei also paused, and his face under the mask twitched slightly.


"Your Highness Prince Yong is too polite. I'm glad I can help..."

"Since the stone lock has been broken, we'll take our leave first."

The three of them forced out a smile, and their bodies almost flew up at the same time, and they retreated instantly.

Ye You and Li Bai attacked almost at the same time, each with a sword, and two sword beams chased the three of them.

"Send you off!"

Ye You's sinister voice sounded, and the murderous intent in his eyes seemed to put people in the Nine Nether Hell, chilling them to the bone.

"I've taken note of the account of the Ghost Shadow Sect, and I'll start with you guys!"


Five good brothers whose names they couldn't even remember, died directly under Ye You's sword after their first appearance.

Ning Fan looked at Ye You's murderous look and shook his head slightly. He was so old, but he was still so murderous!

However, he was still young, so it seemed reasonable that he was more murderous?

"My Lord!"

"Let's go in and take a look."

Ning Fan looked at the small stone room in front of him. The stone door was pushed open with a slight push. What came into view was a bright stone room. There were several vents on the windward side, shining a lot of light, illuminating the walls.

On the stone wall were murals, and the four walls were connected one by one. At a glance, there were nearly a hundred murals, and there was not a single word on them.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the pictures on the wall. The first one was a strange man with six arms, holding a knife in one hand, a gun in the other, and a shield in the other. The other three hands were dragging a complex device together, like a crossbow!

"What kind of monster is this, it actually has six arms?"


"Young Master, look at the second picture, the man can actually grow wings?"

"Strange, since he has wings, why does he have to ride a horse?"

Ning Fan was also shocked, and his eyes turned to the third picture, only to see a bare-armed man riding a tiger, followed by hundreds of beasts, all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts!

The first three portraits are an introduction to the characters in the subsequent pictures. To sum it up simply, there is a six-armed man, a man with wings, and a man who seems to be able to tame beasts!

"Did Daxia die because of these three people in the mural?"

"Not necessarily!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly, and he had a vague guess in his heart. If he guessed correctly, these three people represented three different ethnic groups!

In this way, perhaps it can be explained that behind these three people, there is a force that can destroy Daxia in its heyday, and even before the demise of Daxia, it has never appeared!

In order to confirm his guess, Ning Fan continued to look at the mural behind him. The content of the mural was very simple, even clear at a glance, as if it was telling a story in the form of pictures!

A scout knelt in the hall, holding a letter to report. The emperor sat in the hall with a frown on his face, obviously hearing something that shocked him.

On the East China Sea, ships came from the distant shore, and alien figures walked down from the ships. Some had several arms, some had wings, and some drove a group of poisonous insects and beasts down from the ships!

Then, the soldiers of Daxia stationed in the East China Sea started a war with these aliens. The Daxia army, which swept across the four directions, suffered an unprecedented defeat!

The emperor was furious and immediately sent the main force to fight. Unexpectedly, the enemy army could operate extremely complex equipment, and there were even winged "flying men" and countless poisonous insects and beasts!

Not surprisingly, the main army of Daxia was defeated again!

In a very short period of time, the aliens occupied a large area of ​​the eastern border of Daxia. At that time, the barbarians in the four regions took advantage of the fire and sent troops to the Central Plains!

The Great Xia Emperor summoned a group of experts to fight these aliens!

So far, the content on the mural has ended, but Ning Fan and others are still unsatisfied and can't calm down for a long time.

"I didn't expect that Great Xia would be destroyed by these aliens."

"But why have we never seen any traces of these aliens in these years?"

Hearing Ye You's question, Ning Fan also frowned. The mural did not mention how these aliens were expelled in the end, nor did it explain how Great Xia collapsed, but the only thing that was clear was that the collapse of Great Xia was indeed because of these aliens!


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