"My lord, I will be relieved to see that you are safe and sound!"

"Quick, I'll cover the prince and evacuate the royal tent as soon as possible. Yue Fei is coming with his army."

"Your Majesty, please leave quickly. I will ask you about your future in the future!"

Seeing the anxious look on Xing Daorong's face, Shule was confused for a moment.

"Xing Daorong, what on earth is going on?"

"The Yu army set up an ambush in Yunteng City. Should you give me an explanation?"

"Your Majesty!" Xing Daorong said with an aggrieved face after hearing this: "After the general left the camp from the king's tent, he immediately summoned his cronies and arranged to open the city gate at night!"

"Unexpectedly, Yue Fei was actually wary of the general. Several of the general's close associates were Yue Fei's eyes and ears."

"Every move of the general is under the surveillance of that damn Yue Fei. On the surface, he is calm, but he secretly sets up an ambush. When the general learns that the matter is exposed, he directly leads his cronies to surrender."

"Unexpectedly, Yue Fei actually came out of the south gate and prepared to attack the king's tent. After hearing the news, the general immediately sent a group of generals to protect him."

"Your Majesty, please don't hesitate. Yue Fei's bravery is unparalleled. Please move over quickly, Your Majesty!"

Seeing the sincere look on Xing Daorong's face, Shule was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that a surrendered general could be so loyal, but he might have overreacted.

"General Xing, you are determined."

"Woo..." When Xing Daorong heard Shule's praise, he couldn't help but burst into tears, and his body was shaking with excitement: "It is an honor for the general to be able to die for the prince!"


Shule laughed heartily and watched Xing Daorong step forward and pat him on the shoulder, comforting him: "General Xing, don't worry, Yue Fei can't be killed. I have already led the army to fight!"

"Before dawn, we will definitely kill Yue Fei's thief chief!"

"Very good!"

Seeing the excitement on Xing Daorong's face, Pan Feng on the side was sweating profusely and his eyes were flickering.

Did this bitch Xing Daorong really rebel against Dayu?

Or is it all his acting?

For a moment, General Pan was a little confused, but he knew that speaking rashly might put them all in danger.

"My lord, you cannot trust this person easily. No matter what, General Ni Qian was ambushed in Yunteng City because of Xing Daorong!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Shule frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "General Xing has now submitted to me, Dahu, and I will treat everyone equally. You must not be presumptuous!"

"General Xing, tell me, what will be Yu Jun's next move?"


Xing Daorong's eyes rolled up and he muttered: "Your Majesty, now that the Yu Army has taken the initiative to withdraw from Yunteng City, that means they have decided to abandon Yunteng City!"

"Now, the prince has strong soldiers and horses, but Yu's army is a ragtag bunch. According to the general's speculation, they will give up Yunteng City and will definitely give way to the north!"

"The next step is to plan to withdraw the troops!"

"Yeah!" Shule nodded in agreement and chuckled, "Here comes someone!"


"Pass my order, organize your troops and horses, and use all your strength to encircle and suppress Yu's army!"

"Be sure to take off Yue Fei's head!"


All the generals bowed their hands and saluted, and Xing Daorong also said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, that Yue Fei has good martial arts and is very good at using troops. He is a rare talent!"

"Although this person is at odds with the general, the general has to admit that his talent is far superior to that of Xing. However, this person is extremely lustful. If the prince can lure him with a beautiful woman, he may be able to persuade him to surrender. !”


"How can a few women seduce the mighty commander-in-chief of an army?"

Several Hu generals next to him showed a sneer, but Xing Daorong said calmly: "You generals don't know anything. This Yue Fei relies on his talent and arrogance. When he was in Beijing, he went on an rampage, raped the daughters of the people, and even molested the princess of the court!"

"If it hadn't been for His Highness King Yong's protection, I would have been imprisoned long ago!"

"It is precisely because of this man's talent that he survived several times!"

"Your Majesty only needs to prepare a few beauties for me, and I will be willing to risk my life to persuade you to surrender!"

Hearing Xing Daorong's serious nonsense, Pan Feng's face looked a little dull. This bitch is really a talent!

Even I almost believed his words!

"If it's true as you said, they're just a few women!"

"Someone is coming!"


"Go and summon the dancing girls I brought from the royal court!"


After giving the order, not long after, several beautiful Hunu women entered the king's tent. Shule smiled softly at Xing Daorong: "These nine women are the dancers in the king's tent. Even if they are placed in my Hunu Wang Ting is also a first-rate beauty."

"I leave it all to you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xing Daorong thanked him first, then shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, these alone are not enough. With Yue Fei's current status in Dayu, he may be tempted by these women, but he may not be willing to serve the Prince! "


Shule's face also showed a bit of displeasure, but Xing Daorong spoke in time: "The prince and everyone also know that now he is deeply favored by King Yong among Dayu, and now he is in charge of an army alone. High position!”

"If the prince does not promise his title, I'm afraid..."

"That makes sense!"

Shule nodded in agreement, and the suspicion in his eyes was reduced a little. He smiled and said, "In this case, you tell him that if he is willing to submit to my Great Hu, I will ask the emperor to make him a rich man!"

"The rich man is a title second only to the royal family and the king in my Hu Nu!"

"And as long as he submits to my Great Hu, I will make him a commander. You know, there are only eight commanders in my Hu Nu now!"


Xing Daorong was also a little shocked. He heard from General Yue that Hu Nu had eight elite cavalry, each commanded by eight commanders. They were the backbone of Hu Nu and the support of Hu Nu in the north!

But I didn't expect that now, Prince Shule actually opened a commander position for General Yue!

What a big deal!

"In addition, you should bring some gold, silver and jade. Oh, Tu Ning, send my good horse, Wanli Zhuiyun!"

"General Xing, it's up to you."

Shu Le looked at Xing Daorong with a friendly face, obviously with high hopes for him.

Pan Feng winked at Xing Daorong frantically, and the latter nodded slightly: "Your Majesty, I dare not guarantee that I will convince Yue Fei, but I will definitely do my best!"

"Well, very good!"

"Please give the order not to pursue for the time being, I will go to see Yue Fei!"


Shu Le agreed immediately, and all the Hu generals in the king's tent looked unhappy and looked at their own king in confusion!


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