Northern Border.

Ni Gan and Zhunmai Ti, under the cover of a group of barbarian generals, luckily escaped from Yunteng City.

After the death of Shule, more than 100,000 Hu Nu remnants were leaderless, and Zhen Heng was naturally ordered to take charge.

"General Zhen Heng, are we going to retreat like this?"

"What if we don't retreat?"

Zhen Heng's eyes widened. Although he was a top military general, he was very self-aware. If he was asked to charge into battle and kill the enemy in front of the battle, he would naturally be good at it!

But if he was asked to command an army and lead the troops to fight, this would involve his blind spot.

"We all underestimated Dayu."

"His Majesty will be furious when His Highness Shule dies this time."

"Now, we only have more than 100,000 remnants left, and we are no match for Dayu!"


As soon as Zhenheng finished speaking, a general rushed in: "General, Grand Duke Zhunmai and General Ni Gan are back."


Zhenheng's face showed a touch of surprise. He didn't expect that the two of them were still alive.

In this way, Zhenheng's pressure was suddenly reduced.

"Please come in quickly."

Two burly figures stepped into the Linshi general's tent together. Now that Shule is dead, the remaining remnants of the army have also abandoned their armor and weapons, and many supplies and tents have been directly abandoned.

Zhunmai brought Ni Gan to the big tent, and the surrounding generals saluted one after another.

"Greetings, Grand Duke!"

"No need to be polite!"

Zhunmati looked at the figures in the tent and saw that only one out of ten people was left. He also showed a trace of loneliness on his face and sighed: "800,000 troops, I didn't expect that in just a few days, there would be only a group of defeated soldiers left."

"Even His Highness Shule..."

"This duke is to blame!"

As Shule's confidant, Zhunmati is considered to be the direct descendant of Prince Shule's lineage. Now that Shule is dead, I am afraid that their lineage will be annexed by the vassals of other princes.

Moreover, such a big defeat is an unprecedented shame for the Great Hu.

How to face His Majesty the Great Emperor?

"Uncle Zhun, we still have a large army in the direction of Quyang City!"


Zhunmati's eyes lit up. His Highness Shule sent Just to help the remnants of Gulibo's army, and now there is no battle report.

That's 100,000 elite cavalry!

"Send out scouts immediately to contact General Yust!"


"Alas!" Zhunmaiti sighed again, and said somewhat dejectedly: "Now Dayu has strong soldiers and horses, and his generals are as fierce as the clouds, and even the heavy armored cavalry is elusive."

"I'm afraid Yust..."

The generals were silent for a long time, and Zhunmaiti said softly: "Send a message to the royal court. Let the royal court decide whether to withdraw the troops!"


Xuanjian Pass!

Zhao Changying, Liu Fengping and Su Xuan, three old men, stood on the tower. They have been guarding the border for the past two years. Although their lives are leisurely, they obviously have a lot more white hair on their heads.

"Old Zhao, what do you think the court means now?"

"Your Majesty is in his prime, why did he suddenly give up power?"

"Now, disputes are everywhere in the Central Plains. If the court is unstable, I'm afraid..."

Su Xuan didn't continue, but there was a trace of worry between his eyebrows that was difficult to conceal.

In the great struggle of the world, Dayu was not strong to begin with, and now, they were far away from the center, and were very slow to understand what was happening in the capital. In fact, they could only speculate through a few words in a letter.

Zhao Changying smiled heartily and glanced at Su Xuan: "You old man, you are not concerned about anything else."

"We three old men can't get involved in the affairs of the center, and besides, isn't that person also in the capital?"

"I heard that the military reform was personally carried out by that person."

"Moreover, with the talent of His Royal Highness Prince Yong, the rise of Dayu is destined by heaven!"

Among the three, Zhao Changying and Ning Fan have the best personal relationship, and they also know the character of His Royal Highness Prince Yong very well, so they naturally don't worry about him doing something treasonous.

However, it's hard to say about the poisonous soldiers under his command.

"Old Liu, why don't you speak?"

"Haha, are you pretending to be dumb?"

The two looked at Liu Fengping at the same time. Among the three, Zhao Changying had the most intense temper. He even did things in a hurry and was careless in dealing with people. Su Xuan was a little more introverted, but not very cunning.

Only Liu Fengping was thoughtful and silent.

"I'm not worried about the court. Now that His Royal Highness Prince Yong has entered the East Palace, it just shows that the situation in the court is stable."

"Well... Old Liu makes sense!"

Hearing Liu Fengping's words, Zhao Changying nodded in agreement, but Su Xuan on the side couldn't help but say: "If that's the case, why are you still so sad?"

Liu Fengping let out a long breath and said sadly: "I'm worried about the Northern Border and Dali!"

"Northern Border!"

Hearing the word Northern Border, both Zhao Changying and Su Xuan showed a deep look.

"Eight hundred thousand cavalrymen are knocking at the gate!"

"Let alone the 300,000 troops under Yue Fei's command, I'm afraid even if we dispatch the 300,000 Zhenxi troops from Xuanjian Pass, we won't be able to resist!"

"It's hard to say. I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince led the expedition in person. Although the Hu cavalrymen are fierce, His Royal Highness Prince Yong also waded through mountains of corpses and seas of blood."

"We have conquered the southern barbarians. Can the Hu people knock at the gate of my country, Dayu?"

Zhao Changying secretly encouraged himself. He couldn't figure it out, and didn't want to talk about it in depth: "I can understand you talking about the northern border, but when will it be your turn to worry about Dali?"

"You old boy, are you thinking about changing your family?"


Liu Fengping glared at Zhao Changying unhappily. This old bastard was simply outspoken. If this word got out, even if he didn't have that intention, it would probably be over.

"Dayan is now annexing Dali with the whole country's strength. With Dali's national strength, how can it resist Dayan's million-strong army?"

"If Dali is really lost, my Dayu's situation will be really bad."

Hearing Liu Fengping's sigh, Zhao Changying and Su Xuan were also stunned. Among Dayu's four borders, the threat in the west is the greatest, because Dayan, the strongest country in the Central Plains, is eyeing it covetously.

But among the four borders, it is the western border that is the most stable, because there is the natural barrier of Xuanjian Pass.

In the past ten years, the only time that Dayan crossed Xuanjian Pass was more than two years ago. His Royal Highness Prince Yong invited the enemy into a trap, which caused Dayan to lose hundreds of thousands of troops.

But if Dali really fell under Dayan's iron cavalry, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Can it really come to that?"

Zhao Changying asked uncertainly. You know, the current situation in the Central Plains has been set for more than a hundred years!

Since the split of the former Sui Dynasty, the five countries in the Central Plains have swept away the princes of all sizes. Although some countries such as the Great Zhou have risen up, they are ultimately unable to become a force to be reckoned with.

Is it true that this time, the sky of the Central Plains is going to change?

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