"Your Highness!"

"General Guan Yu, please accompany the general on the expedition!"

"Your Highness, generals Xu Chu, Zhang Liao, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Pan Feng, and Xing Daorong, please order us to go out!"

"Your Highness, the last general, Gao Shun, please accompany the general on the expedition!"

All the generals of the Han Dynasty were inexplicably excited, trembling all over, and knelt down in front of Ning Fan.

Chen Qingzhi on the side showed a wry smile. His Highness's original intention was for him and Zhao Yun to accompany the champion to fight Hu Nu. But now, generals such as Xu Chu and Zhao Yun have asked for orders. Who will protect His Highness's safety?


Li Ru said with a smile: "Since you generals are willing to accompany the general, you might as well let General Chen accompany you and conquer Da Yan together!"

"Although the 100,000-strong Han cavalry and General Zilong's white-horse followers who are potential champions are not strong enough to confront Hu Nu head-on, they are capable of dealing with him!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and said softly: "In that case, Huo Qubing is the commander-in-chief of the Han cavalry, and Xu Chu and Zhang Liao are the deputy generals, commanding the Han cavalry!

"Huang Zhong, command the Euphorbias!"

"Zhao Yun and Guan Yu are leading the white-horse righteous followers, and Xing Daorong and Pan Feng are the vanguard to attack the Hunu!"

"Gao Shun is the rear general and is responsible for the food, grass and baggage!"

"I will obey your orders!"

Everyone nodded excitedly, and Huo Qubing also showed a smile. Back then, he dared to attack the Huns with ten thousand horses, but now, with an army of 200,000 at his disposal, he is sure to sweep the Hunus away!

"Qubing, there are eight legions in Hunu, and their combat power cannot be underestimated!"

"There are even Royal Cavalry Guards and the Great Khan's personal guard camp. Their combat power is probably not weaker than that of the Xuanjia Army. Please be careful!"

"The last general takes command!"

After the bloodshed, the 200,000-strong army set off in a mighty battle. Ning Fan turned to look at Bai Qi and said with a smile: "Mr. Bai, how are these Han cavalry?"

"Tiger and Wolf Master!"

"How does it compare to the Qin soldiers?"

"Not worth mentioning!"

If an ordinary person said such words, Li Ru would have started to curse his mother. Even Qin Qiong might not be able to stand it, but the person who said this was Bai Qi!

In the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, only one Bai Qi was born!

"Get ready, it's time for us to set off!"


"My lord, all the Hu Nu in the direction of Quyang City have been wiped out. Now the remnants of the Hu Nu's more than 100,000 troops have retreated to Guxue City."

"Guxue City!"

Ning Fan frowned slightly. It seemed that Hu Nu had no plans to withdraw his troops for the time being, but it didn't matter!

Huo Qubing's army has already set off, and there are still more than 100,000 remnant troops trapped in the camp. It's really nothing to be afraid of!

"Pengju, tell me about the losses in this battle!"


Yue Fei slightly cupped his hands and said softly: "In this battle, our Zhenbei Army suffered more than 30,000 casualties. The Xuanjia Army lost 800 cavalry and wounded more than a thousand. The Wei Army on the back lost 82 cavalry and wounded more than a hundred. The White Robe Army died. One thousand two hundred riders were injured, three thousand were injured, and more than a thousand were killed in the white horse righteous obedience..."

Yue Fei reported the battle losses one by one, and Ning Fan sighed sadly. Although he won a great victory in the northern battle and annihilated more than 600,000 Hu Nu's cavalry, Dayu still suffered tens of thousands of casualties!

If word of this kind of achievement were to spread, I am afraid that the world would be shocked, and even the common people would be overjoyed!

But for Ning Fan, it was still extremely distressing.

It's like playing games in the previous life and cultivating high-level soldiers with so much hard work. They dare not use it, and the death of any one of them is like being stabbed in the heart by a needle.

"Pass on the mission, bury the martyrs generously, and the imperial court will issue pensions, and the Ministry of War and the Imperial Guards will jointly supervise them!"

"Efforts will be made to treat the wounded, and all martyrs who died in battle will be buried in the Martyrs Cemetery!"


Yue Fei bowed solemnly, and then said: "Your Highness, in this battle, our army wiped out more than 600,000 enemies, beheaded four peerless generals, more than 20 barbarian generals, more than 50 commanders of 10,000 riders, and 50 commanders of 1,000 riders. Hundreds!”

"More than 200,000 war horses and countless weapons and armor were captured!"

"Eight hundred thousand stones of food and grass..."

Yue Fei reported the results of this battle, and Ning Fan's tense expression also softened a lot: "After statistics, all the captured food and grass will be distributed according to the number of our troops. Among them, the martyrs will be doubled, and it will not be counted as a pension from the court!"

"The captured war horses and the intact good horses will continue to be sent to the army. The Xuanjia Army and the Beiwei Army will be given priority. The remaining inferior horses can be given to the Zhenbei Army to train cavalry!"

"War horses that cannot be used in the military will be given to the families of fallen soldiers for farming!"


As soon as these words came out, not only Yue Fei's expression changed, but Qin Qiong and others beside him took a deep breath.

His Highness has nothing to say about how good the soldiers are.

"Now that Huo Qubing is leading his army to the north, we are about to start mobilizing troops too!"

"Pengju, you have made great achievements in this battle in the north. I will reward you based on your merits after I am the solitary master!"

"However, after this battle, no wars can be ignited in our territory, Dayu. When enemies come, they are not allowed to enter my land!"

"The burden on your shoulders is very heavy. It is imperative to rebuild the northern defense line!"

Yue Fei bowed respectfully: "General, I will obey!"


"Issuing system tasks to build the Great Wall!"

"Mission time limit: five years!"

"Mission requirement: Build the northern border of Dayu into an unbreakable line of defense!"

"Mission reward: a palace in Afang!"

Ning Fan was stunned for a moment when he heard the system suddenly issued a task. Build the Great Wall?

Reward an Afang Palace?

"Wenyou, Wenhe, in your opinion, how about building a Great Wall for me, Dayu?"

"Great Wall!"

Both of them were stunned, even Yue Fei was stunned for a moment, as if he was shocked by Ning Fan's words.

"My Lord, building the Great Wall is not a matter of a day or a night!"

"Besides, now that our army has already fought, with the current national strength of Dayu, I do not recommend it!"

"That's right!"

Jia Xu also nodded in agreement, and said softly: "Back then, the First Emperor imposed heavy taxes and levied heavy taxes to build the Great Wall, and countless conscripts died!"

"The price is too high, it's not worth it!"

Both of them objected. After all, building the Great Wall is not like building a fortress, where you can invest 10,000 or 8,000 people and it will be done in a year or two!

Now Dayu is preparing to fight for the Mandate of Heaven. The Great Wall is to defend against foreign invasions, and Dayu is attacking.

Of course it's not worth it.

"What nonsense!"

"Young man, you are short-sighted and not worth discussing with!"

Just as Ning Fan hesitated, a roar suddenly sounded in his mind, and a light and shadow also appeared in Ning Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.


"Uncle Zheng, how about you talk about it?"

"Ning Fan, don't you think that the Great Wall is just a line of rammed earth walls?"

"I built the Great Wall not because I was afraid of the Huns!"

"On the contrary, building the Great Wall allows our Great Qin to attack and defend!"

"It is not a simple isolated line of walls, but from point to line, from line to surface, connecting the passes, military forts, pass cities and military towns along the Great Wall into a tight network to form a complete defense system."

"The system of military forts, pass cities and military towns has multiple functions such as combat, command, observation, communication, concealment, and is equipped with a point-line defense project with permanent troops."

"If you want to attack, you can use the Great Wall as a boundary to reorganize the troops!"

"If you want to defend, you can use the Great Wall as a barrier to resist cavalry!"

"If you want to accumulate, you can use the Great Wall as a pool to accumulate strength!"


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