Ning Fan nodded slightly, looked at the scholar with interest, and said with a smile: "Let's do as he said. The first step is to attack the city and take the stronghold, and take Dongyan City first!"

"Then wait and see!"

"Wen You, Wen He, what do you think?"

Ning Fan looked at the two of them. Jia Xu shook his head slightly, but Li Ru thought: "My lord, although the Weirong Army under Yan Que's command is not as powerful as Dayan's main force, it is very good at defending the city, and most of them are bows and crossbows. If our army takes Dongyan City by force, I'm afraid the loss will be too great!"


"Do you have detailed information about Yan Que?"

"My lord, Yan Que is a member of Dayan's royal family. Although he is not a main branch, he is very prestigious in Dayan's royal family. He is good at defending the city, cautious in using troops, and resourceful!"

"His military strength is also ranked above peerless, but he is very rare Someone has seen him take action!"

"Your Highness!"

Zhao Changying bowed slightly and said calmly: "Since Dongyan City is not easy to take, it doesn't matter if we don't take it!"

"Just surround it without attacking!"

"As long as these 200,000 Weirong troops are sealed in Dongyan City, they will be trapped."


Ning Fan shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The first battle is extremely important to Dayu. If we can show our momentum in the first battle, it will be of great significance to the soldiers and the court!"

"Now, Dayan has planted many spies outside my Xuanjian Pass, and Dayan doesn't know that our army is attacking!"

"Take them by surprise!"

"First, remove the scouts and secret guards outside the pass, and attack Dongyan City at night!"

After hearing Ning Fan's final words, everyone stopped talking.

"Your Highness, there are often cavalrymen from Dayan outside Xuanjian Pass. It may not be easy to eliminate them all quietly!"

"I have my own plan for this matter!"


"Bai Qi!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Attack the city tonight at midnight!"


Everyone left the hall one after another, and only the scholar was left beside Ning Fan.

"Sit down."

"I didn't expect that you would come out this time, or even that I never thought you would come out."

"Hehe!" The scholar smiled and bowed slightly: "When Your Highness saw me, I wonder if you were surprised or happy?"


Ning Fan said four words, then slowly poured two cups of tea, and said with a smile: "With your clothes, appearance and temperament, it is difficult for me to connect you with the you in the rumors of later generations."

"I want to ask you something!"

"Your Highness, please."

"Tell me, are you a time traveler?"


Outside Xuanjian Pass

Dozens of riders galloped on their horses, shooting their hunting bows into the sky from time to time, and some wild geese fell down.


"Boss, we are less than five miles away from Xuanjian Pass this time. If we are seen by those Yu people, will they send troops to hunt us down?"


The sergeant called the boss looked in the direction of Xuanjian Pass with a look of contempt.


"Even if they have ten courages, they dare not take a single step out of Xuanjian Pass!"

"Over the years, this group of cowards have been hiding in their shells, occasionally poking their heads out, but have they ever stepped out?"


"If it weren't for this damn Xuanjian Pass, our dynasty would have razed the East in one fell swoop!"

More than a dozen knights laughed out loud, and the leading sergeant slightly raised his mouth and looked at Xuanjian Pass and said, "Let's go, let's go around their city!"


More than a dozen knights galloped towards Xuanjian Pass. On the tower, Bai Qi and other generals stood for a long time, and saw more than a dozen knights running in the distance, and their faces showed some surprise.

"It's Dayan's rangers!"

"Oh, so brave!"

"If you dare to show off at my Xuanjian Pass, I'll tear off their heads!"

Lan Yu was furious and was about to leave the city, but Bai Qi shook his head slightly: "Your Majesty has his own arrangements. What have you seen from these rangers?"

"They have superb riding skills, accurate archery, and the armor and weapons on their bodies are comparable to my Dayu's Bailian sword."

"That's right!"

"Dayan's strength is not only in national strength."

"Tonight, everyone should be careful."

After Bai Qi finished speaking, more than ten riders had arrived at the city gate, waving their weapons a few times, and even shot a few arrows towards the direction of the tower, and went straight away.


"Boss, these cowards really don't dare to come out!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect the Yu people to be so cowardly. If it were Dayan, I would have sent the army out of the city."

"Okay, it's getting late, hurry back!"


More than ten riders were galloping on the ancient road outside Xuanjian Pass. This place is rarely visited by people, and the only road was also trampled by Dayan's soldiers. It is a no-man's land.


"Boss, look at that?"


The sergeant hurriedly reined in his horse, his eyes condensed, and said in a deep voice: "It's our people."

"Let's go up and take a look!"

A group of people came to the haystack on the side of the road, and saw more than a dozen figures wearing Dayan's standard armor lying on the ground in a mess, with a hideous blood mark on their necks!

"Quick, go back to the city and report to the general!"


"Who on earth dared to attack my Dayan cavalry?"

"Damn, this is a big deal!"


Arrows shot out from the haystacks, and more than a dozen black-clothed men rose into the air, heading straight towards the rangers.

"Enemy attack!"

"Quick, mount up!"



Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and with just one encounter, this well-equipped Dayan Ranger fell under the group of black-clothed men.

"Dispose of the body!"

"Next team!"

Night falls quietly, and smoke rises from the kitchen before it gets dark at Xuanjian Pass today.

A wisp of meaty aroma filled the air from the stove.

"Hahaha, there is broth today!"

"Brothers, I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince is in our customs now. Does he have any mission?"

"It's calm outside Xuanjian Pass. What mission do we have here?"

"That's right, is it possible that we can still declare war on Da Yan?"

"Ha ha!"

Several soldiers wearing armor laughed loudly, and with the sound of neat footsteps, a group of black-armored soldiers were seen in a neat formation, heading towards the city gate.

"This is……"

"My dear, did I really guess it right?"

Ran Min was dressed in a red cloak, holding a hooked halberd in his left hand and a double-edged spear in his right hand. He was riding a tall horse, with an army of beggars accompanying him behind him!

Now that the trapped camp is in the north, their beggar army will be the main force in tonight's battle!

"General Ran, Commander Bai has an order, and the begging army is on standby!"


Ran Min frowned slightly: "Why?"

"The main force attacking the city tonight is not the army of beggars?"


Not only Ran Min's expression turned cold, but even the generals of the beggar army behind him showed a bit of dissatisfaction.

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