
As an important town in the northeast of Dayan, it is world-famous for its peonies. It is also the place where Taizu Yan started his career, and he is extremely wealthy!

Qi Jin's army settled in Changluo City, declined the banquet invited by local government officials, and all the generals gathered together.

"Everyone, we have repaired in Changluo, and then we will continue to march eastward."

"Information came from Marquis Dingguo. He has sent Chen Gan to lead 200,000 Nanyan troops northward to join us in a flanking attack on Dongyan City."

After hearing Qi Jun's words, Yun Xi and Yu Shang looked at each other, and both saw an unusual meaning in each other's eyes.

"Qi Gong, Dayu will definitely not stop after taking Dongyan City. Based on my understanding of Dayu, the terrain of Mangyang Mountain is complex and there is a danger of Tiger Leaping Gorge. Dayu will definitely set up an ambush here."

"As we continue to advance eastward, we are faced with three road choices. The last general suggested that we march directly from Changyuan."


Qi Yu frowned slightly, and a general next to him said in a deep voice: "General Yu, if we go to Changyuan, our army will have to go around for more than a hundred miles."

"Although it takes a day or two to detour, it is still worth it if we can avoid Dayu's ambush."

"No, two days are enough for Dayu to gain a firm foothold. By then, it will be even more difficult for us to capture Dongyan City."

For a while, the generals were arguing endlessly. Some suggested marching directly, while others suggested taking a detour to Changyuan. Qi Yu's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and he looked at Yun Xi and said, "Marquis Yun, in your opinion, what should we do?"


As soon as Qi Yu spoke, the entire hall fell silent instantly, and he said in a deep voice: "General Yu is right, I am sure that Dayu will definitely set up an ambush in Tiger Leaping Gorge."

"The information from Yanlong Guard has not yet been received. We still don't know who is commanding the army. I can't guess what troops Dayu sent out."


Qi Yu also nodded solemnly: "Now we know nothing about Dayu, but the fact that 700,000 Hunu cavalry broke their halberds in Dayu is enough to show that the combat power of Dayu's army is probably not weaker than ours. ”

"In this case, why don't we divide our forces into two groups?"

There was a sparkle in Yun Xi's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Qi Gong led an army of 300,000 people and marched eastward from Wanmu Jungle. General Yu Shang and I led the Red Flame Guard and Black Flame Guard and detoured to Changyuan. !”


Qi Jin nodded and said thoughtfully: "Deploy a group of county soldiers from Changluo and go to Tiger Leaping Gorge to confuse Yu's army."


Above Nagahara.

Ran Min led the beggar army to a high ground and camped on the spot.


"See General."

When the soldiers in the scout camp saw Ran Min's figure, they immediately saluted respectfully.

"All generals are safe!"

"Thank you General!"

"Yiding, you will personally lead the scout battalion and march fifteen miles eastward. Set up sentries along the way. If you discover the whereabouts of Yan's army, come and report it immediately!"

"As you command!"

After the arrangements were made, it was already dark. With Yan Jun's marching speed, tomorrow morning would be the time for a bloody battle.

Autumn has just begun, but above Changyuan, the north wind is howling, and it is already a bit chilly.

Ran Min personally inspected the camp of 50,000 beggar soldiers, and many soldiers felt the calm before the storm.

"General, why don't you take a rest?"

"You go ahead, I'll sit here for a while."

Ran Min took advantage of the situation and sat down on the haystack. The group in front of him were all the backbone of the Beggar Army. Since the expansion of the army, the Beggar Army was divided into five battalions, each with 10,000 people, and was led by a general.

"General, in your opinion, will Da Yan's main force really pass through Changyuan?"

"Nine times out of ten!"

Ran Min's face showed a bit of carelessness, and he said with a smile: "Since our begging army entered the world, we have fought many tough battles, but this time, our begging army will either be famous all over the world, or it will be like Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry." That way.”

"Don't worry, General, none of our boys will be afraid of death."

"Even if my whole army is wiped out, I will still take away at least one hundred thousand Yan troops!"

"Haha, good point!"

Ran Min smiled heartily, patted the dirt on his body, and said with a smile: "Go down and rest, recharge your batteries for a bloody battle tomorrow!"


The sky was slightly brighter, and Yunxi and Yushang led the two main forces to the border of Changyuan.

"Shuai Yun, why do you look so worried?"

"I, Da Yan, may be in for a big fall this time!"

Hearing Yun Xi's words, Yu Shang held the reins and said in a deep voice: "Why did Commander Yun say this?"

"Yu Shang, as the mainstay of the young generation in our Dayan Army, you also fought against Dayu back then, can't you still see it?"

"Dayu, the overlord has just taken shape!"


Yu Shang was stunned for a long time, with some confusion on her face: "Shuai Yun, have you said that?"

"Even if I, Da Yan, have been defeated a few times by Yu Jun, I don't have to be so arrogant, right?"


Yun Xi shook his head and glanced at Yun Xi lightly: "Is it just a few defeats?"

"In the battle of Xuanjian Pass, an army of 400,000 was wiped out."

"In the battle of Dongyan City, the Marquis of Rongcheng and the Wei Rong army were wiped out."

"On the battlefield of Dali, I was not defeated by Dali, but by King Yuyong of Dayu!"

"Think again, since Dayu conquered the southern barbarians, conquered the East Huaihe River, retreated to Mobei, and captured Guanshan, even the Hunu have been destroyed in the northern territory of Dayu, but I, His Majesty the Emperor, still do not take Dayu into consideration. ”

"Dayu defeated not only Dayan, as far as I know, even the people of Yingzhou on the East China Sea suffered at the hands of Dayu's navy. Doesn't this count as a sign of a hegemon?"

Hearing Yunxi's question, Yuchang took a breath of cold air, with horror in her eyes: "Since the defeat at Xuanjian Pass, I have been following my teacher to hone my martial arts, and have never thought about these things."

"Now, listening to Marshal Yun's words, I can't help but shudder."

"Among the nobles in my court, none of them can see as clearly as Marshal Yun."

Yunxi shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly: "I can't see through it, and I still can't see through Dayu, but this battle must be handled with extreme caution. Even if I can't achieve success, I must never go down the old path."

"Yuchang, If our army is defeated in this battle, the future of Dayan will depend on you. "

"Marshal Yun, you are too serious. If the Marquis of Shenwu does not come out, Dayan will not collapse."

"I hope so!"

Both of them were silent. The army moved forward slowly. Yunxi looked around and said softly: "How long has it been since the scouts reported?"

"Replying to Marshal Yun, it has been more than half an hour!"

"All troops stop!"

Yunxi immediately ordered the army to stop, and looked at Yuchang beside him: "Before the troops were dispatched, this marquis had personally ordered the scout camp to open the way in front and report every half an hour. Why haven't the scouts returned yet?"

"What does Marshal Yun mean?"

"Come here!"

"Send out the scouts and advance ten miles to explore the enemy!"



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