On the Changyuan Plain, everything was silent. The soldiers of both armies were on full alert, their eyes fixed on the two figures in the center of the battle formation.

Neither Yunxi nor Ran Min spoke first, but they rode forward in tacit understanding, two streams of energy rising from their bodies, facing each other from a distance.

Both of them seemed to be preparing for something, Yuchang looked at them blankly with a solemn expression on his face.

"A peak duel!"

"General Yu, has Yunhou fought with this man?"


Yuchang sighed with regret. He was one of the spectators in that battle. Now, after two years, these two peak generals meet again. Is it fate or reincarnation?

"Marquis Yun is the second in the list of famous generals. Apart from Marquis Shenwu, he is invincible in the world. This General Yu is a bit too arrogant."

"Shut up!"

Hearing the discussion of a soldier in the back, the general in front hurriedly turned back and scolded, whispering: "Two years ago, Marquis Yun was defeated by this man."


"Is the fight going to start?"

Everyone showed a hint of expectation, but Yuchang was extremely anxious. Now they have the advantage in numbers. If Marshal Yun chooses to fight with Ran Min at this time, it would be fine if he wins, but if he loses...


The aura of the two seemed to have reached the extreme in an instant, and Ran Min's eyes also showed a hint of surprise.

Back then, he relied on the battle with Yunxi to reach a higher level of cultivation.

Unexpectedly, after two years, Yunxi can still compete with him. It seems that this guy has not been idle in the past two years!

The two looked at each other, their eyes showing a bit of carefreeness, and even a feeling of mutual appreciation.


"How about returning to the camp for a fight?"


"You lost to me back then, today, my Qihuo Army will also use the Red Flame Guard and the Black Flame Guard as stepping stones."

"Rebellion!" Yunxi shook his head without anger, and said lightly: "It is because I lost to you back then that today, fate has brought us together again, and with the blood of the Qihuo Army, I will revive the life of my Changqing Hou!"

"Uh, don't fight?"

"Why do I feel like these two are reciting poems."

There were still whispers coming from below. Ran Min rode back to the camp, looked at the generals behind him, and whispered: "Qihuo Army, charge!"

"Red Flame Guard, charge on the left wing!"

"Black Flame Guard, charge on the right wing!"


Yuchang shouted in a low voice, raised the spear in his hand, and charged directly in front of the battle formation, leading his soldiers to kill towards the Qihuo Camp.

Both armies were infantry, and Dayan's number was twice that of Dayu, but the soldiers of the Qihuo Army were not afraid.


As the two armies met, the earth-shaking shouts of killing rang out on Changyuan. The 50,000 Qihuo soldiers were all wearing red cloaks, holding various weapons, and fearlessly killing forward.

Ran Min looked at the shouts of killing that gradually rose in front of him, and for a moment, it seemed as if he had returned to that turbulent era.

The sky was dark, the clouds covered the sun, and the black cavalry surged like a tide. The foreign knights holding scimitars laughed ferociously and wantonly chopped and killed the Han people who were regarded as "two-legged cattle and sheep" by them.

The Central Plains fell under the ruthless iron hoof, the carnival of the killers was like a feast, and the innocent people were like numb zombies, falling in pools of blood.

The entire land of Shenzhou seemed to be completely covered by a thick layer of dark clouds, and no light could be seen.

The old, the weak, women and children, and even tens of millions of people in the Central Plains watched the cavalry wreaking havoc, but they were powerless to do anything...

What is the beggar army?

A regular army?


They are just a group of rebels who came from the mud legs. They have neither official background nor support from the wealthy and powerful. They are just a group of poor people who are trying to survive in the troubled times.

To put it more bluntly, they are just a group of refugees who can't even fill their stomachs and are eager to survive in this chaotic world.

What will be the consequences if the mud legs are forced into a corner?

They will be more ferocious than beasts and more tenacious than warriors. The most terrifying thing is that they are not afraid of death!

They gathered together to survive. What kind of power can stop a group of lunatics who only want to "survive"?

Gradually, Ran Min's eyes became moist, and two lines of hot tears slid down his cheeks. He didn't dare to close his eyes, and he didn't even blink for a long time, because as soon as he closed his eyes, the dark and turbulent scene would emerge.

The soldiers of the Qihuo Army in front were still charging, even though they knew that the enemy this time was several times or even dozens of times stronger than before, but they had a reason not to lose.

Because they wanted to survive!

"Boy, are you playing with a knife for grandpa?"

"That's not how you play with a knife!"

An old soldier of the Qihuo Army showed a smile more ferocious than a ferocious beast on his face, and with a fierce swing of the long knife in his hand, he directly knocked a Red Flame Guard soldier in front of him to the ground, and then slashed with another knife.

His cruelty, his ferocity, and his wildness were completely released on the battlefield, showing them vividly.


A Black Flame Guard held the long spear tightly and stabbed directly at a Qihuo Army soldier in front of him. The long spear pierced through his chest, but his face gradually changed from astonishment to horror, and blood flowed from the chest of the Qihuo Army soldier to his hands along the long spear.

You could even feel a bit of warmth, but the soldiers of the beggar army not only showed no fear at all, but instead had a ferocious smile on their faces, holding the barrel of the gun in one hand, and suddenly slashed down the sword in their hand.


There was a crisp sound, and the wooden gun shaft broke. The beggar army actually still had the strength to resist. He swung his long knife suddenly and a human head rolled down.

"Jiejie, little bastard, what's going on?"

"If you don't risk your life on the battlefield, are you going to be reincarnated and play in the mud soon?"

"You weakling, the more afraid you are, the faster you will die!"

Yun Xi, like Ran Min, stood quietly at the rear of the battlefield, calmly looking at the battle ahead.

A stick of incense has passed. It stands to reason that the Red Flame Guard and the Black Flame Guard should have a faint tendency to outflank them at this time.

But on the battlefield, the two guards attacked from a pincer attack. Instead of outflanking the beggar army, the beggar army forcibly tore a hole in the front and began to charge in reverse towards the two wings.

Gradually, Yun Xi's expression became restless. For some reason, it was clear that the Black Flame Guards and the Scarlet Flame Guards had the upper hand in numbers, and their personal qualities were not weak at all. However, under the charge of the soldiers from the beggar camp, there was a hint of confusion. The appearance of defeat.


"These people are all lunatics, they are really not afraid of death!!!"

"Damn it!"

An old soldier of the Chiyan Guards looked at the beggar soldier in front of him and wanted to slash him with a knife, regardless of the spear he thrust out. There was a hint of fear on his face, and he subconsciously retracted his spear to resist the knife attack.

But between this and then, the smile on the beggar soldier's face became more and more ferocious, because he knew that this time, he had made the right bet again!

The soldiers of the Begging Army all know that on the battlefield, if you bet correctly, you can survive.

A cold light flashed, and the broadsword took the head of the old soldier of Chiyan Guard...

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