Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 790 Bai Qi: I become stronger when I kill enemies!

"I am Chen Qian, the general of Dayan Nanyan Army. Who are you?"

In the square formation of Yan Army, Chen Qian held a spear in his hand, stood on a warhorse, and stood in the queue. He shouted and looked straight at Dayu's army formation.

Bai Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at the general next to him: "Did you see it?"

"The one who just shouted is the commander of Yan Army, Chen Qian!"

"Go, get a team of sharpshooters to shoot him to death!"


Two generals next to him went down to make arrangements immediately. Bai Qi shook his head, as if he felt a little bored. He pulled out the God of Killing Sword from his waist and said lightly: "In the words of the Lord, today we can kill monsters and level up again."

"Enter the Dao with killing and achieve the position of legend!"

Bai Qi slowly raised the sword in his hand, with a touch of violent killing in his eyes. He took a step forward, and a layer of Gangqi was attached to the long sword in his hand. He mixed in the formation of Qin Ruishi and slashed with a sword. The three or five Yan Army in front of him were directly cut in half.


"What a terrible strength."

"This man is not wearing armor?"

"Catch him first!"

The more than ten Yan soldiers on the opposite side were also frightened by Bai Qi, and immediately rushed up together. Bai Qi's face was calm, and the Killing God Sword in his hand used the simplest way, stabbing, chopping, picking, or slashing. In just a few breaths, more than ten people fell in front of him.

"Come here!"

"Did you see the white-shirted man in the Yu army?"

"This man must be a very important person. Take him down first."

A lieutenant of the Southern Yan army noticed Bai Qi, and his eyes also showed some anger. During the time he was talking, the man actually killed more than ten of his own soldiers.

Immediately, several squad leaders in the Yan army swept away the enemies in front of them and rushed towards Bai Qi.

"Yu thief, die!"

Bai Qi heard a loud shout from the opposite side, and immediately raised his eyes, only to see five men killing him directly from the front.

These five people can be listed as the squad leaders of the Nanyan Army. They must be veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time and their skills are naturally not bad.

But they are facing a peerless general!


Bai Qi swung away a long spear with ease, turned with the momentum, and the sword body entered with the momentum. Under the blessing of the Gang Qi, the five weapons in front of him were directly broken.

With five blood flowers splashing, only five corpses were left in front.

"The squad leader and others..."

"They all died in the battle... Who is this person?"

"Retreat quickly!"

The Nanyan Army in front of Bai Qi all showed horror. This black-armored infantry was fierce enough, but this middle-aged man in white was even more brave!

Ordinary soldiers are no match for him at all!

Soon, Chen Qian also noticed Bai Qi's figure, his eyes fixed: "He is actually a peerless general!"


"Is the Yu army going to break through our shield wall?"


Chen Qian cursed angrily and shouted in a deep voice: "We have 200,000 troops, what are we defending?"


"Encircle this Yu army, I will keep all these black-armored infantry!"


Immediately, the Yan army began to change its formation, and the two wings also took advantage of the situation to encircle. Bai Qi stabbed a Yan army in front of him to death with a sword, and his momentum suddenly rose, and it stopped after a few breaths.

There was a ripple in Bai Qi's eyes, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. In the siege of Dongyan City, he had discovered the pattern.

As long as he killed a hundred enemy troops with his own hands, his killing energy would condense one more. Now, including the previous one, there are already two. Maybe in today's battle, he can gather five killing energies, or even condense the field directly?

"General, the Yan army has switched from defense to offense and is starting to encircle our two wings?"


Bai Qi nodded slightly, looking into the distance, and said lightly: "Order, the vanguard changes its formation, the central army spreads out in a fan shape, and the archers shoot!"




The 70,000 Qin Ruishi immediately began to change their formation. With a wave of the flag, two teams of black-armored soldiers spread out to the two wings. The archers in the back also came to the vanguard and started shooting!


Bai Qi felt the changes in the internal energy, and his usually calm mood also had a little ripple. Looking at the dark Yan army in front of him, he said lightly: "I am Bai Qi, the commander of Dayu Qin Ruishi. Who can kill me?"

Seeing Bai Qi suddenly reveal his identity, Chen Qian, who was not far away, was also stunned. Just now, he had been hit by several cold arrows, and each time was extremely thrilling.

If it weren't for his high martial arts, he might have really fallen. Unexpectedly, now the Yu army also took the initiative to expose their identities!


"Bai Qi, do you dare to fight me?"

A hint of fighting spirit rose in Chen Qian's eyes. Now the morale of these Yu troops is high and the offensive is swift. If they can kill their generals first, they will surely win without fighting!

Bai Qi just glanced at him lightly and continued to start the hacking mode!

Now he has just broken through two levels and has not yet reached the level of a peak general. From the fluctuation of the aura on his body, Chen Qian should be only half a step away from the peak general.

Only a fool would fight him. The way to grow is to be a wretched person.

Don't worry, Bai will fight you later!


"Evil God, this is simply a living evil god!"

"Who will take this colleague!"

A group of Yan soldiers wailed in pain. Now more than a hundred of their colleagues in front of them have died at the hands of this man.

Looking at his own general, he was still shouting in the back, and had not personally charged into the battle.

Looking at the middle-aged man in white again, he was speechless. As the commander of an army, how could you take risks in person?

Are you addicted to killing?


Another surge of Qi surged up, and Bai Qi's mouth curled up slightly. He was aloof and calm, and he already liked this feeling. Killing the enemy made him stronger. It was really cool!

"Bai has never liked indiscriminate killing. Now I will give you a chance. Those who surrender will be spared."

Bai Qi held his sword behind him, his eyes swept across the Yan army in front of him, and spoke lightly.

The hundreds of Yan army in front of him all had a thought in their hearts, why not surrender?

But feeling the chill on their backs, these Yan army soldiers all woke up. What a joke?

They are the main force of Dayan, the Southern Yan army!

"Damn it!"

"Brothers, this man just said that he is the commander of Qin Ruishi!"

"If we can kill this man, we will be promoted!"

"Will you follow me to kill this colleague?"

A lieutenant saw Bai Qi killing like crazy, and he couldn't help it. He looked back and shouted: "Follow me to kill!"

As he said that, the lieutenant rushed towards Bai Qi with a spear. After taking a few steps, he found something wrong. Looking back, no one followed him!

The lieutenant was speechless!

Damn it, they usually shout about how to behead, how to take the head of the enemy general in the army, and how to make achievements!

You guys should move!


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