Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 792 Chen Qian: Go ahead and play, I am losing my mind!

Under the horrified gaze of General Chen, he saw the man in white clothes in the center of the battlefield. He closed his eyes lightly, and the evil aura on his body soared into the sky. The scarlet aura instantly rushed to the top of his head, condensing into a scarlet streak. Field!

field! ! !

"Is this how you fucking broke through?"

"What the hell?"

Hearing Chen Qian's words, Bai Qi also completed his breakthrough. He slowly opened his eyes and frowned slightly: "You are so incompetent!"


Chen Qian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. By this time, he no longer felt strong uneasiness in his heart.

But there is only one thought left, how to survive from this girl's hands?

In just a short moment, Chen Qian had already finished writing the manuscript of "One Hundred Tips for Surviving from Pervert Bai" in his mind.

He watched helplessly as Bai Qi surged from peerless aura to the top!

Who knows if he will directly enter the legend after a while!


"Congratulations to General Bai, for reaching the top."

"It seems that in today's battle, you and I can only withdraw our troops temporarily."

Chen Qian pretended to be calm and looked at Bai Qi: "Chen gave the general three days to stabilize his state. We will fight again tomorrow. Although you reached the peak first, Chen is still not afraid!"

"Everyone will become a legend. You are just a few steps ahead of me in martial arts!"


As he said that, Chen Qian dodged and rushed towards his horse, but Bai Qi's lips showed an evil smile.

"General Chen, Bai doesn't need to stabilize his realm."

"Please enlighten me!"

Chen Qian had just landed on the horse and almost stumbled when he heard Bai Qi's words.

Give me some advice?

You, a top military general, want me to teach you?

Please teach your sister!

"Hehehe..." Chen Gan smiled dryly, then looked at the soldiers beside him and shouted: "Soldiers, the enemy general has been repulsed by me. The defeat of Yu's army has appeared. Kill him. !”

As he said that, he swung his spear in his hand and swept away several Qin Rui soldiers who were rushing towards him to boost their morale.

The officers and soldiers of the Nanyan Army on the side were extremely speechless. Do you think we are all blind and deaf?

Bai Qi was also amused when he saw that Chen Qian was afraid and refused to fight, but he didn't care.

I have just reached my peak, and I can still give you some slack. Since you don’t want to fight me, let’s meet again as legends!

"Qin Rui Shi, form a cone formation and attack!"

"Encircle and suppress Yan's army."

Bai Qi held the Killing God Sword with a solemn look on his face. He gave an order, and the military formation behind him began to transform instantly. A sharp aura rose from the bodies of the soldiers of Great Qin. In an instant, everyone seemed to be integrated with the military formation.

Lines of black mist rose again, and the 70,000 Qin Rui soldiers had already begun to advance and retreat in unison, forming an integrated offensive and defensive formation.

Bai Qi also had a bit of surprise on his face. Unexpectedly, Qin Ruishi also started to 'upgrade' mode as he killed the enemy. If this trend is maintained, it won't take long to reach the super five-star level. .

According to the lord, the five-star military units already possess military souls and have the foundation for transformation. After crossing the five-star level, they will gather a fighting spirit, which will be as powerful as a peak general or even a legend!



The loud sound and Bai Qi's frustration pushed Qin Rui Shi's morale to its peak, and every old Qin soldier showed a proud smile.

In this military formation, each of them possesses the heroic spirit of the old Qin people, and on the battlefield, they have a fierce ruthlessness!


Several of Qin Ruishi's generals led their troops out, and Bai Qi also mingled among the crowd and continued to grow!

After the first battle, Wu Anjun, who had been a man for two lifetimes and whose state of mind had already reached an end, felt such a strong will to fight for the first time.


"Stop them, shield formation, press up on me!"

"Hold on, our Nanyan Army will be invincible!"

Chen Qian saw Qin Ruishi launching another fierce attack, and he was instantly anxious. Your mere 70,000 troops defeated my 200,000 main force. How can you do this!

Moreover, Qin Ruishi seems to have been getting stronger ever since!

It's like it's being hacked!


"Commander Gu, don't blame Mr. Chen for refusing to fight to the death. It's really the Yu people who are too perverted!"

"I'm sure you won't blame me if I withdraw my troops like this, right?"

"After all, I am the seed player for the top military general. We have to survive, right?"

Chen Qian secretly slandered in his heart, and immediately raised the spear in his hand, with a look of determination on his face, and shouted: "All officers and men listen to the order and withdraw slowly!"


After hearing Chen Qian's general order, both his soldiers and generals breathed a deep sigh of relief.

The general finally stopped talking.

"Shuai Bai, the Yan army has begun to withdraw!"

"Well!" Bai Qi looked far away, and the smile on his lips became stronger: "I will definitely take this 200,000-strong army."

"My sons, Yan's army has fled."

"Kill with me!"

"Show us the bloody spirit of our old Qin people!"

Bai Qi also mounted his horse, and the white-haired lion neighed and ran away.

Chen Gan commanded his soldiers to withdraw in an orderly manner. For "elites" like the Nanyan Army, even the withdrawal would not lead to defeat. With the personal command of General Chen, they retreated slowly!

"General, if we withdraw now, what will happen to Dongyan City?"

"Why, why don't you lead your army over and take back Dongyan City from me?"


The general shrank his head, not daring to offend General Chen again.

As Chen Qian rode his horse to withdraw his troops, he could not help but feel a palpitation in his heart. He turned his head suddenly and met a calm gaze from afar. The damn Bai was actually grinning at him.

"Damn it!"


"Everyone, move quickly. Kill those who run slowly!"

Chen Qian's mentality collapsed. Looking at the setting sun in the distance, the strong uneasiness in his heart rose again. He suddenly said: "Ambush, is there an ambush in the Yu army?"

Seeing a team of black-armored soldiers rushing out from the river not far away, Chen Qian's uneasiness had gradually dissipated, and turned into a chill.

It's going to be cold!

"Brothers, the ambush of the Yu army was within my expectation. Follow me to kill them!"

"After destroying this ambush, I will lead you to conquer Dongyan City and take Bai Qi's head!"

"Follow me to kill them!!"

Chen Qian raised his spear and rushed towards the oncoming ambush. The soldiers behind him also realized that they were in danger and rushed forward with a cry.

Bai Qi looked at the generals on the side and said lightly: "Pass the order, change the formation!"



The flags waved one after another, and the 70,000 troops behind Bai Qi turned into a square formation and kept crushing forward, while the 30,000 Qin soldiers on the other side formed a defensive formation to resist the charge of the Yan army!

Chen Qian looked at the neat formation in front of him, with a strong murderous atmosphere, and sighed secretly: "What kind of troops are these? Did they jump out of the cracks in the stone?"


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