After Ran Min finished speaking, Yunxi glanced at Yuchang, and both of them fell into thought.

A white line suddenly appeared on the horizon of Changyuan, and the horses' hooves gradually approached. Yunxi and Yuchang looked over at the same time.

"Brother Ran, is it over?"


Ran Min also stood up and said with some regret: "Brother Yun, it's a pity that you and I serve different masters, otherwise, we would definitely become best friends!"


Yunxi stood up with a smile and glanced at the battlefield not far away. Of the 100,000 Yan troops, only one in ten survived, and the Qihuo army was also in a very tragic situation. Of the 50,000 troops, only less than 10,000 were left.

At this time, it didn't matter whether the reinforcements came or not.

"I didn't expect to see the style of the white robe army today, and I have no regrets!"


Ran Min shook his head, and also looked at the cavalry galloping from a distance, and said softly: "This cavalry is not white robe!"


Yunxi and Yuchang were both puzzled, looking at the cavalry in white armor, and asked: "As far as I know, the only cavalry with white robes as armor is Dayu's white robe army. Could it be that this cavalry is not your Dayu's?"

"It belongs to my Dayu!" Ran Min nodded, and did not continue to keep it a secret: "It's not the white robe army, but a cavalry I have never seen before, called the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry!"

"Great Snow Dragon Cavalry..."

Yuchang's face showed a look of surprise, and saw that the cavalry kept approaching, one man with three horses, carrying heavy armor, coming fiercely and murderously!

"I didn't expect it... What a pity, Yun has no chance to witness the great world!"

"I have never seen a hero in the world!"

A trace of regret appeared on Yunxi's face. Yuchang beside him also noticed something wrong and looked at Yunxi with some worry: "General Yun!"

"That's it!"

"Yuchang, your mission is over, go back!"

"General Yun, what about you?"


Yunxi looked at Ran Min and said with a smile: "My battle with Brother Ran is not over yet!"

While speaking, a trace of blood had seeped out of the corner of Yunxi's mouth, but his eyes were full of determination.

Yuchang's face was horrified, and he looked at Ran Min with a vigilant face.

"After two years, Brother Ran still won."

"Is this another big regret for Yun?"

"What a pity..."

Yunxi smiled and raised the Chuitian Ji, looked at Ran Min, and said softly: "Please!"

Ran Min remained silent, his expression was also a little depressed. With Yunxi's current state, although he was seriously injured, he would not die.

Even if he wanted to leave, Ran Min might not be able to stop him.

Is he determined to die?

"General Yun!"

"Yuchang, listen to my orders!"

Before Yuchang could continue to speak, Yunxi said forcefully: "This general orders you to quickly pass the news to Duke Qi!"


Yuchang was silent for a moment, and bowed respectfully: "Yes!"

Ran Min also showed a bitter smile on his face. With Yunxi dragging him, it seems that it is not so easy for him to keep this new generation of Dayan generals!

Besides, Yuchang's martial arts are not weak. Although he has not entered the peak, he is known as the first person under the peak of Dayan!

"General Yun, take care!"


Yunxi watched Yuchang go away, grinning at Ran Min: "This kid is the only one of the younger generation of my Dayan who has the opportunity to enter the legend."


Ran Min responded lightly, picked up the hook halberd and double spear beside him, and killed Yunxi.

Yunxi's mouth twitched, and his hands moved without slowing down, and his breath suddenly rose!


The two top generals started the battle mode again, and the sound of the cavalry galloping not far away seemed like the bell of death.

The morale of the soldiers of the Qihuo Army was greatly shaken, while the remnants of the Nine Guards of the Capital were all dead silent.

"Brothers, our reinforcements have arrived."

"Before the reinforcements arrive, kill all these Yan cubs!"

"This is the glory of my Qihuo Army!"


A group of lunatics roared and launched a fierce attack on the remaining Yan Army again.

Ran Min looked at Yunxi, his face gradually calmed down: "Brother Yun, why?"

"To find his destination!"

"Yun has already escaped twice, this time, I don't want to retreat!"

Ran Min didn't continue to speak, and the breath on his body continued to rise. He whispered: "In this case, let Ran send Brother Yun on his last journey!"


"I also have a killer move, I would like to ask Brother Ran to teach me!"


The two of them were burning with a blazing fighting spirit. Ran Min held a halberd in one hand and a spear in the other. The terrifying aura surrounded his body, and the shadow in the domain was actually somewhat solid.


The red domain suddenly began to vibrate like boiling water, and Ran Min's breath also reached a peak.

"The King of Heaven Cross-the Elegy of the Great Man!"

In an instant, a red blood rain floated in Ran Min's domain.

There seemed to be countless more wailing sounds between heaven and earth.

The energy turned into blood rain, falling on the majestic shadow above Ran Min's head, constantly boosting his aura.

Yunxi's face showed some shock. This kind of power is probably not far from the legendary realm, right?

"Thank you, Brother Ran!"

"I have a trick too!"

"The halberd that hangs from the sky - one halberd breaks the sky!"

The aura in Yunxi's body was fully exerted, and the blue light almost covered half of the battlefield.

This time, there was no phantom condensed in the domain, but Yunxi personally held the halberd, his figure kept rising, and his body almost turned into a sea of ​​aura, wrapped in blue.


"Break it!"

Both of them used their full strength, and the collision of the two domains became more and more intense, forming a torrent that spread towards the entire Changyuan.

Yunxi's figure swept more than ten feet, and the long halberd in his hand swung out, and the aura around him seemed to be mobilized and attached to the halberd!


Ran Min's two soldiers swung out together, and the phantom in the domain also swept violently, and the blood rain floating in the air turned into dark rays, shooting towards Yunxi's figure.

The phantom chopped out with a halberd and a spear!


Two terrifying auras collided violently. After a brief stagnation, the blue field shrank rapidly, and Yunxi's figure appeared in a moment, and a scarlet color fell.


The figure flew out heavily, and the terrifying aftermath also spread over Changyuan.

Under the collision of the two auras, an aftermath rushed straight into the sky, sweeping away the clouds above, and the void seemed to shake.

Ran Min wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a step forward, caught the falling figure, and slowly put it on the ground, with a somewhat sad expression.

"What a pity, what a pity."

"Brother Yun, have a good journey!"


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