Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 797 Bai Qi's strategy to capture the heart! (revised)


The last ray of sunset fell, and the blood and songs on Changyuan seemed to bid farewell to the heroes who passed away in this world.

Ran Min turned over and dismounted, looking at the bloody figures in front of him. Each one's face was full of fatigue, and many of them had hideous wounds exposed on their bodies.

"General, the Beggar Army has completely annihilated the nine guards of Da Yan's capital, including 50,000 Red Yan Guards and 50,000 Black Yan Guards, with 43,642 casualties!"


Ran Min's eyes also shone with tears. The sound of horse hooves in the distance sounded again. The seven thousand begging soldiers looked around, all showing a look of gratitude.

A burly middle-aged man came to Ran Min with a look of admiration on his face.

"General Ran, I'm late."

"Thank you General for traveling thousands of miles to attack us."

Ran Min looked at the general and felt more favorable in his heart. The battle between the two armies had come to an end, and the beggar army also had an overwhelming advantage.

But if the Snow Dragon Riders really wanted to intervene, they wouldn't be able to say anything.

However, the battle report should be changed from the victory of the beggar army to the great snow dragon riding thousands of miles to rescue the beggar army and annihilate the Yan army.

The meaning of this is completely different. Whether it is the merits after the fact or the spoils on the battlefield, at least half of them must be divided by the Snow Dragon Riders.

"General Ran, now that the war in Changyuan is over, I am going to lead the Snow Dragon Cavalry to bypass Changyuan, enter the Wanmu Jungle from the west, and steal Yan's army's retreat."

"I wonder what the general's plans are?"

Ran Min pondered for a moment, clasped his fists slightly and said: "After a day of bloody fighting, the soldiers of the Beggar Army are exhausted physically and mentally, and may not be able to fight anymore!"

"After our army rests for a while, the 6,558 begging soldiers will rush to Dongyan City together!"

"Report victory to the lord."

Ran Min's face also became a little more proud, and he looked at the corpses on the ground: "Take the brothers and go home!"


The next moment, the 10,000 snow dragon riders dismounted in perfect agreement and all gave a military salute to the beggar army.

Although there were no words, every knight had a little respect on their face!

“See you later!!”

"See you later."

Ran Min watched the Great Snow Dragon Rider gradually go away and murmured: "Now that we are gone, the Great Snow Dragon Rider will become famous all over the world!"

"Soldiers, run faster. By the time we reach Nagano City, Dayu will be unable to do anything to us."

"Damn it, I, Chen Qianzong, have never been in such a miserable state in my entire life."

"Bai Qi, Zhao Yun... I will remember you."

At the rear, the dark Yu army seemed to be driving a flock of sheep, rushing up to attack and kill waves from time to time. By this time, the 200,000 Nan Yan army had already been reduced to less than 50,000.

Bai Qi and Zhao Yun rode together and silently followed Yan Jun.

"Commander Bai, why don't you kill General Yan Army?"

"This person... is a talent!" Bai Qi's eyes flashed with sparkle: "And he has an extremely important position in the heart of the guru."

"If I kill him, the next opponent may not be so easy to deal with."

"You might as well keep it for now."

Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, is this the pattern of a famous general?

But why do I always want to rush forward on horseback and chop off this guy's head?

"Shuai Bai, this place is only half a day's journey from Nagano. If we continue to let it go like this, I'm afraid they will really escape!"

"No problem!"

Bai Qi's face was extremely calm, and he said calmly: "After chasing to Nagano, Chen Qian still has an estimated ten or twenty thousand remaining troops under his command."

"Shuai Bai wants to let them go on purpose?"



Zhao Yun's face was full of confusion. Bai Qi glanced at Zhao Yun with a hint of support: "Zilong, sometimes, the best results may not be achieved if things are done perfectly."

"Nan Yan's army is far more than an ordinary ragtag group. It is the real main force of Da Yan."

"This battle might not have been so easy if we hadn't encountered Qin Ruishi and Beiwei's army."

"As the most elite main force of Dayan, the 200,000-strong army was defeated by 100,000 soldiers of Dayu. The impact of this on Dayan is obvious."

"However, if we annihilate all these 200,000 troops, Dayan will downplay this concept. He only knows that his 200,000 troops have been wiped out, but he will naturally think that Dayu can defeat Dayan because he won by surprise. Or maybe some conspiracy was used!”

"Now these remnant troops have lost their morale. Even if they come back alive, they pose no threat to us. But if we let them go back, they will inevitably face rectification. After this remnant army is dispersed, it will affect the entire Nanyan Army. "

"They will always convey their fear of Dayu to the surrounding comrades, and will tell Dayu's soldiers how they were defeated. During the relay, they will be affected by the fear in their hearts and amplify it infinitely. "

Zhao Yun's face showed a hint of realization, and Bai Qi said calmly: "If one or two people speak like this, they will definitely be scorned, but if there are ten or twenty thousand people who all say this."

"It will destroy Da Yan's military morale to the greatest extent."


Zhao Yun also looked at Bai Qi with admiration and praised: "Shuai Bai's plan to attack the heart, this junior admires him!"


Bai Qi gave a very plain smile. Now, the only thing that can make waves in his heart is his little disciple and the upgrade of Daguai.

"Zilong, you carry Wei Jun and charge again with more momentum and brutal methods."


Zhao Yun saluted respectfully and immediately led the Beiwei Army to charge Chen Qian again.

Bai Qi looked at the mountains in the distance, but his eyes became deep.

Although the king asked him to annihilate the invading Yan Army, he was not prepared to stop here.

Now the cities in front of him are occupied by Dayan, which are all beautiful rivers and mountains under the prosperous times!

"Order the whole army to speed up the pursuit."



The next day.

The forest of thousands of trees.

Qi Yan looked at the ruined military camp in front of him with a complicated expression and was silent for a long time.

Last night, the Yu army harassed several times during the retreat, fighting and retreating, leading them step by step. During the late night camp, he expected Dayu to attack the camp, so he set an ambush in the camp early.

As expected, Dayu came, but he was not a human!

Unknown ghosts in the dark night set their food and grass on fire everywhere. Despite the full defense of the Yan army, nearly one-third of them were still burned.

Above the sky, there were fire meteors falling, and outside the camp gate, there were huge crossbows as thick as forearms.

After a great battle, not even the shadow of the Yu army was seen. The entire camp was directly engulfed by half of the fire. Fortunately, the soldiers withdrew in time and were prepared, so there was not much loss.

"General Qi, shall we... continue to march?"

"Did the scouts send any news?"


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