
Zijing City.

The Prime Minister's Mansion is located in the most prosperous area, close to the palace city, and is extremely magnificent.


A tall knight stopped in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion, with a dazed look on his face, attracting the attention of others.



Yuchang looked up and happened to see a delicate figure coming towards him. He did not dare to underestimate her at all. The delicate woman in front of him was from the Xuanmiao Sect!

Moreover, she was a candidate for the Saint of the Xuanmiao Sect, with an inner family cultivation that was unfathomable.

"Are you here to visit the Prime Minister as well?"


Qi Lanyue nodded and said softly: "I know why you are here. I was entrusted by General Gu to see Grandpa not long after you left!"

Yuchang's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and he nodded: "In that case, let's go in together!"


The two of them sent the visiting card together, and not long after, the housekeeper of the Prime Minister's Mansion came out to greet them. Although these two people have extraordinary status, they are only juniors after all, and naturally not worthy of the Prime Minister to greet them in person.

"Yuchang, Qi Lanyue, meet the Prime Minister!"


The kind old man in the pavilion looked at the two with a smile: "Yu boy, Qi girl, how did you two get together?"

"We just happened to meet at the door, so we came to visit together."

"Well, come and do it!"

As the pillar of the Dayan Dynasty, Quan Ji is very prestigious. Looking at the officials of the current dynasty, only his words can penetrate the heart of the Emperor Yan.

"Tell me, you two little guys, you ran back from the front to see me, an old man, but what happened?"

"Prime Minister Quan!"

Yu Chang's face was deep, and his eyes were dim. He said in a deep voice: "Two days ago, the Black Flame Guard and the Red Flame Guard encountered Dayu's 50,000 beggars in Changyuan. Yun Shuai died in the battle, and the Black Flame Guard and the Red Flame Guard..."

"The whole army was wiped out!"


Quan Ji's face also changed suddenly, and even his hand holding the teacup was a little unsteady.

Yuchang secretly clenched his fists and continued: "I witnessed this battle with my own eyes. Yun Shuai was determined to die, otherwise he would not have fallen to this point."


Quan Ji also sighed deeply and looked at Qi Lanyue beside him: "Girl, why are you here again?"

"Please ask Prime Minister Quan to come forward and persuade His Majesty to give up the battlefield in the southern border!"

"Hehe, is this your idea, or..."

"This time Lanyue was entrusted by Gu Shuai, and it was also my grandfather's idea!"

Hearing Qi Lanyue's words, Quan Ji was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "I know about this matter, you two go down first!"

"I will go to the palace later!"



The palace.

Lanxin Palace.

"I have been a little uneasy these two days, Concubine Lan, you come from an ancient doctor's family, cook a medicinal meal for me!"


The woman was gentle and generous, with a kind heart, and there was indescribable tenderness in her eyes. Emperor Yan was half lying on a chair, looking a little comfortable.

"I don't worry about the battlefield in the southern border. With the ancient Confucian scholars, Dali will surely collapse."

"But the western border... these filthy scoundrels dared to invade my Dayan border. Sooner or later, I will ride on Yudu and sweep across the Central Plains!"


The Emperor Yan showed a bit of anger on his face, but Concubine Lan was calm and busy with her own business.

"Your Majesty, the powerful minister wants to see you!"

"Oh?" Emperor Yan was a little surprised: "It's a day off today, what is he doing here?"

"Let him wait for me in the front hall."


"My beloved concubine, I will go to handle official business first, and come to see you later."

"Your Majesty, I will send you off!"

Watching Emperor Yan walk out of the hall, the smile on Concubine Lan's face gradually disappeared, and she said lightly: "Any news?"

"Your Majesty, our people have lost contact!"


Concubine Lan's face changed slightly, and she said in a deep voice: "There are masters in the academy, and we can't force our way in. I'm afraid we can only find another way."

"Your Majesty, how about I go there in person?"

"Don't be reckless, that place is not simple, we need to take it slowly."

"You go down first, I have my own arrangements for this matter!"


After the whole hall was completely quiet, Concubine Lan clapped her hands lightly, and a figure walked out of the back hall.

"Upload a message to the Lord. I need an expert who is good at hiding."


"Explore the academy!"


"The place where Dayan's foundation is located!"


Front hall.

Seeing the figure of Emperor Yan coming over in a swagger, Quan Ji hurriedly bowed and clasped his hands.

"Okay, there are no outsiders here. It's just you and me, the king and the minister. Let's skip the customary etiquette!"

"Sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Quan Ji sat down on the side. With his position in Emperor Yan's heart, he really didn't need to care about these empty formalities.

However, how should he organize his words and tell His Majesty the news peacefully?

"What's the matter?"

Quan Ji pondered for a long time, and seeing that Emperor Yan was impatient, he barely spoke: "Your Majesty, I have good news to report to Your Majesty!"


Hearing the three words "good news", Emperor Yan also showed some expectation, and the impatience on his face disappeared completely.

"Tell me, I always feel that I can't sleep well these two days. Minister Quan, your good news comes at the right time!"


Quan Ji also laughed dryly and said seriously: "Your Majesty, I congratulate Your Majesty in advance. The day when you rule the world is not far away!"

"Your Majesty has taken another big step towards the great cause of unification!"

"Could it be... there is good news on the Dali battlefield?"

Quan Ji shook his head and said softly: "Your Majesty, I just lost a battle two days ago, and I just received the news!"

"Lose a battle?"

"It was through this defeat that I realized something, and my Dayan was able to change the past trend!"

Emperor Yan was confused again, and his face was a little more unhappy.

"I have discovered that Dali, Xishu, and even Hu Nu are not the biggest threat to Dayan!"

"Today's Dali is like the setting sun in the west. The country has been lost, the treasury is empty, and Dayan can be destroyed at any time."

"But to this day, Dali has not fallen under the iron hoof of Dayan. Your Majesty, have you ever thought about why?"

"Is it because... Dayu?"

"That's right!"

Quan Ji nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: "General Gu wrote a letter saying that when Dayan's heavenly army was preparing to cross the river, Dayu sent 300,000 troops to help Dali stationed Defending the Li River, they even had the momentum to counterattack! "

"How can this be possible!"

"Your Majesty, the Red Flame Guard and the Black Flame Guard also suffered a great loss at the hands of Dayu, and the Marquis of Changqing was also seriously injured and dying!"

"And Dayu only mobilized 50,000 troops!"


Yanhuang showed a bit of shock on his face, but Quan Ji said calmly: "It is because of this battle that we can see Dayu's true face!"

"Dayu may have the heart to dominate the world!"

"Sooner or later, my Dayan may fall under Dayu's iron cavalry!"


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