Yan·Northern Frontier Fortress.

Both Hunu and Dayan have vast territories. One occupies the vast northern land and nurtures the most powerful nomadic civilization, while the other occupies one-third of the fertile land in the Central Plains, and its population density ranks first among the countries. !

The two have been fighting for hundreds of years, but they are always on the same side. It is difficult for the Yan army to enter the grassland, and it is difficult for the barbarian army to enter the Central Plains!

A military camp was stationed on a wasteland, and the tent was filled with burly figures.

"Huo Shuai!"

"The soldiers of the three armies have rested and are ready to go to war at any time!"

"Yes!" Huo Qubing nodded, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and said softly: "Last night, I received information about the Black Ice Platform. Now Hu Nu is gathering troops and horses to prepare for the second attack on Yu!"

"Today, the heavenly army of Yu the Great has arrived on the grassland, so he should not give Hu Nu a chance to take the initiative to attack!"

"I have decided to divide our troops into two groups. One group will contain the main force of Hu Nu. The other group will enter Da Yan from the north and go south to attack Yan!"

Huo Qubing looked around and saw that all the Han generals were excited. They used to be their own masters, or even each other's rivals, but now they are serving as colleagues!

"Zhao Yun!"


"You lead the White Horse Yi Cong, go south together with the Euphorbia Soldiers and the trapped camp to attack Dayan!"

"I, Zhang Liao, and Xu Chu will go north together with one hundred thousand Han cavalry to contain the Hu Nu."


"Everyone, this battle is the first time that all the generals of our Han Dynasty have come together as one, so we must not let down our great trust!"

"He will definitely live up to his reputation as a strong man!"


Huo Qubing nodded with satisfaction and said softly: "Xing Daorong, Pan Feng, you two will be the vanguard, Zhao Yun will lead the generals in the southern expedition, Guan Yu and Huang Zhong will be the deputy generals, and Gao Shun will be in charge of the food, grass and baggage!"

"There are three fortified cities and five key points in the border fortress in the northern border of Da Yan. Each place is heavily guarded by the Bei Yan Army. You must not underestimate the enemy!"

"Don't worry, Huo Shuai!"



Bai Qi sat in the main hall of the General's Mansion, looking at the marching route of Yan's army in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

"Commander Bai, the Nanyan Army has another 200,000 troops heading north to kill me in Nagano."

"The walls of Nagano are low and there is no danger to defend. If we hold on here, it may be detrimental to us!"


Bai Qi also nodded, looked at Xue Li and said: "Rengui, you can take the food and baggage and lead the Wei army out of the city!"

"Go to Tianfeng City first, you and I are each other's horns."

"I will fight with the Yan army here for a while, and then march towards Tianfeng!"


Xue Li also took the order without hesitation and left directly.

Bai Qi looked at the empty hall in front of him and frowned slightly: "My lord, under his command is actually a selfless general of the Qin Dynasty!"

"Somebody come!"


"The generals are summoned to discuss matters!"


Outside the jungle of ten thousand trees.

Qin Qiong and Chen Qingzhi led their cavalry out of the ancient road and smiled at each other.

"Next, it's our turn to fight back."

"Haha, this Yan army is not very powerful, but the person who leads it is a good general."

"My lord has given me an order."

Cheng Yaojin looked at the letter from the scout not far away, with a look of concentration on his face.

"Could it be that Lord Wu An killed Nan Yan's army?"

"Or has something happened to Chang Yuan?"

Soon, the scout rode up to the generals, looked at Chen Qingzhi and said: "General Chen, His Royal Highness has an order. You are asked to immediately lead the white-robed army to bypass Changyuan and capture Changluo!"

"Chang Luo!"

Chen Qingzhi also had a deep look of surprise on his face, and Qin Qiong's eyes flashed brightly: "Yes, now the Yan Army's army is within the Ten Thousand Woods Jungle. Changluo is not a border town at all. On weekdays, there are only places County soldiers are stationed.”

"General Ziyun, if you lead the army over now, you will have it at your fingertips!"


Chen Qingzhi also had a smile on his face, and said softly: "In that case, I will take the first step, General Qin, General Cheng, see you later!"

"See you later!"

"The Yan army is coming fiercely, so be careful!"

"Don't worry, I, Old Cheng, am here to clean up a bunch of brats, just like slaughtering pigs and cows!"


Everyone laughed loudly, and Chen Qingzhi led the white-robed army away. Qin Qiong's expression gradually became serious, and he looked at Cheng Yaojin who was standing aside.

"Knowing the truth, order the whole army to form a formation!"

"Get ready to meet the enemy!"


In a moment, 50,000 Xuanjia troops lined up directly outside the ancient road in Wanmu Jungle, waiting for the arrival of the main force of Yan's army.



On the ancient road not far away, a flag flashed between the shadows of the trees. Qin Qiong put down the telescope in his hand, with a high fighting spirit in his eyes!

Cheng Yaojin put the Bagua Xuanhua ax directly on his shoulder and showed a silly smile: "Get ready to work!"

Not far away, Qi Jun's expression gradually became serious.

"Fish Bu Yue, Shan Chengpeng, the two of you lead three thousand cavalry, take the first step to detect the movements of the two iron cavalry of Yu's army!"


"Remember, if you discover his whereabouts, you must not fight with him!"


Both of them nodded heavily. Qi Yu let out a long sigh and looked at the army behind him: "Is there any news from Hua Bubai?"

"Commander, there was news last night that there is no pursuing army in our retreat!"

"Something's wrong!"

Qi Yu frowned and said solemnly: "If I were Yu's army, after penetrating Changyuan, I would definitely send a light cavalry to bypass Changyuan and raid our army's retreat!"

"But now, there is still no movement of Yu's army. Could it be that..."

"Chang Luo!"

Qi Jin's expression suddenly changed and he said in a deep voice: "Here comes someone!"


"Send out scouts and tell Hua Bubai to lead his army back to Changluo immediately to be on guard against Dayu's surprise attack!"


"Commander, are you too nervous?"

"Now that Dayu has just experienced a tragic victory, he will definitely defend Dongyan City. How can he dare to take a detour and raid Changluo?"

"Yes, Commander, even if they can really take Changluo, when our army returns and the court sends another army, won't it mean that we will be attacked from both sides?"

Qi Yu shook his head, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. For some reason, he always felt like a storm was coming.


"Commander, General Yu came to report that Dayu's cavalry was found outside the Ten Thousand Trees Jungle!"

"How many troops and horses?"

"Only fifty thousand black armored cavalry!"

Qi Jin had a sad look on his face. Although he had tens of thousands of cavalry under his command, compared with that black-armored heavy cavalry...

"How to advance?"


"Commander, lead your troops directly to cover up and kill him, regardless of whether he rides heavily or not!"


Qi Jin scolded him, but he also felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Every move he made was exposed under the eyes of the enemy. He couldn't fight to the death, and he couldn't do it without fighting!

What a dilemma!

"Give me the order to set up camp on the spot and cut down all the surrounding trees."

"Maintaining the status quo!"

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