The Black Armor Army Camp.

After Qin Qiong received the news from Yu Huatian, the sentries outside the Yan Army camp also reported one after another.

Before the Yan Army arrived, they had already made preparations.

"Zhijie, the Yan Army's cavalry is in front, and the infantry is behind. You lead 30,000 Black Armor Army out of the camp first and set up an ambush outside my camp!"


Cheng Yaojin nodded, carrying the Bagua Xuanhua Axe and walked out of the tent. Qin Qiong's eyes also showed a hint of thought.

Now that the lord has personally led the dark cavalry to rob the camp, and the Yan Army has taken the initiative to kill, this may be their only chance to defeat the Yan Army!

"Come here!"

"Put down the chevaux de frise in front of the camp, and the baggage carts are in front of the camp to stop the Yan Army's charge!"


After making the arrangements, Qin Qiong directly led the remaining 20,000 Black Armor Army out of the camp and hid on one side.



Yu Buyue also led the cavalry to the front of the Yu army camp. Looking at the brightly lit camp in front of him, he shouted: "Brothers, the Yu army camp is right in front of us, follow me to kill!"


The shouts of killing rang out, and Yu Buyue and Ma Buhui led the army directly into the Yu army camp.

"Something is wrong!"

"Old Yu, something is wrong!"

Yu Buyue also frowned slightly. The camp in front of him was a little too peaceful.

Ma Buhui, however, felt a little uneasy in his heart, and shouted: "I will lead 3,000 cavalry to rush in and explore first, and you will support outside the camp."


Ma Buhui held a long spear and led 3,000 light cavalry directly into the Yu army camp.

Sparse arrows were thrown above the camp. Ma Buhui looked at the halberds behind the camp gate and shouted: "Charge!"

The 3,000 cavalry charged together and easily occupied the entire camp.

"Brothers, follow me!"


A shout of killing suddenly rang out from the forest on one side. Qin Qiong led 20,000 black armored cavalrymen to attack directly from the flank. Yu Buyue's face suddenly changed: "How is it possible? How could the Yu army set an ambush in advance?"

"General Yu, could it be that spies were monitoring us outside the camp?"


"Even if there were spies of the Yu army outside my camp, they couldn't withdraw from the camp so quickly and set an ambush on one side!"

"Pass my order, charge towards the flank!"

"Soldiers, our reinforcements will arrive soon, follow me to kill!"

Yu Buyue knew that it was too late to withdraw the troops at this time, and he had to bite the bullet and attack.

Moreover, he had 50,000 light cavalry under his command. Even if the black armored army was strong, it was impossible to kill them all in a short time.

When Shan Chengpeng's reinforcements arrived, they might be able to encircle the Yu army.

Thinking of this, Yu Buyue's eyes also ignited a blazing fighting spirit. He looked at General Yu, who was leading the Xuanjia Army, and swung the trident in his hand and killed him directly.

"General Yu, prepare to die!"

"Come and fight!"

Qin Qiong was not to be outdone, and rushed straight to Yu Buyue.

The two peerless generals immediately started fighting in the center of the battle formation, while the cavalry of the Xuanjia Army and the Yan Army ignored them and started to charge.

Under the cover of night, a fight began!


Jungle Ancient Road.

Shan Chengpeng led the infantry to rush towards the camp of the Yu Army without haste, and saw a man and a horse riding towards them.


"General Shan, General Yu and General Ma are ambushed outside the camp of the Yu army. Please lead your troops to support them!"


Shan Chengpeng also showed some surprise on his face, and immediately ordered: "Pass my order, march at full speed!"

After the order was issued, torches were suddenly thrown out from the forests on both sides, and the dull sound of horse hooves sounded. Two teams of black-armored cavalry rushed out from both sides of the forest!

"Enemy attack!"

"Prepare to defend against the enemy quickly, and form a battle array on both wings!"

Shan Chengpeng was not a mediocre general, and his reaction was also quite fast. His heavy infantry immediately formed a battle array on both sides of the jungle, using shield walls to resist the charge of the Yu army!

The terrain in the jungle is narrow, which is not conducive to the charge of cavalry!

But the Xuanjia Army is not an ordinary cavalry. When they are on horseback, they are heavy cavalry, and when they are off horseback, they are heavy armor.

Cheng Yaojin immediately ordered the cavalry to dismount and attack directly, intending to split the Yan army front and back!

"Hey, you Yan guys, you still want to sneak attack?"

"You're too young!"

"When it comes to playing dirty, I, Old Cheng, am your ancestor!"

Cheng Yaojin looked at the Yan army's formation being broken by the Xuanjia army, and a thief's smile appeared on his face.


"Put down your weapons, hand over your property, or you will die!"

"Follow Grandpa Cheng from now on, and you will have a good life!"

Cheng Yaojin shouted, Shan Chengpeng's face turned pale, it's this damn bastard again!

Li Nan died at the hands of this man, and his brother was also deceived by this thief. Although he did not die at his hands, he was inseparable from him!

"General Yu, come and die!"

"With your life, sacrifice to my brother's spirit in heaven!"

Seeing Shan Chengpeng rushing out without explanation, Cheng Yaojin was also a little depressed, and said unhappily: "Are you Shan Chengkun's brother?"

"Your brother died at the hands of Yang Zaixing, go find him!"

"What does it have to do with me, Old Cheng?"

"I'm just a robber!"

While saying this, Cheng Yaojin also swung his axe and fought towards Shan Chengpeng.

Although Cheng Yaojin was a peerless warrior, he only had three axes in his hands. If he couldn't take the enemy's head within three moves and the enemy saw through his tricks, he would probably call him brother.

"You bastard, accept your fate!"

Shan Chengpeng took Cheng Yaojin's three axes with great effort. Although he was beaten, he was not afraid at all.

Hatred had made his eyes bloodshot.

But after Cheng Yaojin's three axes, Shan Chengpeng felt that he was getting more and more relaxed, and he became more rational.


"You bastard, you only know these three axes?"

"Today, your death is coming, and no one can save you!"

Cheng Yaojin was also shocked. He didn't expect this guy to be so brave.

That day, when he saw Yang Zaixing take down Shan Chengkun like killing a chicken, he thought that Shan Chengpeng would let him control him, but he didn't expect to be defeated.


"Who told you that Grandpa Cheng only has three axes!"

"Look at my thirty-six Tiangang axes - kill gods and demons!"

Cheng Yaojin's body was surging with Gangqi, and his momentum instantly climbed to the peak. Shan Chengpeng's face was also condensed, and he restrained his offensive, ready to meet Cheng Yaojin's shocking halberd!

"Break it!"

Cheng Yaojin chopped with an axe, and rode away without looking back.

Shan Chengpeng was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and cursed: "You shameless dog thief, how dare you tease me like this."

"Don't run away!"

"Hehe, Grandpa Cheng doesn't want to play with you anymore."

"Brothers, beat him up!"

Cheng Yaojin waved his hand, and the surrounding black armor soldiers also formed a battle formation and surrounded Shan Chengpeng.

Although Shan Chengpeng was peerless, he was a little unprepared when facing the group of black armor soldiers.

What's more, this shameless dog thief would sneak attack from time to time, which was extremely hateful!


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