Dian Wei licked his lips, with a bloody look in his eyes, and his whole body began to tremble with excitement.

For Madman Dian, he never knows what fear is. No matter how powerful the opponent he encounters, he can just go crazy. If he can't go crazy, then he will risk his life to go crazy.

I, Lao Dian, will slash my two halberds horizontally, and it doesn’t matter whether you are the King of Heaven or a piece of shit legend, I will cut you down.

"Come and fight!"

Dian Wei shouted loudly, and his aura suddenly increased a lot. Except for the fact that he had no domain, he was already infinitely close to the peak warrior.

Suddenly, Zeng Huai also felt a huge pressure coming towards him.

With the help of war horses just now, he may not be able to gain the upper hand. He originally planned to wait until Dian Wei was exhausted before counterattacking, but now, with the two fighting on foot, his advantage was gone.

In fact, the terrifying battle between Dian and Wei is about to take place.


There was no fear on Zeng Huai's face. He held the broadsword tightly with both hands and made an arrow move. Countless sword shadows flashed in an instant. He also used all his strength to slash at Dian Wei.

The dark Gang Qi and Dian Wei's Blood Gang Qi collided crazily. After just a few rounds, Zeng Huai felt a strong sense of exhaustion.

The aura on his body was even weaker by three points.

On top of the war horse, he can still rely on the war horse to move around and deal with it, saving energy.

But now, when the two of them were fighting on foot, apart from the battle of moves, it was more of a physical clash, and Dian Wei could almost crush him in both speed and strength.

"Zeng Huai, we are going to be defeated!"

Ming Cheng's face dimmed and he looked at Luo Tian who was standing aside. The latter also nodded slightly and said softly: "If Zeng Huai had launched a fierce attack with cavalry when he went into battle, he would have a 60-70% chance of winning."

"Now, if I abandon my war horse and fight with Na Yu, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive fifty rounds!"


Ming Cheng sighed sadly, but Luo Tian seemed to sense something and looked towards the tower, meeting a distant gaze.

Dayan, northern border.

Beiyan City.

As the first important town among the three cities and five passes in the northern border of Da Yan, it plays a very important role in military and border defense.

For more than a hundred years, countless Hunu bones have been buried under Beiyan City. The mottled city tower has turned dark red under the constant pouring of blood.

There was a fishy smell permeating the brick wall, overflowing everywhere.

"Yan Jun in the city, do you want to be a coward?"

"Do you dare to go out of the city to fight with grandpa?"

"Your Grandpa Pan's sword is already hungry and thirsty. Hurry out of the city and die."

Pan Feng held a big sword and shouted curses under the tower, full of the strong atmosphere of the Three Kingdoms.

"General, the last general invites you to fight!"


On the city tower, several figures stood side by side. The leader was a veteran with long eyebrows and a somewhat solemn look on his face.

"This sudden appearance of General Yu in the north is obviously unusual."

"The Marquis has an order, just defend the city and don't leave."

"Damn it!" A look of anger appeared on the face of the burly man, and he slammed his hand on the city wall and said angrily: "If we continue to hide, we will really be like turtles."

"General, I can't swallow this breath."

After saying that, he was about to go out of the city with a big ax to fight. The veteran's face showed a bit of anger: "How reckless!"

"How can you be allowed to act wantonly on the battlefield?"


A group of generals around also said: "General Yu will camp under my city for several days and come to call for battle every day. I am waiting behind closed doors and don't know what their plot is."

"It's better to just go out of the city and do some testing. You can also find out the truth."

"Yes, General, if this continues, the morale of the soldiers may be..."

The veteran general also showed a look of contemplation, pondered for a long time, and nodded slightly: "That's all, Fukang, you go out of the city to meet the enemy, and you won't be allowed to lose!"


"Lian Yong, Wu Zhicheng, you two will lead three thousand infantry to hold down the formation for him!"


Soon the city gate was opened, and three Yan generals led a group of soldiers to rush out. Pan Feng also showed a bit of surprise. In the past few days, he had repeatedly called for formation, but Yan Jun stayed behind closed doors. He didn't expect that he actually left the city today. Challenged.

"Hahaha, you finally dare to come out?"

"I, Dayu'erlang, have been wondering if your General Yan is doing embroidery in the city, hahaha?"

Listening to Pan Feng's ridicule, the three Yan generals were furious. The burly man held a big ax and rushed out. Pan Feng's eyes suddenly condensed, and his face became more solemn.

"Come and fight!"

The two immediately formed a fighting group. Beiyan City is the first border city in the northern border of Dayan. It is guarded by heavy troops all year round. The generals guarding the city are naturally brave and good at fighting. Fukang, who is fighting this time, is a peerless warrior. Military general.


"Tie Yu, today Japan will swear to kill you, and will make your head into a Cuju ball, and let our soldiers in the city take it."

"Hang your body on the city gate for your Yu army to worship!"

Although the ax in Fukang's hand was a heavy weapon, it was not slow at all when he swung it, and was even quite fast.

For a moment, Pan Feng was also a little powerless, and a deep fear flashed in his eyes.

"You alone, do you want to defeat your Grandpa Pan?"


Although Pan Feng gradually fell into a disadvantage, his words were not forgiving at all: "Did you not eat milk today?"

"Is this enough strength?"

"Why don't you go back to the city and go find your wet nurse for a bite?"

"Hahaha, this axe is great. I'll chop it off and bring it home to my wife to chop firewood."

Fu Kang was instantly furious, and his offensive became more and more fierce. Pan Feng struggled to swing his sword, trying to find a flaw, but although Fu Kang was furious, he was still able to maintain his rationality and did not give Pan Feng any chance to take advantage of him.

"Die for me!"

After fifty rounds, Pan Feng was almost exhausted, while Fu Kang was in high spirits.

"Brother, save me!"

Pan Feng shouted, and Xing Daorong, who was raiding the formation not far away, immediately dragged the pear blossom axe to kill into the formation, while Lian Yong and Wu Zhicheng, who were raiding the formation for Fu Kang, were also furious.

"The Yu people are shameless!"

"Do you think no one in my Dayan calls for help?"


The two of them rushed towards Xing Daorong together. Not far away, Guan Yu led the halberd soldiers to stand in front of the formation, frowning slightly. Now Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong led the white horse volunteers to take a detour, and they attracted the Yan army from the front.

There were only Xing Daorong and Pan Feng around him, and he had to stay in the center of the army, so he couldn't go out to fight easily.

Soon, the three Yan generals surrounded Pan Feng and Xing Daorong and started fighting. Fortunately, one of them had not entered the peerless world, and the two could barely hold on.

"Damn it, what's the point of bullying the minority with the majority? Do you dare to fight one-on-one?"

Xing Daorong was besieged by two people and said angrily.

"One-on-one?" Fu Kang sneered, "Didn't you call for help first?"

"Why, only you Dayu can bully the minority with the majority, and I Dayan can only fight alone?"


"General Yu, you keep calling?"

"Hehe, your head is accepted by your grandfather."

Fu Kang's face was full of grim smiles, and he swung the axe and chopped towards Pan Feng's head...

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