
"General, do you have any last words? Yun will tell them to you."

Sun Yue was already on the verge of death. When he heard Zhao Yun's words, a glimmer of desire flashed in his eyes. He tried his best to say, "Yes... I have last words. Please tell Marquis Ziyun for me."

"General, please speak!"

Sun Yue took a deep breath and said with his last strength, "Tell Marquis Shenwu for me... You must... kill... Zhao Yun and avenge me... blood hatred!!!"

Voice As soon as he fell, he fell straight to the ground, leaving Zhao Yun in a mess in the wind...

"General Zilong!"

Gao Shun saw Zhao Yun standing there in a daze, and hurried forward with a concerned look on his face: "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine!"

"Qingcheng has been taken, and more than 50,000 heads have been beheaded in this battle. There are tens of thousands of remnant soldiers who have escaped from the city gate and are heading towards Yinzhou."

"Don't chase them!"

Zhao Yun's face became serious. Yinzhou is an important town in the northern border of Dayan, and it is also the base camp of the Shenwu Marquis. Not to mention the high city and thick moat, it gathers the elite of the Northern Yan Army. It is not easy to capture it.



"Two generals, General Yunchang just reported that Generals Xing Daorong and Pan Feng were captured. Beiyan City sent Generals Lian Yong and Wu Zhicheng to lead 30,000 light cavalry to Qingcheng."

"30,000 light cavalry?"

Zhao Yun's eyes showed some surprise, but Gao Shun on the side grasped the key content: "You mean, Xing Daorong and Pan Feng were captured again?"


Gao Shun couldn't help but twitch his mouth. It seems that there will be another victim.

"General Gao, since the two generals have been captured, how about we lead the army back to Beiyan City immediately to rescue them?"

"If it takes too long, I'm afraid your lives will be in danger!"

"General Zilong, don't worry." Gao Shun recounted Xing Daorong's glorious deeds one by one. Zhao Yun was dumbfounded after hearing this. Thinking of the fact that he captured Xing Daorong in his previous life, he couldn't help but sighed: "Xing Daorong alone is better than my 50,000 white horse volunteers!"

"In this case, we might as well take advantage of the situation. Now that Beiyan City has taken the initiative to send 30,000 light cavalry, we will set up an ambush halfway."

"After defeating these 30,000 cavalry, we will counterattack Beiyan City in one fell swoop, so as to control the northern border of Dayan, form a pincer attack, and contain Yinzhou."


Gao Shun also nodded, looked at Zhao Yun and said: "General Yunchang also asked the scout to bring a secret letter."



Beiyan City.

Zhenbei General's Mansion

"Has there been any news from Changluo?"

"Reporting to General Kui, this time His Majesty is personally leading the expedition, and Marquis Luo is personally in charge, wanting to retake Changluo and recover the lost territory. I'm afraid there will be news in the near future."


Kui Liang nodded and said softly, "Has Dao Rong's words been passed on?"

"Reporting to General Kui, a fast horse has been sent to Changluo as soon as possible."


Kui Liang paced back and forth in the hall, feeling a little uneasy. Now the situation in Qingcheng is unclear, and there has been no news from Changluo. Now the entire Beiyan City is completely passive.

For a long time.

A general in armor hurried in and whispered, "General, there is news from Changluo that the emperor's army is approaching the city. Generals Zeng Huai, Qin Guanhu, and Cheng Guying are going to fight!"

"General Zeng Huai died in the battle. The Shenwu Marquis fought against Dayu Lu Bu and the outcome was inconclusive."

"Our army suffered a setback in Changluo and is now camping outside the city."


Kuiliang's face showed a bit of surprise. He didn't expect that what Xing Daorong said really came true.

"Go, go and call Xing Daorong to me...Please come!"

"Wait, I'll go in person!"


In a temporary residence, Xing Daorong and Pan Feng sat opposite each other.

"Old Xing, are you going to die?"

"You actually told Yanren all our military information, aren't you afraid..."

Pan Feng didn't continue, but Xing Daorong smiled calmly: "Old Pan, don't worry, everything is under Xing's control."


Pan Feng showed a puzzled look on his face. As far as he knew, Old Xing was not a good strategist.

Who gave him the confidence to act so recklessly?

"Hey, to be honest, before this expedition, Mr. Wenyou assigned me a spy!"

"Not only to protect your safety, but also to give us advice at all times!"


Pan Feng widened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face: "So, Mr. Wenyou already knows about our capture?"

"The news has been spread by the people of Heibingtai. Now I'm afraid that not only Mr. Wenyou knows, but the lord should also know soon."


"Old Xing!"


"Are you proud of being captured? ? "

"Guan Yu was captured?"

Xing Daorong was stunned for a moment, and lowered his voice and said: "When was Guan Yu captured?"


"I mean, do you think it's glorious for us to be captured?"

"Of course!"

Xing Daorong looked around and lowered his voice and said: "Old Pan, I'll tell you secretly, I have already contacted Zhao Yun through the Black Ice Platform."

"Great, when can we escape?"

"Escape?" Xing Daorong showed a trace of contempt on his face, and sneered: "Why escape, this time, we still have a big show to perform!"

"Let's go first... then... finally... hehehehe..."

Xing Daorong's eyes showed a glimmer of wisdom, until a figure walked in, and he quickly stopped smiling, stood up and said: "Kui Shuai, why are you here?"

"No need to be polite!"

"Daorong, how are you resting here?"

Xing Daorong nodded quickly and said: "Thank you, Kui Shuai, for your hospitality, Xing is grateful!"


Kui Liang laughed loudly, then waved his hand and said: "Come in!"

As soon as the voice fell, twenty slender beauties dragged trays of gold, silver and jewelry into the yard outside the yard, neatly lined up in two rows.

"Kui Shuai, what are you doing?"

"Daorong, these are for you!"

Kui Liang looked at Xing Daorong with a smile, with a hint of hunger in his eyes that a wise leader meets a talented person.

He believed that Xing Daorong would definitely bring him a great surprise, and it was even possible that he would be able to take another step and enter the center at the age of sixty.

"All for me?"

"This... General Kui, no merit, no reward, this... is too expensive!"


Kui Liang shook his head and said seriously: "Daorong, you don't know, you have already done a great service for me."


Xing Daorong's heart trembled suddenly. Could it be that he had miscalculated, and Zhao Yun had not yet conquered Qingcheng, and was attacked by Lian Yong and Zhao Zhicheng's army?

"Please let General Kui tell me!"


[The old man in my family passed away, and I have to wear mourning. I asked for leave in the group yesterday. Please forgive me! 】

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