"The general is not dead, brothers, hold the tower, don't give the Yu army a chance!"


"Damn Yu army, they are so treacherous, I almost fell into their trap!"

"Look, the general is there!"

Several Yan army lieutenants and generals also hurriedly helped to stabilize the army's morale, and the Yan army was also inspired to defend the women's wall.

As more and more Qin Rui soldiers attacked the tower, the Yan army guarding the city also felt a sudden increase in pressure.

However, the most serious situation was Lu Qian. The shout just now completely attracted the attention of the Yu army. The Yu army who climbed the tower took the lead to kill him.

"Damn, you really think I'm a soft persimmon!"

"Lu Qian is here, Yu army, come and fight, I want to see who can kill me!"

Seeing that he was difficult to get rid of, Lu Qian simply shouted loudly, which could not only boost morale, but also attract the attention of the Yu army and relieve the pressure on other sections of the wall.

But what he didn't know was that there was already a Lao Liu under the city, eyeing him.

Xue Li held the Zhentian Bow and was looking for an opportunity. Although Lu Qian was surrounded by a group of Yu troops, he was a peerless general who was very "afraid of death". Although he was fighting with the Yu soldiers, he never relaxed his vigilance.

Moreover, he was under the tower, blocked by the city wall. If he wanted to kill with one blow, he must seize the opportunity.

"Continue to attack the city!"

Xue Li gave an order, and another team of soldiers joined the siege. After fighting for an incense stick of time, Lu Qian was also a little tired. Although these Yu soldiers could not threaten his life, their fighting methods were extremely sophisticated and very difficult!

"Hahaha, this Dayan defender is just like this!"

"No wonder the Yan army retreated step by step, it turns out that this Yan general is a waste!"

There were old soldiers constantly mocking, and Lu Qian's face became more and more gloomy. If it were Fu Kang, he would probably just sneer at such a trick, but Lu Qian was different.

He really took it to heart and was furious!

"You...are looking for death!"

"A long night of prairie fire!"

Lu Qian shouted, leaped up suddenly, and urged his energy to sweep away all the Yu army around him. Xue Li below was delighted, and immediately flew up, opening his longbow suddenly.



Lu Qian shouted, watching the attack fall, and saw a stream of light passing by, directly sinking into his chest, blood blooming, and his momentum was instantly vented wildly.

"Damn...despicable...Old Six!"

"Brothers, hold on...reinforcements...are coming..."

Lu Qian's figure fell heavily on the tower, and the Yan army beside him was also stunned for a moment.

"The general...is dead...this time he is really dead!"

"General Lu!"

There were several captains around, all with sad faces. Some of them were Lu Qian's confidants, and some were Lu's own children. Seeing Lu Qian being killed, they were all furious!

"Brothers, although General Lu died in battle, Yuanyang City is still there!"

"To die on the battlefield is our fate. Rather than being punished by military law for escaping, it is better to fight with great fanfare!"

"Defend Yuanyang and wait for General Gu to come to our aid!"

The drums on the tower sounded, and to Hu Xueli's surprise, the Yan army did not collapse.

Instead, the morale rose.

"These idiots are quite ambitious!"

"But this is a battlefield, it's useless!"

"Brothers, show some real weapons and let these kids open their eyes!"

Several old soldiers of Qin Ruishi grinned, and the Qin Ruishi who attacked the tower immediately formed a formation and killed the surrounding Yan army together.

Three or five people formed a formation, and each of them released a strong murderous aura.


Seeing this, the surrounding Yan army was horrified. These black-armored old soldiers were just a simple triangular formation, which made it impossible for more than ten of them to get close!

"I told you, with these black armored Yu soldiers, we have no chance of winning!"

"Yes, General Lu died in the battle, we might as well withdraw from Yuanyang directly, join the main force of General Gu, and then counterattack in one fell swoop!"

"You guys fight, anyway I won't fight anymore, my father is dead, my three brothers all died on the battlefield, I am the last one, I can't die!"

"My mother has been bedridden for three years this year, just waiting for me to go back..."

It seems that everyone has a reason to live. On the battlefield, they are all A, B, C, and D, or even a grain of dust insignificant in the era. Even if they die here, they may not be able to find any trace of their existence.

"Whoever dares to retreat will die!"

A lieutenant rushed over fiercely and killed several Yan soldiers who said they would retreat, and shouted: "If you shake the morale of the army, kill them on the spot!"

The Yan army, which was on the verge of collapse, returned to their posts again and fought desperately.

Xue Li also climbed up the tower with a halberd, looking at the tragic scenes, and shouted: "Those who surrender will be spared!"

"Those who resist stubbornly will be killed without mercy!"

"Follow me to kill!"

With a loud shout, he personally killed several fierce Yanjun soldiers, and this battle to defend the city, which may not be recorded in the history books, finally came to an end.



The battle here was even more tragic. Xue Dingshan and Fan Lihua led a group of fire troops to climb up the tower and kill Fu Kang with thunder.

The tower only held out for half an hour before it fell into the hands of the Yu army.

"Brothers, reinforcements are coming, let's retreat to the streets and wait for the main force of the marshal to arrive before counterattacking!"

"Set fire, burn all the streets, and stop the Yu army!"

"Archers, shoot!"

A lieutenant was fearless in the face of danger, commanding the Yan army on the verge of defeat, and shouted in a low voice: "Our Dayan is the strongest country in the Central Plains. Now a little Dayu wants to defeat our Nanyan army. It's just wishful thinking!"

"Men, show some backbone and don't let the elders and villagers at home be ashamed of us!"

Xue Dingshan and Fan Lihua were also a little anxious when they saw the fire in the street in front of them.

"Lihua, you wait for others to clean up the enemy troops in the rear, and I will continue to lead the army to try!"


Fan Lihua hurriedly stopped him and said in a deep voice: "The fire has started, don't go in!"

"You and Zhou Qing lead the army to go around the east and west gates and encircle them in one fell swoop!"



It was dawn.

South of the Li River.

Li Jing and Tang He and other generals were sitting in the big tent. When a scout came to report, they all stood up.

"What's the situation?"

"General, our vanguard has crossed the river, and the camp of the Yan army has become an empty camp!"


Tang He frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Gu Ru is so courageous that he dares to fight with his back to the river!"

"In this case, General Bai will have to face Gu Ru's main force first."

Li Jing's face was deep, and he asked in a serious voice: "Have our scouts caught up with the main force of the Yan army?"

"Report to the general, no trace of the Yan army has been found."


Li Jing looked at the map on the wall and said in a deep voice: "Have many footprints been found on the north bank of the Li River?"

"Are there traces of piles along the coast?"

"This...I haven't noticed it!"

"Explore again and report again!"



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