Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 842: Lu Bu fights three heroes, Bai Qi leaves Changluo!

The next day.

The first snow stopped, and Changluo City was covered in silver and snow covered the mountains. The Yan Army camp outside the city opened with a bang, and teams of armored soldiers stepped out.

The war drums sounded, and the drummers beat the drums vigorously, as if to vent all the frustrations of the past half month.

"Soldiers, today, I will personally put on armor and break Changluo City."

"All soldiers, follow me to fight!"

The Emperor Yan raised his sword and pointed it at the Changluo Tower. Hundreds of thousands of Yan soldiers marched out of the camp and lined up under the city.

Lu Bu and Luo Tian accompanied Yan Huang on both sides, and a group of generals followed behind him.

"Hahaha, Luo Tian, ​​Lu Bu, I have the help of you two today, taking Changluo is as easy as taking something out of a bag."

"Prince Dayu is really stupid. He can't even grasp such a great talent as Fengxian."

"Which of you two will go to challenge?"

Hearing what Emperor Yan said, Luo Tian glanced at Lu Bu and said softly: "General Lu has just returned to my camp and has not made any achievements yet, so let him go to fight!"


Before Emperor Yan spoke, Lu Bu nodded, gently gave his Red Hare a spurt, and rushed out from the front of the formation.

"Lu Bu is here, who dares to fight?"

Lu Bu's eyes were wide open, and a domineering aura swept over him. On the tower, a burly figure yelled at Lu Bu: "Lu Bu, you traitor, how dare you challenge me under my city?"

"Hmph, come out and die!"

"Is Grandpa Dian afraid of you?"

As he spoke, Dian Wei was about to walk down the tower. Ning Fan smiled and said, "E Lai, let Yong Zeng go."

"Yes, my lord!"

Dian Wei didn't know what kind of drama the lord and his men were playing, but he insisted on listening to advice. Besides, Lu Bu was really not someone he could deal with now.

A raging fighting spirit ignited in Ran Min's eyes again. Now he had reached a bottleneck. Whether he could take that step depended on God's will.

Now, Lu Bu just needed a battle to show his loyalty, and he also needed a battle to seek an opportunity for a breakthrough.

"Zaixing, Dianwei, you two go up to support the battle!"


The three of them walked down the tower together. Bai Qi looked at the Yan army formation not far away and whispered, "Your Majesty, the legendary general is irresistible even at the peak."

"This battle is bound to be lost!"

Ning Fan smiled and said nonchalantly, "It's right to lose. If we win, I'm afraid Lu Bu's life will be in danger."


Bai Qi looked puzzled. Li Ru beside him whispered, "The legendary general of the Yan army was sent by us."


Seeing Bai Qi silent, Lan Yu smiled and said, "My lord, let us all go to help. Back then, at Hulao Pass, the three heroes fought Lu Bu. Today, we will beat him up directly."


Ning Fan Looking at Bai Qi, he looked at the Yan Army formation with a distant gaze: "Mr. Bai, there is another legendary general in the Yan Army. Have you... become a legend?"

"I'm still a little short of experience..."


Ning Fan was also stunned for a moment, and then said seriously: "How about you go and kill some monsters first?"


Bai Qi nodded, touched the God-killing Sword on his waist, looked at the Yan Army formation not far away, and murmured: "The Great Yan Dragon Flag."

"It's a pity that the girl is not here and can't see the teacher's style."

"Let's go!"

Everyone looked at Bai Qi. For some reason, Mr. Bai didn't like to wear armor in this life, but only liked to wear a white long gown. People who didn't know him might think that he was an elegant and easy-going scholar.

Lan Yu and other generals all saluted Bai Qi respectfully. Ning Fan focused his eyes on the battlefield. Ran Min and the other three went to fight together, and now they were about to meet Lu Bu.

And the Yan Army saw three figures rushing out of Chang Luo, and it seemed that they had no intention of sending generals to support.

"Lu Bu is a thief who betrayed his master for glory and was ungrateful. Today, we will clean up the mess for our lord!"

"Hmph, you clown, dare to shout in front of me?"

Lu Bu sneered and immediately pressed forward with his halberd. With the gushing energy on his body, Ran Min and the other two were like facing a mountain, breathing heavily.

The domain was released, and the domain of the legendary general opened, directly covering a thousand feet in radius. Even the defenders on the city wall felt a strong pressure coming.

Just as the battle was going on here, the city gate opened again, and a middle-aged man in a white robe walked out.

The middle-aged man had a seven-foot sword hanging on his waist. His steps were neither hurried nor slow, his face was as calm as a mirror lake, and his eyes were as calm as a well. He just stared at the direction of the dragon flag.


An aftermath swept across the center of the battlefield, and the middle-aged man's clothes fluttered, while Ran Min and the other two retreated together, and their bodies trembled violently.

Emperor Yan stroked his beard with a smile, looked at Luo Tian beside him and said: "Lü Bu alone is enough to defeat a hundred thousand troops!"

"Your Majesty, Lü Bu is not from Yan, he can be used but not trusted."


The smile on Emperor Yan's face froze for a moment, and he nodded slightly: "You are right, but I not only want to use him, but also let him serve Yan wholeheartedly and die for me."

"Lü Bu is like a wild horse. If he can be tamed, he will protect his master better than a good horse."

"I am optimistic about him!"

Hearing Emperor Yan's words, Luo Tian fell silent, and looked at the middle-aged man who was crossing the battlefield step by step and walking towards him.

"Who is that guy, and he actually wants to cross the battlefield?"

"Could it be that seeing that Lu Bu is valued by our emperor, he also wants to abandon the dark and join the light?"

"Hahaha, Dayu's defeat is just a matter of time."

Luo Tian's face showed a bit of concentration, and his eyes were fixed on the white-shirted figure, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Your Majesty, please go back to the tent and rest first!"


Emperor Yan frowned and was a little dissatisfied. Now Lu Bu was beating up Dayu's three generals and was about to win. He was also about to gradually dissipate the anger that had accumulated for a long time, but he asked him to go back?

"Come here!"

Luo Tian did not answer, but looked directly at the generals beside him: "Go and capture the middle-aged man in white shirt for me."


The generals were also full of doubts, but they still respectfully accepted the order and left.

Yan Huang's face was full of displeasure. Only the Marquis of Shenwu dared to be so presumptuous in front of him. If it were someone else, he would have been torn into pieces by five horses.

"Luo Tian, ​​now we are fighting on the battlefield, and our army's morale is high."

"Your actions will not bring down the prestige of our Dayan?"

"Your Majesty!"

"This man is very likely a legend."


The Emperor Yan looked a little surprised. He saw that the middle-aged man had a gentle face and a steady pace, but he did not have the domineering and arrogance of a general.

Legendary general?

Do you really think he is a big carrot?

But these words came from Luo Tian's mouth, and he could not help but believe them. He looked at Su Fang behind him and calmed down a little.


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