Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 843 This person will be a serious threat to us!



Sufang stepped forward respectfully and leaned in front of Emperor Yan, but her eyes were staring straight at the white shirt, her eyes full of fear.

"Did you get a message back from the academy?"

"Your Majesty, there is no news from the academy."


Emperor Yan snorted dissatisfied and looked at Su Fang with a sinister look: "It seems that I have been too accommodating to them. Do you really think that my court is a soft persimmon?"

"Your Majesty, that person has spoken and the academy disciples are not allowed to get involved in the world's wars!"

The dissatisfaction on Emperor Yan's face disappeared instantly, replaced by deep uneasiness: "Why?"

"Hasn't he been hiding from the world for many years?"

"Why come forward at this time?"


Sufang's face also showed some embarrassment. After all, he couldn't fathom that person's thoughts.

While the two of them were talking, several generals of the Yan Army were also holding long swords and killing Bai Qi.

Although Emperor Yan kept asking Su Fang for news about the academy, his attention also turned to the generals. If it was true as Luo Tian said, then he would have to make plans early.

"You're a man, you're hiding in Changluo City and you're going to die!"

"Hahaha, cut him!"

The five Yan generals didn't seem to hear Luo Tian's guess, otherwise they would never make such a noise.

Bai Qi paused for a moment, looked at the generals in front of him with a kind face, and shook his head with some disappointment. It would be great if there could be more.


A cold light came out of its sheath, and everything happened in an instant. The long sword hanging from the waist, which was completely black but with scarlet rays of light, passed across the neck of the leader Yan in an instant.


"Not urgent!"

Bai Qi took another step forward. With a slight step, he was only three to five feet away. His whole body was like a ghost. The sword in his hand was flashing with cold light, and drops of blood slipped from the tip of the sword.

Everything seemed so beautiful.

This man is not a butcher, but more like an artist, using his sword as a pen and blood as ink to write the most beautiful scenes on the battlefield.


Five heads rolled to the ground in unison, and the center of the entire battlefield seemed to have shifted invisibly. Countless eyes focused on the ordinary white clothes.

Some looked frightened, some were stunned, and countless others were shocked.

"Legend, this must be a legend!"

"Hey, who is this person?"

"Even Xiong and the others are peerless..."

The five peerless men only met each other in this hand. In front of the Yanjun formation, all the generals were dumbfounded.

It’s so nerve-wracking!

Even Emperor Yan has a gloomy look on his face. These five are the backbone of the army. Given time, they are expected to reach the peak.

But now, it has been lost in the hands of an unknown person.

"who is he?"

"Bai Qi!"

A black shadow appeared silently in front of Emperor Yan, respectfully presenting the information about Bai Qi: "Your Majesty, this person's name is Bai Qi, and he is a rising star of Dayu."

"He appeared on the battlefield in Libei not long ago... Marshal Gu Ru was defeated by this person."

"Luo Tian!"

"I'm here!"

"Make him disappear!"

Emperor Yan pointed at Bai Qi angrily, his eyes full of murderous intent. Luo Tian on the side did not answer, and rode the red flame horse and rushed in the direction of Bai Qi.

As if he felt a sharp gaze, Bai Qi put his long sword into its sheath, raised his eyes slightly, and continued to move forward, but his momentum increased.

"Hahaha, Marquis Shenwu took action himself. Now that I, Dayan, have two legends, Marquis Shenwu and Marquis Shenying, what can Dayu do to fight us?"

"Although this man in white shirt has good martial arts, I bet he can't survive three moves."

"Is this another legendary battle?"

Another sound of discussion came from below, and a strong uneasiness suddenly lingered in Yanhuang's heart. He looked at Sufang beside him from time to time, and stopped talking several times.

"His Majesty."

"Marquis Shenwu will take action, don't worry."

"Can you win?"


Sufang smiled: "Marquis Shenwu will never be defeated!"

Emperor Yan glanced at him coldly, but said nothing.

Luo Tian's red flame horse was also a famous horse in the world. With its hooves galloping, it arrived in front of Bai Qi in just a moment.

"Your Excellency Bai Qi?"

"No one has called me by my name for a long time."

Bai Qi looked at the legend in front of him with emotion. This was the strongest opponent he had ever encountered in this life.

Even before the fight, a strong sense of oppression rushed towards them.


There was no unnecessary nonsense, Luo Tian didn't show any contempt, he went into battle with all his strength.

The Lihuo Gun was like a fire dragon, releasing the legendary realm and completely shrouding it in the direction of Bai Qi.


Bai Qi raised his breath and trembled, unsheathed the long sword at his waist, and daringly killed the No. 1 in the world in front of him.

The spears and swords collided violently, and the strong energy swept away in all directions. The strong wind swept directly for several miles, making the horses in front of Yan Jun's formation tremble.

In front of the gate of Changluo City, Lu Bu also attacked with all his strength, and Ran Min and the other three were completely unable to fight back in his hands.

Above the city.

Ning Fan also stared at Bai Qi's figure, his brows furrowed slightly, not even close.

Although the force value of 109 is only half a step away from being legendary, the difference in strength is huge.

"Rengui, Yaojin, you go up to help and fight with Fengxian."


Hearing Ning Fan's words, Xue Li and Cheng Yaojin also bowed together and walked towards the tower with great interest.

The number one in the Three Kingdoms, they had long wanted to fight with him.

It's just that it was not in the martial arts training ground, but on the battlefield. Not only was there no worry about life, but it was a refreshing battle.

"My lord, Wu'an Jun..."

"It's okay!"

Ning Fan shook his head. Bai Qi's legendary realm can be entered at any time. It's nothing more than killing a hundred or so people.

"Today's battle will probably go down in history."

"Fengxian's play is also extremely exciting."

Li Ru smiled and stroked his goatee, and whispered: "With Fengxian by the side of Emperor Yan, Dayan is doomed to fail."

On the battlefield.

Bai Qi and Luo Tian also fought fiercely. Although it was only a short fight, they still fell into a disadvantage.

At their level, the slightest gap will be infinitely expanded, and the advantage will continue to expand, looking for opportunities to defeat the enemy.

"So you haven't entered the legend yet."


Luo Tian secretly exclaimed in his heart. Although he has not entered the legend, his strength has reached the peak, and he can even block his series of fierce attacks. If this person enters the legend.

Perhaps, he is more terrifying than Lu Bu!

For a moment, Luo Tian felt a little fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he did not enter the legend.

Then, a strong murderous intent surged up. This person must die!

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