Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 846: Sudden change, Xu Fengnian meets the lord!

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

Seeing Yan's army retreating, Dayu's soldiers raised their arms and cheered, with excitement that could not be concealed on their faces.

After nearly a month of fierce fighting, Da Yan was finally forced to retreat!

"Open the city gate and welcome Lord Wu An into the city!"


The city gate opened, and Ning Fan personally led the city's civil and military forces out of the city to greet him. Bai Qi was still wearing a white robe. There was no blood on the robe, and his face was as calm and calm as ever.

"Mr. Bai, after today, you will be famous all over the world."

"It's just a false name."

"Brother Yongzeng, you are so strong!"

Cheng Yaojin patted Ran Min on the shoulder with an excited expression. Ning Fan also laughed heartily and looked at Li Ru aside: "Wen You, here is the order for the three armies to celebrate tonight."


Xun Yu bowed respectfully, took a deep look at Ning Fan, and lowered his voice and said: "There is news from Dongyan City that our grain route has been cut off by Qi Yu and our grain and grass have been robbed."


"Kong Ming sent a letter from the DPRK. This is the last batch of food and grass for our army. It is enough to last for three months. The national treasury has been unable to maintain its supply and has run out of food and grass!"

Ning Fan looked a little unbelievable, and Li Ru on the side also said softly: "My lord, after Qi Yuan was defeated, he has been entrenched in the Makino and Shanyang areas, waiting for opportunities!"

"In the past few days, our army has been attracted by Da Yan's main force and has not considered the rear. Qi Yu only sent a team of light cavalry. Their whereabouts are extremely secretive. Black Ice Platform has not received any news beforehand."

"As for the imperial court, Changluo is too far away from me, Dayu. The loss of grain and grass on the road alone has reached 60%. A hundred shi of grain and grass transported to Changluo only amounted to 40 shi."

"The supply line is lengthening, and the manpower we need to mobilize is several times or even more than ten times the strength of our troops. Without the help of Sharma horses and four-wheelers, we may not be able to sustain ourselves until today."

"How could this be?"

Ning Fan frowned, his face still showing a bit of unwillingness. Now is the time to pursue victory, but the food and grass are running out?

The food and grass were stolen by Qi Yu, and he was literally strangled by the throat.

As for the court, Ning Fan was even more surprised.

You know, since sowing potatoes, Dayu's granaries have been filled up, and the grains are almost moldy.

But now...


Jia Xu seemed to have noticed Ning Fan's doubts and said softly: "Although potatoes can satisfy hunger, they account for at most 30% of the military rations."

"Since our army's Eastern Expedition, the food and grass resources we have consumed have already exceeded the treasury income of Yu the Great for three years. If it were not for the support of Huainan and Daxia trading houses, I am afraid it would have been difficult to maintain."

"Where is Huainan?"

"Back to my lord, although there is a lot of grain in the Huainan warehouse, Huainan is more than a thousand miles away, and it is difficult to divert water far away!"


Ning Fan's cheerful mood suddenly sank. Although he had been fighting in the north and south in the past few years, most of them were fighting on the border of Dayu, or even in the defense of Dayu!

During the Battle of the Southern Barbarians, he did not need to worry about the logistics of food and grass. However, the Northern War against the Hunu still had the support of the imperial court, and Guo Jia and others personally coordinated. Now in the Eastern Expedition, Xun Yu was personally responsible for the logistics.

Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia and others were coordinating in Beijing. They thought that Dayu had already become rich enough to rival the country, but they did not expect that the losses from successive conquests would be so huge!

"How long does it take to mobilize food and grass from Huainan?"

"It will take more than two months at the earliest, and there won't be one out of ten!"

Ning Fan was silent for a long time, then he paused and looked back towards the company camp not far away: "How can we be willing to just give up when we have achieved success?"

"Wen Ruo, how long can our food and grass last?"

"Less than half a month!"

"Is it about ten days?"

Ning Fan frowned, pondered for a moment, and said softly: "Now that we are based on Dongyan City, we can control the southeastern region of Yan."

"And Changluo is the gateway to the Eastern Territory of Dayan. As long as Changluo is intact, the armies of Muye and Shanyang alone will not be enough to counterattack."

"Besides, Da Yan has retreated thirty miles and his morale is low. This battle may not be without a turn!"

"It's just that... the West-Suppressing Army in Dongyan City may have to withdraw to Xuanjian Pass again."

Xun Yu had a look of shame on his face. He was responsible for the grain and fodder logistics of the army. Now that the grain roads were robbed, he could not escape the blame. He knelt down and begged for punishment: "My lord, this is Xun Yu's fault alone. Please punish me!"

"That's all!"

Ning Fan shook his head, looked at Xun Yu and said, "Our supply line is too long. Even if we are prepared, if Qi Jun cuts it off, there will be an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"Shigu made a strategic mistake. If I had known it, I would have taken Makino and Sanyo first."

"Li Jing!"

"The end will be here."

"Take you and Cheng Yaojin, lead the Guanshan army, and immediately divide the troops into two groups, bring enough food and grass to attack Muye and Shanyang counties."


Li Ru looked worried on the side and reminded softly: "The food and grass can last for ten days at most, and it will take four days at the fastest from Changluo to Shanyang. Isn't it too risky?"

"It's a bit risky, but I will free up another batch of food and grass from Dongyan City and give the pharmacist half a month's worth of food and grass."

"Now our army is unable to advance westward. If we don't capture Shanyang and Muye, I'm afraid Da Yan will counterattack from the north!"

"At that time, we can go straight into our hinterland and even attack Changluo from a flank."

After hearing Ning Fan's words, Xun Yu nodded in agreement: "My lord is right, the two counties of Shanyang and Muye are the gateways to the north and south of Yan Southeast. By taking these two counties, Yan Southeast can be completely divided. "

"Based on these three counties, I, Dayu, can completely establish a foothold outside the pass."

"Besides, Qi Rong's group of rabble, even with good generals, can hardly resist the Guanshan Army."

"My Lord, I am willing to issue a military order. Within half a month, we must break Shanyang and Muye counties!"


Ning Fan nodded, looked at Li Ru on the side and said: "Wenyou, immediately summon the Duke of Zhenguo and ask him to retreat to Xuanjian Pass and collect food and grass."

"Bai Qi led the Qin elite soldiers to retreat to Dongyan City and wait for the right opportunity."


Ning Fan came to the general's mansion and looked at the map of the five countries on the wall, and his unwillingness became stronger.

This battle consumed countless manpower and material resources, but he didn't expect to stop here because of logistics.

How could he be willing?

"Yu Huatian!"


"Send a letter for me!"


After a while, Ning Fan sat alone in the hall and silently opened the system.

On the dynamic military sand table, 200,000 Yan troops set up camp again thirty miles away, as if they would come back at any time.

"Come here!"

"Call Xue Li and Yang Zaixing to discuss matters!"


An hour later, in addition to Xue Li and Yang Zaixing, there was also a strange man in the hall.

"Xu Fengnian, meet the lord!"

"Stand up!"

Ning Fan smiled and looked at the heroic young man in front of him. It was the King of Beiliang, Xu Fengnian, but he was just a rookie and not the best in the world yet!

"Xue Li, Zaixing, the two of you lead the Black Armor Army, Fengnian, you lead the Snow Dragon Cavalry, and raid the Yan Army camp!"


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