"Return to the court?"

The Emperor Yan looked at Luo Tian coldly and said in a deep voice: "I have led the army in person, but I have not yet achieved success. How can I return?"

"Your Majesty, the war situation is now at a stalemate. Victory is not a matter of a day or two. Now there is no leader in the court, and the ministers are in panic. If you don't return to the court for a long time, there may be unrest!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, what the Marquis Shenwu said is not without reason!"

"Now my Yan army has suffered a setback on the front line. If you don't return to the court, there may be villains who will take advantage of this to cause trouble!"

"The court is our foundation!"

Now that Luo Tian spoke first, the ministers who accompanied him were also a little impatient.

As the weather turned colder, the conditions became more difficult. They didn't want to suffer with the old emperor in this wilderness.

Besides, the emperor's tent had charcoal fires to keep warm during the day and concubines to warm the bed at night, but they didn't even have a thicker mattress.

Why bother to waste time here?

Seeing that all the ministers came out to advise, Emperor Yan also fell into deep thought. Luo Tian said softly: "Your Majesty, now that Dayu's food and grass are cut off, there will definitely be a war before the beginning of next spring, and it will take some time for our army to mobilize troops here."

"I estimate that there will be a great war between Dayan and Dayu in the beginning of next spring. Why don't you return home for the time being?"


After thinking for a moment, Emperor Yan nodded seriously: "What Shenwu said makes some sense."


"Wang Zhen, prepare for the return tomorrow."

"As you wish!"

As soon as the voice fell, the shouting and killing sounded outside.

The blazing fire ignited the slightly cold night, blocking the iron cavalry outside the village, and also bought precious time for the Yan army in the camp.

In just half an incense stick of time, a deep and wide trench was dug by more than a thousand soldiers. Due to insufficient time, the traps and halberds were not yet deployed.

Luo Tian personally selected the soldiers and ordered them to sprinkle kerosene in the trench.

Outside the village gate.

Xue Li and Yang Zaixing frowned, looking at the fire in front of them, and the horses under their crotches showed some turmoil.

"What should we do?"

"These Yan troops reacted so quickly, I'm afraid Luo Tian is leading the troops himself!"



Xue Li's eyes were full of determination, and he said in a deep voice: "Even if it's a sea of ​​fire and a mountain of swords, we will kill our way through the enemy camp today."

"Great Snow Dragon Cavalry!"


Aside, Xu Fengnian looked at the raging fire in front of him, tore off a piece of red cloth from his battle robe, covered the horse's head with it, and shouted: "Everyone, cover the horse's eyes with your battle robe."

"Follow me and charge in!"


Ten thousand Great Snow Dragon Cavalry did not hesitate at all, and tore off a piece of cloth from their battle robes one after another, with no fear on their faces.




Xu Fengnian suddenly slapped his horse, and the whole person rode first, fearlessly rushing towards the sea of ​​fire in front of him. Seeing this, Xue Li on the side shouted: "All soldiers, blindfold your horses and follow me to kill!"


The deafening shouts of killing sounded from outside the tent, and 20,000 cavalrymen charged towards the burning camp together.

One after another, the burly knights rode their horses and whipped their whips into the sea of ​​fire. The oncoming heat made the soldiers' vision a little blurred, but they were not afraid at all.


Yang Zaixing, holding a long spear, was the first to rush out of the sea of ​​fire. Looking at the gloomy Yan army formation in front of him, his expression was slightly stagnant, but he was not afraid at all: "Whoever blocks me will die!"

One man and one horse galloped alone, and the long spear in his hand swung, and a stream of energy swept more than ten feet, instantly tearing a gap in the battle formation in front of him.

The Yan army looked at the figures rushing out of the sea of ​​fire one after another, and their faces were slightly surprised.

"Damn it, are these Yu people going to die?"

"How dare they rush into the sea of ​​fire?"

"Heavy cavalry... It's heavy cavalry?"

Looking at the fierce figures, their unstoppable momentum was like a huge wave on the sea. The oppressive feeling coming from the front made them tremble.

Luo Tian was also paying attention to the direction of the camp gate. When he saw a figure riding a horse bathed in fire rushing out, he couldn't help but be moved.

"Archers, catapults, let me go together!"


After the knights broke into the camp, their morale was greatly boosted. Yang Zaixing looked at the trench in front of him and shouted: "Soldiers, cross the trench, and the enemy camp is thirty miles away, and we can gallop!"

"A good man should jump on his horse and hold a gun, galloping freely!"

"Anyone who can't cross this trench is a coward!"


As soon as the voice fell, the man and the horse were like a god of war descending from the sky. The war horse jumped high and crossed the burning trench in one fell swoop.

Then, loud shouts rang out, and more and more knights crossed the trenches and rushed towards the Yan army.

Yang Zaixing took the lead, showing the attributes of a "strong general" to the fullest. The knights were also aroused to fight tonight and charged fearlessly.

"Shield formation, set up long spears, and meet the enemy."

Luo Tian remained calm in the face of danger and gave orders in an orderly manner. The nine guards of the capital were the elite of Dayan. Although they were somewhat timid in their hearts, they did not disperse directly.


One after another, the war horses violently hit the shield formation of the Yan army, and the long spears in the gaps followed closely, piercing the horses' bellies or the knights' chests fiercely.

The terrifying charge of the heavy cavalry directly smashed the shield formation in front of them into pieces. Similarly, many knights fell off their horses and were hacked to death.

Yang Zaixing and Xu Fengnian looked at each other and rushed to the front in tacit understanding. The Great Snow Dragon Cavalry and the Tang Dynasty Black Armor seemed to be competing secretly.

These two elite armors from different eras sparked exciting sparks in this strange world.


"It can't be stopped."

Luo Tian was also a little surprised. Until this moment, he realized that he still underestimated Dayu's military strength.

Regardless of other things, these two heavy cavalry alone are enough to destroy his 200,000 troops!

"Come here!"


"Take my order and ask your majesty to use the Emperor's Guards."


A general next to him looked dazed. The Emperor's Guards were the direct line of His Majesty Emperor Yan. They only had one duty, which was to protect His Majesty's safety.

Normally, even if someone plotted rebellion and came to the palace, as long as it did not threaten the safety of His Majesty, they would not use a single soldier.

But now...

"What are you standing there for!"

"Tell His Majesty that this battle concerns the survival of the nine guards of the capital!"


As soon as Luo Tian finished speaking, a general left with a hand order, and then looked at the guards behind him: "How many heavy crossbows are there in our army?"

"Only three thousand!"

"Pass my order, activate them all, and shoot these Dayu cavalry at all costs!"


"Pass the order, set up the crossbows, and prepare to meet the enemy."

"Take my armor, and fight to the death today!"


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