Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 852: Bad news spreads from the capital, the Western Territory has come to an end!

As soon as Liu Bowen finished speaking, Cheng Jinrong immediately understood that the military strength of Dali could not be compared with Dayu.

After several hard battles, only this army was left. If it was really destroyed, it would probably be close to the destruction of the country.

Besides, the capital cannot be left without a guard!

"Prime Minister Liu, what do you think should be done?"

Cheng Jinrong thought about it and threw the question to Liu Bowen.

"I guess that after the Yan army conquers Ximen Pass, they may not attack the capital directly."


Liu Bowen did not wait for Cheng Jinrong to continue asking questions, and said: "As far as I know, Gu Ru fled westward after the defeat in the Lijiang River, and now he is leading his army southward, and he is an isolated army."

"If they want to attack the capital directly, firstly, the distance is far, and when they are at the gates of the city, our army will have already responded."

"Secondly, their food and grass supplies are insufficient, and they will never take risks."

"Thirdly, Gu Ru is cautious by nature, and he uses troops in an unexpected way. I guess he will not go west, but continue to go south."

Cheng Jinrong Hearing this, Du Ruhui was stunned for a moment, and nodded frequently: "So, Guru will plot against Lingyou?"


"That's right... That's right, only Lingyou can support his army of more than 100,000."

"What a Guru, what a courage!"

Liu Bowen pondered for a long time, and said softly: "Dayan sent troops to my Dali, Dayu will definitely not sit idly by, I think the reinforcements are on the way."


Cheng Jinrong frowned slightly. Although the two countries are allies, now that Dayu's main battlefield is in the west, how can they give up their main battlefield and lead troops thousands of miles to help?

Is this in Dayu's interest?

Or, what is there in Dali that is worth their concern?

"Prime Minister Liu, are you sure Dayu will come to help?"

"He will come!" Liu Bowen said with a look of certainty: "He will definitely come."

Cheng Jinrong was about to speak, but suddenly heard a hurried footsteps.

"Prime Minister, General Tang He and General Dayu Chen Qingzhi are leading troops to help!"

"General Zhang Han's army has also crossed the river."


Liu Ji nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Pass the order to set up a banquet to welcome General Chen!"



Li Ru walked into the general's mansion quickly and saw the figure of Xiao Longnu. He bowed slightly: "Miss Long, has the lord woken up?"

"Wait a moment!"

Xiao Longnu glanced at him, then strode to a side yard, called Ning Fan out of bed, and carefully tidied his clothes.

"Sir, Mr. Li has been waiting for a long time."


Ning Fan rubbed Xiao Longnu's head lovingly and walked towards the front hall.

"My Lord!"

Looking at Li Ru's anxious face, Ning Fan's face also showed some surprise: "What happened?"

"My Lord, the court has received news that Lord Shen has passed away!"


Ning Fan's face also showed some surprise. Although Shen Li is old, he is still strong, but now he is gone?

"Three months ago, Lord Shen caught a cold and has been bedridden."

"After half a month, Kong Ming asked Doctor Hua to treat him, but as the weather turned cold, Lord Shen's family didn't even have a charcoal fire."

"Before his death, Lord Shen repeatedly reminded that the funeral should be simple, not to disturb His Highness, and not to spread the news to the north and south."

Ning Fan felt extremely heavy when he heard this. He still remembered how high-spirited this respected old man was when he asked Lord Shen to come out of retirement. He didn't expect that in just three years, things have changed.

"Pass the order, Shen Li has devoted himself to the country and has worked hard for many years. He has taught the people and established schools all over the world. Since he entered the court, he has devoted himself to the country and died. He is promoted to the title of Prince Taishi and posthumously named Wenhou."

"The Ministry of Rites bury him with the ceremony of a duke!"


Now that Ning Fan is the regent, he naturally has the right to recruit him, but now the war on the front line is still undecided, he cannot return rashly, and he still has to go to Xueyue City before the New Year.


Three days later.

Li Jing sent news that he had captured Muye County, and the Yan army outside the city was constantly patrolling and exploring outside Changluo. Scouts reported that the Yan emperor seemed to have returned to the court.

The Yan army built many arrow towers and fortresses outside Changluo City and dug horse pits, as if they wanted to make a truce with Dayu.

Ning Fan sent an order to hold a banquet in Changluo, and he would return tomorrow.

"My lord, we have already contacted them. Tomorrow, 300,000 stones of grain and grass will be transported from Shanyang, which is enough to support General Bai through the winter."


Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "It seems that he is almost ready."

"Shen Wansan wrote a letter saying that he has already started to take action. In just ten days, the price of grain in Dayan has increased by nearly one-fold."

"Yes, although the war is over, I still want to teach Dayan a lesson."

"Tell Shen Wansan that he should act cautiously when he is in the hinterland."


That night, the civil and military officials of Changluo gathered together.

Ning Fan sat on the main seat, his face flushed. He looked around and congratulated everyone: "Everyone, just now, Cheng Yaojin sent a letter saying that he had conquered Shanyang County!"

"Now, I, Dayu, have taken control of the three southeastern counties of Dayan and recovered twelve cities of Dali."

"Next spring, we can continue to march westward and head straight for the capital of Dayan!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, the civil and military officials were also inexplicably excited. They immediately raised their glasses and drank together.

Xun Yu, Li Ru and others sat below, talking in a low voice: "A few days ago, the lord discussed with me the ownership of the Dali city. The lord meant to return all the more than ten cities."


Li Ru looked surprised, then smiled and said: "The lord is wise!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Mr. Wen Ruo, you don't know that the lord is not planning to take more than ten cities, but a country!"


Xun Yu frowned even deeper, and Wang Mang beside him also came over and whispered : "Wenyou, what's going on?"


Li Ru stroked his goatee with a smile and whispered, "I can't say."


Everyone was speechless, and Ning Fan's voice just happened to ring out: "Now the war in the western border has been settled, this is the credit of you and the soldiers!"

"Come, I toast you all a glass!"


After eating and drinking, Ning Fan returned to his bedroom drunkenly. Xiao Longnu had prepared sobering soup and bath water for him, and dressed him carefully.

"Although the problem of food and grass has been temporarily solved, we are unable to continue the western expedition."

"Lv Bu returned to the court with Emperor Yan, and the 72 Wolf Riders lacked a commander."

"Now there is still a lack of intelligence on Hu Nu, and the infiltration of the Black Ice Platform is not enough..."

"I don't know what the situation is in the court. I am not in Beijing. Does my father have the intention of rebellion?"

"Calculating the time, Qingcheng will be there soon, right?"

"It's time to solve Donghuai..."


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