Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 864 Economic Aggression and Listening to Music in Brothels

"Three years ago, I started planning to divert the water of the Huaihe River southward in order to revitalize the water transport of Dayu!"

"Now, from the Huaihe River north to the Lijiang River, water transportation is connected, which can save at least 30% of the grain and grass loss for me, Dayu!"

"Use half of the labor force less!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Di Renjie also had a smile on his face: "My lord, now my Huainan racecourse has bred more than 7,000 Shire horses."

"The Engineering Bureau has invented a six-wheeled, three-section carriage that can increase our land transportation capabilities by five times!"


There was a look of surprise on Ning Fan's face. You must know that the three divisions and two bureaus of the two houses of Lingzhou have an overview of the military and political affairs of Lingzhou, and the engineering bureau is full of talents!

Lu Ban is in charge of the Engineering Bureau and has many generals under his command, such as bridge master Li Chun, water conservancy master Li Bing, and swordsmith Ou Yezi!

It can be said that the Engineering Bureau was indispensable for the rapid development of Lingzhou. Of course, the Nanman men also played a major role.

"Huaiying, for the next period of time, you still need to take charge of the overall situation in Lingzhou!"

"My lord, you should do your best."


Ning Fan thought for a moment, looked at Di Renjie and said, "When will Zimei and Dongpo arrive?"

"Go back to my lord, we will arrive in Lingzhou tonight!"

"Okay, I'll have a banquet at the palace tonight. I have important business."


That night, Du Fu and the others arrived and had a banquet at Prince Yong's Mansion.

Ning Fan is sitting in the first place. He has been away for a long time, so he is drinking and drinking, drinking and drinking, and the host and guest are enjoying themselves!

"Zimei, Zizhan, and Jiaxuan, I have summoned the three of you here today!"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's chat and catch up on old times!"

"Secondly, the three of you have managed the three counties of Lingzhou in an orderly manner, making them look like they were prosperous. You are so happy in your heart!"

"Third, it is also the most important purpose of this trip!"

After hearing Ning Fan's words, Du Fu and the others also looked at Ning Fan seriously.

"In the past two years, I, Dayu, have carried out partial trade with Dali, and it can be said that we have made a lot of money!"

"Now, winter is about to begin, and I want to negotiate a big deal with Nanman."


Not only were the three of them suspicious, but Di Renjie also looked puzzled.

"My lord, are you doing business with Nanman?"


Ning Fan nodded and said calmly: "In the battle four years ago, I, Dayu, beat the Nanman to pain, and they have not recovered yet."

"However, after four years of recuperation, Nanman has regained some of his strength!"

"I want to sell all the colored glaze, liquor, refined salt, tea, clothing, and even grain produced by my Dayu to the Nanman!"


Di Renjie's face was startled, and he looked at Ning Fan with some confusion: "My lord, whether it is strong wine or refined salt, they are all materials that are in short supply in the Southern Barbarians!"

"Especially food, how can it be easily sold to the Southern Barbarians?"

"The most important thing is, if the Southern Barbarians become rich, won't they invade our border again?"


Ning Fan shook his head, with a treacherous smile on his face: "Huaiying, you also know that my Dayu's glazed glass and other items are cheap to make, and so is the refined salt!"

"But this glass is like a rare treasure on the grassland."

"Using low-priced glazed salt and tea leaves from the grasslands in exchange for strategic materials such as cattle, sheep, war horses, pig iron, etc. This is economic aggression, or, in other words, wealth plunder!"

"These commodities are not valuable in themselves, but they can be transported to the grassland and sold for a hundred or even a thousand times the profit."

"But cattle, sheep and pig iron are equivalent products."

"I, Dayu, dumped my goods on the grassland, and I could use these cheap goods to plunder the wealth on the grassland."

"This is the best strategy, and business wars are also battlefields!"

After hearing Ning Fan's explanation, Di Renjie and others quickly understood, with deep admiration on their faces.

"In the Song Dynasty, we were the richest people in the world because of our developed commerce, but we never thought about such means."

"My lord is so talented, Renjie admires him!"

Ning Fan smiled, then looked at Xin Qiji: "Jia Xuan, your Zhou County borders the grassland, so this matter is your responsibility."

"Zimei, your Xiajun is in the north. Next, transportation of grain and grass, dredging of canals, and management of the Huaihe River are your top priorities."

"Next, Lingzhou's next strategic goal is to comprehensively promote the water transportation economy."

“Creating an economic belt along the river and a water transport logistics system”

After some explanations, the three of them were greatly shocked. If the blueprint in the master's heart can really come true, within ten years, the three counties of Lingzhou will be able to support Dayu's finances!

It promotes trade internally, plunders wealth externally, and even constantly invites barbarian friends to work!


"My Lord, winter is about to begin on the grassland. They are in short supply of supplies at this time. When will the harvest plan start?"

"I have already ordered someone to write a letter to summon the Barbarian Emperor. Soon he will send envoys to discuss the matter!"


After the business talk was over, everyone left one after another. Ning Fan ate and drank, but he was not very drunk.

"Hey, old man!"

"I still think you are dead."

After leaving the main hall, I happened to see an old man with a sly eyebrow and stern eyes jumping into the palace, as if he was a thief.

Seeing Ning Fan's figure, Lin Yong's eyes widened and he rubbed them hard: "Second Master?"

"You old bastard, you haven't even wiped off the rouge and gouache on your face."

"Going out to fool around again?"


Lin Yong smiled slyly. He had to say that if he didn't run around with the young master, his life would be as happy as a god.

As Lingzhou's affairs were on track, he, the chief steward, was bored.

Whether he was busy or not, he would listen to music in the brothel.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"I'm going back to Beijing tomorrow and passing by here."

"Would you like a drink?"


Sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard, the master and the servant, Lin Yong's face also showed some emotion. In just a few years, the young master was no longer the playboy who was looking for flowers and asking willows all day long.

The shoulders of the young man no longer carried the sacks of other girls, but the food, clothing, housing and transportation of tens of millions of people in Dayu!

"Master, I knew that you were the dragon and phoenix in the sky. Sooner or later, you will spread your wings and soar up!"


Lin Yong drank a little wine, and his eyes also showed a little drunkenness, but the smile on his face never disappeared.

Ning Fan also drank a full cup. After two rounds in a row, even though he had been trained for a long time, he was still a little overwhelmed.

"Uncle Lin, let's go out to listen to music?"


Lin Yong immediately stood up, lifted Ning Fan up, and smiled slyly: "Master, it's a coincidence that a courtesan just came to Lingzhou two days ago."

"You old man, half of your body is buried in the ground, and you still think about those trivial things all day long?"

"Isn't this paving the way for you in advance?"

"Good job, reward!"

The old and the young supported each other and were about to leave the house, but before they walked out of the courtyard, they fell headfirst into the flowers next to them.

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