Chapter 868 Entering the palace!

Kentaro Ono and Sawagawa Watanabe came to a side hall with the housekeeper of the prime minister's house, and saw a young man in simple clothes sitting in the center of the hall with no intention of getting up.

This young man looked to be in his mid-twenties, with handsome features and generous demeanor. He didn't look like someone from a temple at all.

"You two, this is one of the three ministers of my Dayu, Zhuge Shizhong!"

"Sir, the people are here."


The two of them entered the palace together and found that there were several young faces in the palace. The butler explained with a smile: "You two, this is the son of Duke Jing, General Li Jing!"

"Li Jing!"

Kentaro Ono looked at the young man with a heroic face and said with a smile: "It turns out to be General Li. General Li is an old friend of mine in Yingzhou."

When Li Jing led his army on the eastern expedition, he suffered a lot from the Yingzhou people because of the navy.

The steward said again: "This is Zhao Huaiyuan, the son of the Duke of Dayu Town, Liu Yuan, the son of the Duke of Ping, and Su Chi, the son of the Duke of Yue!"


Ono Kentaro bowed and saluted one by one, and then looked at Zhuge Liang who was sitting above him: "Master Zhuge, I, the Great Ying, came to Yu this time to negotiate peace with Yu!"

"Peace talks?"

Before Zhuge Liang could speak, Li Jing said with a smile: "You Yingzhou have invaded my border with Dayu all the year round, harassed my coastal people, plundered, burned and killed, and now you want to negotiate for peace?"

Watanabe Zechuan was holding back his anger, but now when he heard Li Jing speak, he said coldly: "Your Excellency, as far as I know, the eastern coast is the land of Donghuai!"

"Even if there is some misunderstanding between Daying and Donghuai, it's not Dayu's turn to point fingers, right?"


Zhao Huaiyuan had a sneer on his face: "Don't you know, Your Excellency, that Donghuai is now attached to me, Dayu?"

"The two countries Yu and Huai are originally one?"

"Besides, we in the Central Plains have been one family since ancient times. You, a small island in Yingzhou, are barbarians. Who gave you the courage to touch the fertile soil of the Central Plains?"

It has to be said that the second generations have grown very fast in the past few years. It is inevitable that Zhuge Liang specially called them to accompany them today, which is somewhat profound.

Seeing the coldness in Zhao Huaiyuan's eyes, even Kentaro Ono felt offended again.

"It seems that Dayu has no intention of negotiating peace with me, Daying. In that case, farewell!"

"Prime Minister, I'm going to ask you to lead my navy of Dayu to a bloodbath on Yingzhou Island!"

Zhao Huaiyuan immediately stood up and saluted Zhuge Liang. Kentaro Ono and Sawagawa Watanabe also paused, with anger on their faces: "Do you really think that I, Yingzhou, am afraid of you?"

"I'm not afraid of seeing you on the battlefield. I, the Great Yu, have a powerful country, a large population, and an expanding territory. How can I still be afraid of a small country like yours?"


Ono Kentaro suppressed his anger and said coldly: "I, Yingzhou, are here to seek peace, but it does not mean that we are afraid of you."

"In terms of military strength, we in Yingzhou are indeed inferior, but if we are on the sea, we still don't know who will win and who will lose!"


After the two left, Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "You guys are talking too hastily."

"Hey, doesn't the Prime Minister want us to provoke them?"

"Well, the goal has been achieved."

Zhuge Liang glanced at Li Jing lightly and said softly: "General Li, are you ready for the Eastern Region?"

"Back to Prime Minister, General Qi, Governor Zhou, they are already ready to go!"


royal palace.

Emperor Yu was playing with his children in the back garden. During this period, His Majesty the Emperor seemed to be a little tired of being intoxicated in the harem every day.

It was agreed at the beginning that he would delegate the power to the traitor to conquer the Western Regions.

However, as good news spread frequently, in just over half a year, Dayu won many battles and even tore a piece of flesh from the body of Dayan, who was known as the most powerful country in the Central Plains.

His Majesty Emperor Yu was naturally unable to sit still, as he was still in office!

As soon as he was delegated power, his son repeatedly performed extraordinary feats. Doesn't this further prove how incompetent he is?

As a result, Emperor Yu was also aroused with great ambitions, and gradually tried to return to the center.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang and other people from the prince's line did not deliberately stop him.

This made Emperor Yu feel extremely comfortable. It seemed that his power in the court still frightened the important ministers!

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wishes to see you!"


When Emperor Yu heard Wei Ying's report, there was a hint of surprise on his face, and he said with a smile: "Let him come in!"


Wei Ying strode out, and not long after, he led Ning Fan to meet him.

"My son, please pay homage to your father!"

"Get flat!"

Emperor Yu looked at Ning Fan's increasingly mature face, with a hint of pride that was difficult to conceal.

A tiger father has no dog sons!

Although this traitor was sometimes so angry that his liver ached, he never disgraced him.

"Second brother, I know everything you have done during this period."

"well done!"

Ning Fan looked at the pleased look on Emperor Yu's face and nodded slightly: "Since the child has done well, why does the father interfere in the government affairs?"

"Is it possible that you want to rebel?"

"What did you say!??"

Emperor Yu was stunned for a moment, rubbed his ears vigorously, and looked at Ning Fan blankly: "You say it again?"

"Ahem, my father and my sons mean that with my father sitting in the court and my sons fighting outside, I don't have to worry about anyone rebelling!"


Emperor Yu snorted coldly, but Ning Fan smiled cunningly: "Father, I came back from the west this time and brought you a lot of gifts!"


Ning Fan waved his hand, and beautiful women in strange costumes came in. Emperor Yu's eyes widened instantly: "Hahaha!"

"Not bad, not bad, my son is thoughtful!"

"My heart"

A cold look fell on the father and son. Ning Fan had not realized what happened, but saw Emperor Yu's face sank: "I am very disappointed!"

"You rebellious son, I handed over the cause of the family and the country to you, and this is how you repay me?"

"Using women to confuse me, rebellious son!"

Ning Fan also realized that something was wrong, and turned his head slightly, only to see his mother looking at him dimly.


"Son, I pay my respects to the Queen Mother!"

"Get up!"

Empress Jiang helped Ning Fan up with a smile, touched his face, and said softly: "My son has lost weight."

Ning Fan felt warm in his heart. In this world, he could feel that Jiang Jingchu cared about him from the bottom of her heart.

"Why are you still standing there? Take them all away!"

Emperor Yu deliberately put on a stern face and scolded Wei Ying, who hurriedly left with a group of foreign women with a smile.

He then licked his face and came forward: "Empress, you came at the right time. This rebellious son has bad intentions!"

"It's okay to make a fool of yourself outside, but you actually..."

"What else?"

The Queen looked at a Western concubine holding a child walking out of the palace, and Emperor Yu hurriedly lowered his head weakly and avoided his gaze.

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