Hua Tuo's face also showed a bit of embarrassment. Guo Jia's romanticism is now known to everyone in the entire Yuwang City, but it is also a topic of conversation among the people in the capital.

Ning Fan felt a little blocked in his heart. He looked at Hua Tuo and said in a deep tone: "How long does he have?"

"If it continues like this, I'm afraid... less than two years!"

"But if he takes good care of him, I can keep him safe for five years."

"Is there really no way?"

Hua Tuo was silent for a moment, then whispered: "My lord, you know that I am good at external treatment."

"However, when I was traveling, I heard that there was a doctor in Nanyang named Zhang Zhongjing. This person is very good at treating typhoid fever. If he is here, he may be better than me."

Hearing Hua Tuo's words, Ning Fan's eyes lit up. At Guo Jia's current age, he has not reached the real end of his life. If Zhang Zhongjing is really summoned into the world, maybe there is really a glimmer of hope?

Besides, even if Zhang Zhongjing is not good enough, then we can continue to summon Bian Que, Li Shizhen, Sun Simiao...

"Mr. Hua, Fengxiao is going to West Shu for diplomacy this time. Can you accompany him?"


Hua Tuo hesitated for a moment, looked at Ning Fan and asked, "When will we leave?"


"Okay, I'll go to the clinic first to explain."

Now Hua Tuo has opened a clinic in Yuwang City. According to Ning Fan's idea, he will directly build a medical school, but Hua Tuo insists on starting from the clinic and training his disciples step by step.

"Mr. Hua, this trip may not go smoothly. I will arrange Dian Wei and Xu Chu to accompany you."

"No need!"

Hua Tuo shook his head and smiled, "With me following Guo, I can protect him!"


Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, staring at Hua Tuo blankly, and silently opened Hua Tuo's system page.

[Name]: Hua Tuo

[Dynasty]: Eastern Han

[Occupation]: Physician

A simple panel with no other information. Ning Fan was stunned for a long time before looking at Hua Tuo: "Mr. Hua, are you..."


"In this world, who dares to travel the world with a medicine box without real stuff?"


Ning Fan took a breath of cold air. With his strength, he couldn't even detect Hua Tuo's strength?

"Mr. Hua, are you..."

Hua Tuo looked at Ning Fan with a smile, showing a harmless smile. A cold light flashed in his sleeves, and a knife handle as wide as a forearm appeared, more than a foot long.

A hint of obscure aura flashed from Hua Tuo's body, but Ning Fan still accurately captured a magnificent aura, which was not inferior to Lin Yong?


"Mr. Hua, is this your scalpel?"

Ning Fan exclaimed, and looked at the scalpel in Hua Tuo's hand, which was half an inch longer than the butcher knife, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.


"Back then, I relied on this knife to travel through the thirteen states and save countless people, but I didn't expect that Cao Cao didn't trust the knife in my hand, and judged the gentleman by his own mean heart."


Ning Fan smiled embarrassedly, thinking to himself, Mr. Hua, your death is really not unjust at all!

"Since Mr. Hua is personally escorting Fengxiao, I am relieved."

"No problem, it's what I want. I also want to travel around and see how the medical way of this world is."


After solving the problem of Guo Jia, Ning Fan summoned Jia Xu, Li Ru and others to come.

After Zhuge Liang, Shang Yang and others gathered together, they sat down in the hall together.

"Any news from the east?"

"My Lord, General Gongjin sent a letter saying he can march eastward at any time and conquer Yingzhou!"


Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction and looked at Li Ru: "What about Donghuai?"

"Everything has been arranged."

"Since it has been arranged, let them go to court tomorrow!"


"Tomorrow Fengxiao will go west. After Fengxiao leaves, all matters of the palace will be managed by Xun Yu."


Xun Yu and Zhuge Liang looked at each other silently. Now, among Ning Fan's subordinates, the number of civil and military officials in the Three Kingdoms is the largest.

In the Three Kingdoms era, heroes emerged in large numbers, and heroes rose together. It was the great era of China's 5,000-year civilization.

But because of this, their Eastern Han team was not a monolithic entity.

Especially the Cao Wei Group and the Shu Han Group, who were opponents in the previous life, and although they were colleagues in the same court in this life, they still had a tit-for-tat trend.

Ning Fan also intends to promote this situation. Although they are all loyal, if their selfishness prevails over their public spirit, it will inevitably lead to party disputes over time.

After all, positions in the court are one for each person, and when one person rises, another person will surely fall. Now Ning Fan has many talented people under his command, and each of them is a top talent.

"Kong Ming, has the court been stable in the past six months?"

"My lord, the court is stable, but the land in the south of the Yangtze River is a little unstable."


Ning Fan frowned slightly, and heard Zhuge Liang speak in a deep voice: "Three months ago, a locust plague swept across the two counties in the south of the Yangtze River. After discussing with Prime Minister Lin, I sent Li Chengsi as an imperial envoy to go to the south of the Yangtze River to provide disaster relief."

"When Li Chengsi arrived, the treasuries of the two counties were looted by bandits."

"The soldiers of the two counties also fled!"

"I sent the Jinyiwei to secretly investigate this matter and found a clue."

Ning Fan narrowed his eyes, looked at Zhuge Liang and asked softly: "Which family?"

"The Huang family!"

"The Huang family in Fengyang?"

"That's right!"

"The Huang family used to be one of the best grain merchants in Jiangnan and the two lakes, but in the past two years, the court has rectified the grain market, and with the impact of potatoes and sweet potatoes, the Huang family has also had an extremely difficult time."

"The Huang family secretly colluded with officials from the two counties to resell the emergency grain in the treasury. Officials and businessmen colluded."


Ning Fan's eyes were filled with a hint of coldness, and he asked solemnly: "Why not let the Jinyiwei take action?"

"My lord, the Huang family is the mother's family of Empress Dowager Xiaoan..."

"Imperial relatives..."

Ning Fan also sighed in his heart. Seven or eight out of ten of the well-known families in the world have inextricable ties with the royal family, and Empress Dowager Xiaoan is also a wise queen.

If you count carefully, she should be considered Ning Fan's great grandmother, but she is not a direct bloodline, but Empress Dowager Xiaoan was once famous for her virtue and was a wise queen!

Moreover, there are still many princes in the lineage of Empress Dowager Xiaoan. Although Ning Fan began to reduce the power of the princes two years ago, the power of these princes cannot be underestimated.

"We still have to consider the grandmother's face."

"However, the Huang family has gone too far this time, and it is indeed inappropriate for the Jinyiwei to intervene."

"However, summon the three generations of the Huang family to the capital."

Ning Fan is no longer the hot-blooded young man who was so hot-headed that he killed many people. Now he knows how to weigh the pros and cons, how to maintain a balance, and how to better establish his authority.

It is gratifying for the Jinyiwei to intervene, but the Huang family is not an ordinary merchant family or a prestigious family, but a royal family.

The face of the princes must be considered, but it cannot be taken up heavily and let go lightly.


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