Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 946 Raising the white flag and not being seen

Chapter 946 Raise the white flag? Can't see!

The Emperor Ying hid in the corner and trembled, and the other princes and ministers were also panicked.

"Your Highness, I have no second thoughts, but..."


Ning Fan smiled playfully, ignored the Emperor Ying, and looked at Dian Wei on the side. The latter directly picked up the axe and chopped off a head with one axe.

The blood soaked the entire secret room in a moment. The Emperor Ying looked terrified, but he covered his mouth tightly, his eyes were wide open, and he dared not make any sound.

"Come here!"

Ning Fan waved to the Emperor Ying, and when he came forward, he slapped his crown off with a slap, grabbed his hair and pressed it hard in front of the head of a prince and minister.

"Open your eyes wide and show me clearly."

"This is a human head. If this thing falls from the neck, the person will not be able to survive."

"Do you understand?"

The Emperor Ying was shaking and nodding, and his legs were shaking uncontrollably.

"Your Highness, spare me!"

"I will never dare to do it again."


Ning Fan also nodded slightly and said calmly: "Remember, everything you have is a gift from me. Now you can live well because you are still useful."

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes"

"Have you notified the group of false gods in Takama-ga-hara?"

"Yes" Emperor Ying wanted to refute, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't speak no matter what: "I have notified them, and the Father God and others will come immediately"

"I don't have much time left, wait for them for three days, if I can't see them"

"I will, I will!"

"That's great!"

Ning Fan's face once again showed a harmless smile, and he helped the Emperor Ying up kindly: "Your Majesty, don't be afraid, you are my best friend in Yingzhou."

"I was just joking just now, how could I kill you?"

"As long as you are obedient, I will make you the greatest emperor in the history of Yingzhou!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, thank you, Your Highness!"

The Emperor Ying was already crying with fear, and the hot blood on the ground was still flowing around, but he could not feel any warmth.

"Okay, let the guards outside clean up."

"Give these ministers a decent burial!"


"Your Highness is merciful, I will do it for the ministers!"

"It's the traitors, thank you, Your Highness!"

Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction, picked up the crown that fell on the ground, put it on again, and then left the secret room with Dian Wei.

After such a cleanup, the Emperor Ying was naturally much more honest.

Under the capital

A large number of Yingzhou warriors set up camp outside the city. Zhou Yu stood on the tower, looking at the army formations below, with a slight smile on his face.

"Come here!"


"Pass my order, all the troops prepare for battle!"


Half an hour later, the Yingzhou army's camp had not yet been set up, and shouts of killing were heard from the rear. Zhou Yu's eyes were sharp, the city gate opened, and the warhorse under his crotch neighed.

"All soldiers, follow me to kill!"


The deafening shouts of killing rang out. In the Yingzhou army camp outside the city, Imagawa Shun had just landed and was startled by the sudden shouts of killing before he could summon all the generals.

"Come here!"

"What happened?"

"Report, General, a large army suddenly rushed out from behind our army."

"The Yu army in the capital also suddenly rushed out."


Imagawa Shun's face was full of panic. He didn't expect that the Yu army would be so bold. Not only did they not hide in the city, but they took the initiative to rush out.

"How many soldiers did they bring?"

"I don't know!"


"Pass my order, the whole army will resist the enemy!"

The Dayu navy was not the Chinese army summoned by Ning Fan, but a powerful force recruited from the local area. It rose from Huainan and was good at water battles, but not good at attacking cities.

But don't forget that their leaders are Zhou Yu and Qi Jiguang. Although they have not experienced as many battles as the Qihuo Army and the White Robe Army, their combat power is higher than that of ordinary elites!

Yingzhou has been free of war for many years, and the garrison army in the capital has never seen blood. It can be said that they are a group of rabble.

In addition, they were attacked before they had a firm foothold. The soldiers soon panicked under the attack from both sides.


Bai Qingyu and Qu Linjiang led their own troops and attacked directly from the two wings behind them. The 30,000-strong army attacked the Ying army's camp with high morale.

The rear army was originally a food and fodder camp. Now facing the sudden attack of the two armies, they had no power to resist. In just half an hour, they were killed.

All the food and fodder also fell into the hands of the Yu army.

Zhou Yu commanded the army in the front. Crossbows were pushed forward and aimed at the camp not far away.

"Soldiers, attack!"

A neat square formation rolled towards the Ying army camp, and arrows poured down like a torrential rain.

More than 10,000 soldiers were divided into several military formations, and took turns to bend their bows and shoot arrows.


"Baga Amaterasu"

"Be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor!"

A series of screams rang out, and the warriors in the Ying army camp were completely disorganized and fell directly under waves of arrows.

As the Dayu navy launched a charge, it was like a mountain overturning, running around in all directions.


"Who can tell me where this Yu army behind is coming from!"

"Call the ninjas to stop their charge for me!"

Imagawa Shun stood in the central army camp, looking at the Yu army in full armor, and a chill appeared on his face.

The figures holding crossbows could actually fire arrows continuously without changing the crossbow machine for several times.

And the huge crossbow that flew across the sky could shoot through three or four soldiers with one arrow.

What's more terrifying is that the armor on the Yu army's body cannot be cut by their warriors at all. On the contrary, the samurai swords in the hands of the warriors were easily broken by the long swords and horizontal swords in the hands of the Yu army.


"Is this the so-called Dayu soldiers who are not good at fighting?"

"General, what should we do?"

Imagawa Shun was also confused. This battle could not be fought at all!

Now his camp was attacked from front and back, and he lost his command. Most of his soldiers were in leather armor, while the Yu army was wrapped tightly in cold armor.

The weapons in his hands were like cutting through mud, and the continuous arrows had already made groups of warriors fall down, and there was no way to fight!

"Raise the white flag!"

"Quickly surrender!"

"Quick, they are about to kill the central army."

Imagawa Shun was panicking. If the situation continued, the 100,000-man army would surely be turned into dead souls under the swords of the Yu army in less than an hour.

Soon, the white flag was raised, and Zhou Yu also saw it. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said loudly: "Soldiers, the Ying army raised the white flag. They have no will to fight, and their morale has been lost. Kill them!"

"General, they raised the white flag, didn't they surrender?"

"White flag?"

Zhou Yu slowly narrowed his eyes, bent his bow and drew his arrow, and shot down the white flag in one fell swoop: "Where is the white flag raised? Why didn't I see it?"

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