Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 958 It’s over, the rebellious son is going to rebel!

"What a Li Wenyou, what a deep calculation."

"First sell the two important cities to Hu Nu, then let Lu Bu take back the two important cities with Dayan, and even cause Dayan and Hu Nu to turn against each other!"

"In this way, Beiyan City and Qingcheng are still in our hands, killing three birds with one stone."

Wang Mang looked at Jia Xu with admiration, his face full of appreciation. If he had such a counselor under his command, why would he...

"This plan is not what I planned!"

Li Ru shook his head and said seriously: "This is what Feng Xiao had arranged before he left."

"If it was according to my plan, I would have burned the two cities directly and then gave them to Hu Nu."

"Feng Xiao!"

Xun Yu was also a little surprised, with a bit of regret on his face, recalling the changes in the past. If God could give Feng Xiao another twenty years, why would the world be divided into three parts?

Alas, it's time and fate!

"I don't know how Fengxiao is doing in Xishu."

"My lord, since Fengxiao has already set up the game, this time, we must make full use of it."


Ning Fan also nodded and said softly: "Now, Dayan is preparing to fight on both sides. Our army has heavy troops guarding Changluo, which is enough to stop Dayan's eastward advance."

"The food and grass for the western expedition have long been in place. With the replenishment of Yingzhou, my Dayu can fully afford this battle."

"Fengxiao entered Xishu, probably also wanting to draw Xishu into the game."

"In this way, with Dali, I will hunt Dayan from all directions. Before the beginning of autumn tomorrow, we can destroy Dayan!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, everyone fell into deep thought. If this was said a year ago, perhaps everyone would think that His Highness was a bit aggressive.

But now, with Dayu's national strength, destroying Dayan in a year may not be a fantasy.

"My lord, destroying Dayan is only our first step."

"The key is how to make the people of Dayan return quickly after destroying Dayan. This is the most important thing!"

"After all, we don't have much time left."

"I have already made a preliminary plan for this matter. When the time is right, we will discuss it again."

"Everyone, there is one more thing!"

Ning Fan's face also showed some excitement. He looked around calmly: "I want to change the Imperial College into a school palace, recruit students from all over the world, gather talents from all over the world, and cultivate talents for Dayu!"

"It is also for the unification that is about to be realized. And serve as a talent reserve!"


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Dong Zhongshu also frowned: "My lord, the Imperial College is run by the court. If it is changed to an academy and recruits students from the public, will it affect the operation of our Ministry of Personnel?"

"Besides, the imperial examination system has just been implemented. Is it a bit... "

Ning Fan shook his head slightly, looked at Dong Zhongshu, and said softly: "Gentlemen, follow me out of the hall!"

Zhuge Liang and Xun Yu looked at each other, and both saw the confusion in each other's eyes. What is the meaning of the lord to reform the Imperial College at this time?

"System, please come to the court!"

"Yes, master!"

After a voice sounded in my mind, I saw that the endless river of history suddenly burst into golden light, and a tall figure seemed to come from the end of the long river of time, with eyes like stars, overlooking the countless living beings in the long river.

Ning Fan stood there without saying a word. Everyone seemed to feel a mysterious feeling. Zhuge Liang's eyes suddenly looked towards the direction of the palace and murmured, "How is it possible? The national fortune is shaking!"

"Dian Wei!"


"Hurry up and pass on the order to open the four gates of Yuwang City, the palace gates, and the hall gates. Please bring my father and mother, dress in formal clothes, lead the civil and military officials, and welcome the saint to the court at the east gate!"


When Dian Wei heard the word saint, his body was also shaken suddenly, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face. He immediately ran to the stable, led out a fast horse, and ran straight to the palace.

Zhuge Liang's eyes were also a little shocked. In just a few breaths, Dayu's national fortune doubled compared to before!

"Lord... Lord!"

"I don't know... which saint is here?"

"I don't know!"

Ning Fan also held his breath, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in the golden river in his sea of ​​consciousness. He stared at the figure: "System, which saint is here?"


The palace.

Emperor Yu was playing chess with the queen in the imperial garden. He was very depressed. He was tricked by his own rebellious son. Now he found out that the old minister he trusted for half his life was also the queen's man. Emperor Yu felt that his life was a failure!

However, it doesn't matter!

I still have a trump card!

Emperor Yu secretly cheered himself up in his heart. I am the Great Emperor Yu. How can a little rebellious son and a harem woman guess my methods?

Sooner or later, I will get back at him.

"Your Majesty!"

"It's bad, Your Majesty!"

"Dian Wei... Dian Wei has gone crazy."

Just as Emperor Yu was in a daze, a little eunuch rushed in: "Dian Wei wants to rebel, he broke into the palace, and the imperial guards couldn't stop him!"

Emperor Yu's face suddenly changed, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes. Prince, you finally can't help but take action?

"How many soldiers did he bring?"


The little eunuch was stunned for a moment, counting on his fingers, looking at Emperor Yu: "Your Majesty, is he the only one?"


Emperor Yu widened his eyes. Could it be that he guessed wrong, and it wasn't that rebellious son who wanted to rebel?

The eunuch said anxiously: "Dian Wei rode alone and broke into the palace to meet me. I came to report it immediately after hearing the news!"

"How dare you!"

Emperor Yu was a little angry. It was fine that the rebellious son didn't take me seriously, but now even his subordinates are becoming more and more unruly.

"Hmph, what exactly does Dian Wei want to do?"

"Is he planning a rebellion?"

"Someone come!"

Emperor Yu shouted, but suddenly a bell sounded, and the queen beside him was also startled: "Grand Emperor Bell!"

"The Grand Emperor Bell was rung?"

"Could my guess be true, and that rebellious son really wants to rebel against me?"

"This rebellious son..."

Emperor Yu was a little anxious and angry. He did have some cards that he had not used yet, because with that rebellious son, he didn't need to intervene in the affairs of the country. He had the Black Ice Platform, the Jinyiwei, and Tianqu to deal with the outside world.

There is also a group of elite soldiers under the prince, and the internal situation is very stable. As long as the prince does not rebel, no one can shake his position.

But now...

"What are you talking about?"

The queen looked at Emperor Yu with some displeasure: "If your son wants to rebel against you, why wait until today?"

"The Taihuang Bell has rung six times, let's see what happened?"

"That's right..."

Hearing the queen's reminder, Emperor Yu also exhaled deeply. If it is not a last resort, he really doesn't want the father and son to meet in battle!

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince has issued an order to open the four city gates, and ask the Imperial Guards to open the palace gates and palace gates!"

"General Dian Wei has issued an order for His Highness the Crown Prince, asking His Majesty to bring the Queen and lead the civil and military officials to the city gates to welcome the emperor!"


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