Prince Yong's Mansion.

Ning Fan was sitting at the top, a group of civil and military staff were sitting on both sides, and Jiang Gu was standing in front of him to report.

"Lord, the latest information from the Western Territory is that Da Yan has reorganized the four border armies in the past few months, and even the Xi Yan Army that has been guarding the Western Territory is moving eastward."

"The Beiyan Army's 300,000 troops are approaching Qingcheng."

"The Dongyan Army and the Nanyan Army have a total of 800,000 soldiers and horses, and they are constantly approaching Changluo."

"What a great courage. Emperor Yan has used his secrets!"

"It's time to come..."

Shang Yang's eyes were deep and he murmured: "The great battles in the world are all about the grandeur of the military, the number of soldiers, and the effectiveness of the war!"

"Da Yan, I can't wait any longer."

"It's not just Da Yan. In the Great World War, all countries are preparing their troops. This battle is the battle to determine the fate of the world!"

"My lord, I'm afraid this year won't be a smooth one!"

Ning Fan also nodded slightly, looked around, and landed on Zhuge Liang: "Kong Ming, Mr. Shang, from now on, the government will be responsible for all political affairs, focusing on maintaining stability!"

"After the new year is over, it will be my Dayu's battle to set the tripod. Food, grass, weapons, and logistical supplies must be fully guaranteed to maintain stability in various places!"

"As you command!"

"My lord, the turmoil in the two continents in the east is getting more and more intense now. Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng have been writing frequently, asking the imperial court to send troops!"

"When will Qingzhi return to the DPRK?"

"Back to my lord, it will take more than ten days for General Qingzhi and General Zhang Han to return to the court."

"Let Qingzhi lead the white-robed army into Dongzhou!"


"My lord, Huo Shuai has led his army to Mobei, but how should we arrange the people who have moved from the two places?"

"Since the Battle of Mobei, more than 100,000 of our people in the north have been killed or injured. Move them to the north!"


"As an auxiliary, the Ministry of Household Registration was ordered to manage and register household registration across the country two years ago. It has been two years since the reform in the three provinces, but the specific powers and functions are still not clearly defined in some places."

"You join the Zhongshu Province and take charge of this matter!"

"As you command!"

"Xun Yu, when Qing returns to the court, you can go with him to the east!"

"As you command!"

After the ministers left, Zhuan Zhu came to the main hall of Prince Yong's Mansion quietly and sent a piece of information about Wangxian Mountain.


"Wangxianshan knows about Pingtian Sword Master, and now the major sects in Tianque intend to attack me, Dayu!"

"It is rumored that the Ancient Saint of Immortal Mountain is expected to come in person this time!"

"The ancient saint is one of the three saints of Wangxian Tianque. His strength is far above that of the Pingtian Sword Saint. He has not been out of the mountain for a hundred years. I am afraid that the person who comes this time is not good!"

"What kind of cultivation did the ancient saint have?"

"I don't know!" Zhuan Zhu shook his head solemnly and said in a deep voice: "It is rumored that the ancient sage entered the realm of true destiny a hundred years ago, and now his strength is even more unfathomable!"

"Looking at the entire Wangxian Mountain, its strength is enough to rank among the top five!"


Ning Fan had a look of doubt on his face and asked softly: "Isn't Pingtian one of the three saints of Wangxian Mountain?"

"Is it possible that this person's strength is not among the top five?"


Zhuan Zhu shook his head and explained softly: "Wangxian Mountain is the supreme existence in Wangxian Heavenly Palace, and it is known as the holy land of rivers and lakes in the world!"

"Among the Three Saints of Wangxian, Saint Wangxian is the undisputed most powerful one. It is said that he has lived for hundreds of years and once killed a true master with one palm!"

"And the Ancient Sage is one generation higher than the newly promoted Sword Master Pingtian Sword Master!"

"In addition, each of the eight great immortals of Wangxian Mountain has a level of true destiny. It is even said that the strength of the great immortal is as strong as that of Wangxian Holy Lord!"


Ning Fan smiled and said calmly: "It doesn't matter!"

"Dayu is Gu's territory. No matter who comes, he must kneel down and submit to me!"

"Where's the magic gate?"

"There is also a lot of movement in the Demon Sect. Some time ago, the Demon Sect subverted the political power of a country in the Western Region. The three major believers continued to move eastward. Two of the five demon sects came this time and have entered the territory of my Dayu. Yes, his current whereabouts are unknown!”

"Check it for me!"


"Look at this, the wind is really going to blow!"

"It's the Demon Sect again, and it's Wangxian Mountain again, and it was just set up by the old man from Penglai."

"Kunlun also revolves around me, and he deserves to be the protagonist!"

Ning Fan was a little annoyed and took Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to the back garden to go fishing. Diao Chan had been living in the pavilion and didn't seem to like to show up. Cai Yan had also been reclusive recently and didn't know what he was busy with.

"Sir, there is something that I don't know whether to talk about or not!"


"My lord, Sister Wenji seems to be pregnant!"


Ning Fan's face showed a look of ecstasy. Now that the empress had given birth to a destined son, there had been no movement from the family members.

She even once doubted whether the dog system had done something, but she didn't expect that Cai Yan was pregnant first.

"They should be inseparable."

"Sister Cai has had a poor appetite these past two days. She likes to eat sour food and has been sleeping for a long time."

"Let's go and take a look."

Ning Fan immediately stood up and walked towards the attic where Cai Yan was.

In the past six months, he has been traveling abroad, and he has neglected the beauties. He spends less and less time with them, and feels a little more guilty in his heart!

In the attic.

Cai Yan sat in front of the window, stroking his lower abdomen with a gentle look on his face.

She did not invite the doctor because her belly was already slightly bulging.


Ning Fan stood in front of the attic, looked at the figure in front of the window, and shouted softly. Cai Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he turned around with excitement. In just a few breaths, he rushed to Ning Fan.


"What are you doing in such a hurry, and you're not afraid of falling?"

"It doesn't matter!"

Cai Yan had a shy look on his face and gently leaned his head on Ning Fan's arms: "I miss you!"

"Why don't you send someone to call me if you miss me?"

"Now that you are the crown prince, you are responsible for the rise and fall of our country, Yu. How can I delay your affairs for my own selfish reasons?"


Ning Fan stroked Cai Yan's hair and whispered, "Could it be that Dayu can't change his mind if he leaves me?"

"Let's go up and sit down!"


The two walked to the second floor of the attic together. Although it has entered the cold winter, the people in Prince Yong's Mansion and even the entire capital have already used stoves. The sun is warm today, it is noon, and it is not too cool.

Ning Fan looked at Cai Yan's belly and felt happy: "Are you really pregnant?"


"Okay, I will send someone to Jiangnan to propose marriage in a few days!"

"I will bring my father-in-law and mother-in-law to the capital to stay for a few days later."


Ning Fan directly blocked Cai Yan's mouth: "It doesn't matter, I have already made arrangements."

"Thank you, sir!"

"I wonder how sister Yao Ji is doing. Will she be in danger?"

Ning Fan also thought of the situation in Nanman and shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, she has many experts protecting her, no one can hurt her!"


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