Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 968: Early morning, five legions are set up!

The next day, morning.

Today's morning meeting, the Prince's Mansion's motorcade was very long, with six carriages in total.

Ning Fan, Zhang Juzheng, Wang Anshi, Xiao He, Han Shizhong, Chen Ping.

Carriage after carriage, escorted by the guards of Prince Yong's Mansion, drove into the palace city.

"See His Highness the Crown Prince."

When the etiquette officer saw Ning Fan coming with a group of people, he had a look of surprise on his face. His Highness the Crown Prince brought so many people to court today. Could he be causing trouble again?

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Everyone is safe!"

At the beginning of the morning court, Emperor Yu sat steadily on the dragon chair, looking down at the ministers below.

"If there is something going on, go ahead, if there is nothing going on, leave the court!"

Ji Sui, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, was the first to come out: "Your Majesty, I have a plan to report!"


"Your Majesty, in this great year, I, Dayu, want to take charge of the heavenly weapon. However, the border armies in all four directions are no longer at war. At the beginning of spring next year, we will fight against Dayan Kingdom!"

"I ask your Majesty to change the border troops in the four borders!"

As soon as Ji Sui finished speaking, Ning Fan also glanced at Zhuge Liang and others. It was obvious that these people had passed the Qi'er in advance.

Emperor Yu also fell into deep thought, and then looked at Zhuge Liang and others: "What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I think what Master Ji said makes sense."

"Today, I am the frontier army of Dayu..."

So one by one, the ministers came out to second the proposal. Finally, Emperor Yu looked at the prince, with a hint of realization on his face. If the ministers could work together to do something like this, it must be this treacherous son who was behind it.

"I wonder, Lord Ji, how to change the military system?"

"His Majesty!"

Zhuge Liang stepped forward slightly and said softly: "I suggest that we set up a main army for conquest!"

"I second the proposal!"

Li Yan also had a look of surprise on his face as he watched the officials from Prince Yong's Mansion talk to each other and introduce all the contents of the military reform in just a few moments.

Looking at the past dynasties, the military system has never been so integrated. As a result, Dayu's military system will become a system with the major legions as the main body, the border troops as the supplement, and the local county military units and soldiers at the grassroots level.

The royal guards and patrol battalions in the imperial city formed their own system.

But in this case, how many legions would Dayu have to set up, and how many soldiers and horses would he have to support?

When talking about this matter, everyone also looked at Ning Fan. I am afraid that only His Highness the Crown Prince can make a decision on this matter, not even His Majesty.

"Father, my son and I think that there will be five legions!"

"A total of 1.8 million troops and horses."


Emperor Yu's eyes widened. There were 1.8 million soldiers and horses, including cavalry, heavy infantry and heavy crossbowmen. How much money would this cost?

"Your Highness, 1.8 million troops and horses, isn't it a bit too much?"

"Yes, your highness, the population of Dayan's territory is several times that of my Dayu, and it can only support an army of millions!"

“I, Dayu’s treasury, cannot afford it at all!

Listening to everyone's words, Ning Fan shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "The population of Dayan is several times that of my Dayu. There is no need to mention such remarks in the future."

"Today, I will tell you all the details."

"The land of Donghuai has been completely included in the territory of my Dayu. The land of Dongying, the country of Nanman, and the Guanshan Mountains are all under my actual control. Therefore, my current territory is larger than that of Dayu. Yan, just a little more!”

"As for whether we can support him, I will first allocate tens of millions of taels of silver from Huainan to the imperial court, and then Japan, Mobei, and Nanman will provide supplies. I, Yu the Great, have a granary in Guanshan, with potatoes and sweet potatoes, and vassal states in all four directions!"

"How can we not support an army of only 1.8 million people?"

After Ning Fan's words, the courtiers suddenly became silent, and many people still looked worried. Normal soldiers need to be raised by five families, and if it is heavy cavalry, it is several times more than ordinary soldiers!

Is Dayu really good?

"Prince, have you considered this carefully?"

"Go back to my father, I will consider it carefully. All five legions are indispensable!"

"In that case, let's play!"

Emperor Yu waved his hand, and Ning Fan glanced at Zhuge Liang, who nodded slightly: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness has drawn up a plan to integrate the army!"

"Your Majesty, please take a look!"

So Wei Ying presented the document and read loudly:

From now on, I, the Dayu, will integrate the four frontier armies and establish five main legions to open up territory for me, the Dayu, and fight in the north and south! "

"First, the Great Qin Army. The commander is Bai Qi. The deputy commanders are Meng Tian and Zhang Han. The military advisor is to be decided. Qin Rui Shi will be included in it. The full number will be 300,000!"

"Second, the Han Army, with its commander Huo Qubing, deputy commanders Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and military advisor Chen Ping, will have one hundred thousand Han cavalry trapped in the camp, along with white horse followers, euphorbia warriors, and tiger and leopard cavalry. The total number will be three hundred thousand! "

"Third, the Tang Dynasty Army. The commander is Li Jing. The deputy commanders are Xue Li and Qin Qiong. The military advisor is to be determined. The Xuanjia Army and the Modao Army will be included in it, with a total strength of 300,000!"

"The fourth is the Great Song Army. The commander is Yue Fei. The deputy commanders are Yang Zaixing and Han Shizhong. The military advisor is to be determined. The Beiwei Army, the Yuejia Army, and the White Robe Army will be included in it, with a total strength of 300,000!"

"The fifth one is the Huaxia Army. The commander is Wu Qi. The deputy commanders are Chen Qingzhi, Ran Min, and Li Yan. Wei Wuzu and the begging army have been organized into it, with a full strength of 500,000!"

"Except for the five major legions, there are no border troops in the east. The border defense is under the unified jurisdiction of the Yingzhou Protectorate."

"The northern border army has a standing army of fifty thousand, and its commander is Lan Yu!"

"Southern border troops remain unchanged."

"There are 10,000 standing soldiers at the state level, 3,000 at the county level, and 500 at the county level!"

As soon as Wei Ying finished speaking, the ministers were in an uproar again. His Highness not only thought of the names of the various legions, but he had even... arranged the commanders?

He really... I cried to death.

This time, the civil and military officials in the court once again deeply realized whose will was the most important in this court!

His Majesty was offended, but His Highness the Crown Prince...

Emperor Yu also frowned slightly. Is this rebellious son so presumptuous now?

Such a big thing, he didn't even discuss it with him?

In addition, the five major legions are the main force of Dayu in the future. It can be said that they involve the stability of the dynasty, but why did a few unknown people sneak in?

Who is Meng Tian?

Who is Han Shizhong?

Who is Wu Qi?

And who is Chen Ping, the military advisor of the Han Army?

Emperor Yu was puzzled, but he did not ask directly. However, the Minister of War Ji Sui stood up with a frown: "Your Highness, who is this Meng Tian, ​​and why can he lead an army alone?"

"Good question!"

Ning Fan smiled and said softly: "Meng Tian is a general under my command. He has never led an army, but his attainments in military tactics are beyond the reach of Qin Qiong and Ran Min!"

"Looking around the world, few people can match him!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Ji Sui nodded silently. He still did not doubt the vision of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. After all, all the talents recommended by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are now in important positions!

"What about Han Shizhong?"

"General Han is a versatile person and a close friend of General Yue. The two have been partners for many years!"



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