Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 970 Lin Qiushi: Prince, you are not a human being!

However, the eyes of the six ministers and the important officials under Zhongshu's sect were bright. Don't these cabinet ministers, combined together, have the power of the prime minister?

Although the power has been divided, a lot of positions have been freed up!

If they could move their butts forward a little further and join the cabinet, wouldn't it be a step forward?

Lin Qiushi also fell into silence, frowning slightly.

"Prince, I, the Great Yu, now have Zhongshu administration, is it necessary to establish a cabinet?"

"Father, I think it is necessary, and very necessary!"

Ning Fan's attitude was very resolute, and he first looked at Lin Qiushi: "I wonder what Mr. Lin thinks?"

Lin Qiushi was about to speak when he heard Ning Fan say: "I believe that Prime Minister Lin is mature, prudent, and far-sighted. He has worked hard for Yu the Great for decades, and he should be the chief assistant of the cabinet!"


Lin Qiushi, who was about to open his mouth to refute, obediently kept his mouth shut. After all, although he now holds the position of Secretary of the Central Committee, his power has actually been divided a lot.

Although he has the title of Prime Minister, he does not have the power of Prime Minister.

Now that the cabinet has been established, although several new people have come in to share his power, if he can take the position of chief minister of the cabinet, he will undoubtedly regain his position as the first brother of the court official!

Therefore, he has no reason to refuse!

On the contrary, if he really intends to stop it, with the current situation in the DPRK, can he stop it?

If he really breaks up with His Highness the Crown Prince, can he still die in peace?

After all, there are a lot of old scores that can be settled!

"What does Mr. Lin think?"

Emperor Yu did not express his attitude clearly, but looked at Lin Qiushi.

Lin Qiushi was asked by Emperor Yu and had to stand up: "Your Majesty, I think your Highness's move is very appropriate, but I am already old and I am afraid I am not able to hold the position of chief assistant!"

When Emperor Yu heard this, he instantly understood what Lin Qiushi meant and nodded slightly: "In that case, a cabinet is allowed to be established. Prince, since you proposed the establishment of the cabinet, there must be regulations!"

Emperor Yu only knew the framework of the cabinet, but how to administer administration, how to divide power, and how to consolidate power to the emperor was a big problem!

This is also the key.

After all, if power cannot return to the emperor in the end, is there still a place for the emperor to speak in the court?

"Father, I have already planned the administration of the cabinet!"

"Father, please take a look!"

Ning Fan presented the memorial written by Zhang Juzheng in advance. When the Ming Dynasty established a cabinet and abolished the Central Secretariat, Ning Fan, Zhang Juzheng and others discussed it and did not copy it.

After all, the functions and powers of the Zhongshu Ministry of Education largely overlap with those of the cabinet, and the administrative mechanism has just been established.

Now, if the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is directly abolished, the interests of many middle-level officials will inevitably be affected, and the resistance to implementation will also become greater.

And by setting up a cabinet in Zhongshu, the weight of the cabinet can be gradually increased in the future, and then the subordinates can check and balance it!


After Emperor Yu saw the complete system of the cabinet, his face showed a bit of satisfaction: "Yes!"

"In this case, from now on, the Prince's Office and Zhongshu Province will be responsible for the formation of the cabinet!"

"This position of chief assistant will be held by Prime Minister Lin!"

As soon as Emperor Yu finished speaking, Lin Qiushi's face also showed a hint of joy. He was about to thank him when he heard Ning Fan say: "Father, just now Prime Minister Lin also said that he is old and lacks energy, so he may not be qualified to serve as the chief minister of the cabinet. s position!"

"I think you might as well choose someone else?"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Emperor Yu was also stunned for a moment. Lin Qiushi was stunned for a moment and looked at the prince with a puzzled face.

Seeing the incredible smile on Lin Qiushi's face, Ning Fan held Lin Qiushi's withered hands cordially: "Xiang Lin, I know that you are indeed a little tired from traveling and traveling with Hu Nu this time. At your age, It stands to reason that he should have retired a long time ago.”

"But now, I, Dayu, am in the middle of a battle for destiny. I still need you to be the center of the court. Since you are not willing to be the chief assistant, I won't force it."

"However, you must not turn down the assistant position this time!"

"Your Highness, you..."

Lin Qiushi trembled with excitement, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart, "Prince Dog, do you understand politics?"

What about tacit understanding?

If you hadn't promised me the position of chief assistant, how could I have agreed to the establishment?

Do you know what three concessions and three resignations mean?

I just declined, you are actually planning to let me retire and return to my hometown?

You little beast, you bastard, you simply don’t treat me as a human being!

"Prime Minister Lin, there is no need to get excited. With your qualifications, you are more than qualified for the position of secondary assistant. Don't refuse anymore!"

"Old minister..." Lin Qiushi was trembling with anger and held Ning Fan's hand tightly: "Old minister, thank you, Your Highness!"

"Look how excited Lin Xiang is, there is no need to be excited!"

"Father, since Prime Minister Lin has been appointed as the second assistant, I think that the position of first assistant should be held by Zhang Juzheng!"

"Zhang Juzheng?"

Emperor Yu had some confusion on his face. Where did this white body come from?

"Your Highness, who is this person? How can he be worthy of the position of chief minister?"


Ning Fan smiled and said softly: "This cabinet system was proposed by this person. Zhang Juzheng has the qualifications to be a prime minister and is enough to assume the position of chief minister!"

Lin Qiushi snorted, walked out of the queue, and glanced at Ning Fan provocatively: "Your Highness, I think that Zhang Juzheng, a mere unknown, is not qualified to serve as the chief minister of the cabinet!"

"If Your Highness appoints me by force, I'm afraid it will be difficult to follow the crowd!"


Ning Fan nodded and asked with a smile: "Minister Lin's words make sense. Since Zhang Juzheng is still young, let him serve as a university scholar. What do you think?"


Lin Qiushi still shook his head and said softly: "There is a set of rules for the promotion of officials in Dayu. If a mere white-clothed person jumps to the second rank in one step, I'm afraid that people in the world will laugh at Dayu!"

"Yes, there is some truth!"

"Since Minister Lin still doubts Zhang Juzheng, why not let him be promoted for the time being? Zhang Juzheng and Xiao He will serve as Grand Secretaries for a month on probation. If they are not competent, they will be expelled from the court and will never be employed again!"

"After all, this is a special period. I, Dayu, have always been open to talents!"

"I will make an exception!"

"Besides, although Zhang Juzheng and Xiao He are commoners, they have been studying under Master Meng before they entered the government!"

Hearing Ning Fan's last sentence, Lin Qiushi was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who is Master Meng?"

"I, Dayu, am a saint!"


Lin Qiushi was speechless. Why did he feel that everything had changed after he left the court for a few months?

No wonder His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not stop His Majesty from conferring the title just now. It turned out that he was waiting here.

"In that case, this old minister has nothing to say!"

"Well, just now Prime Minister Lin said that the two of them were not qualified enough, so why not let Kong Ming take the position of the Prime Minister?"


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